Fatigue and how many days a week to exercise?

Hey MFP folks,

I had a question/thought and hoped to get feedback.

I have been exercising 6 days a week, for 40 minutes (10 for weights and 30 at cardio). Additionally, I'm a single mom (truly single-- my kids don't go over to another parent's ever), and work a fairly stressful hospital job for 9 hours/day + commute. I'm usually on the tired side and frankly exercise has usually helped with that.

I'm up at 3:45 (I know, crazy) and I mess around online for about 45 minutes then start my day. These last few weeks I have been unable too get over the tiredness and I suspect it's the exercise and that it isn't currently energizing (on top of everything else). I have these questions:

1) will it begin to energize me again once I'm "used" to this amount? and
2) is 5 days a week enough? What do folks think?




  • Natalie0506
    Natalie0506 Posts: 163
    When I workout, it gives me energy. Not all day long, but for a while after I'm done. After a few hours, I'm usually exhausted. But that's just how my body reacts to it. As for how many days, I try to be active 7 days a week. On the day that's supposed to be my off day, I'll do something super light like Wii Fit or walking. But I can't just not work out. That's how I stop working out completely. You just have to figure out what works for you!
  • GigglesLovesLife77
    I have to work out 7 days a week about 30 mins a day. It gives me energy and yes I am tired, but I sleep like a baby now. Before I had trouble sleeping and now I do not. I think exercising has helped me more than hurt me. If I stop exercising for a day, I will stop, this helps your body adjust more to the exercising. I am use to it by now, been doing it since December 19, 2010. If you want some helpful hints about exercising and dieting, check my blog out!
  • SOH2000
    SOH2000 Posts: 1 Member
    I have a similar schedule as you and was very tired at work yesterday -- I'm in the middle of a big project and can't afford any days when I'm not alert. I am taking a rest day today (going to do some yoga in a bit) and maybe do a 15m walk at lunch.

    I was wondering how long you've been on this exercise schedule? Have you had a rest week or at least a few days? Maybe this will help reenergize you a bit.
  • debbiequack
    debbiequack Posts: 275 Member
    Thanks for all the tips.

    I have been doing this particular regimen for only maybe 5 weeks? Before that I was exercising for 25 amin, 5X/week. I've been steadily increasing for the last two years. I have never given myself a week off (too afraid of getting back into it).

    I understand the fatigue at work- my problem is that I can work tired, but coming home to my son, I have very little left for the poor kid.

    I think if I take another day off I will do like others have mentioned and really just scale it back (maybe 10 min of yoga plus walking the dog) rather than being completely sedentary.
