Post pregnancy pooch - HELP!!

For the last 2 years I have been trying to get rid of the "pooch" that I ended up with since having my son.
I have been doing pilates, core strengthing, sucking it all in when I'm walking and nothing seems to get rid of the dreaded pooch.

Short of going under the knife I am out of ideas how to get rid of it.
It is unslightly and it makes it hard to find clothes that fir properly.
I have googled it and all that I can find is topics on core strengthing which is what I have been doing.

Is there anyone out there who has had the "pooch" and been able to get rid of it????
I would love to know your secrets :)


  • lulu1962
    lulu1962 Posts: 210
    After having 4 children, I think my "pooch" is here to stay! If you find a way of actually getting rid of this "flub" let me know!!!:ohwell:
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    I got rid of mine! However I only have one child I hasten to add.

    It took me six months of solid cardio and calorie counting. The cardio reduced the fat in the area and now I do lots of strength training to tone up the area.

    Alas, the stretch marks remain...
  • jaia07
    jaia07 Posts: 22
    Ive been doing cardio, calorie restriction, and p90x. Try downloading the p90x Ab Ripper X.
  • lily1972
    lily1972 Posts: 375 Member
    Well... it depends a lot on your skin's elasticity...:ohwell: But as you lose your extra pounds and work your abdominals (the "pooch" lays mainly over your lower abs and part of your obliques), you will become trim there too. :drinker: When I was told that as women, bread (especially wheat), pasta and potatoes make our middle sections swell, I was extremely skeptical... until I tried avoiding them at least during the week! I am shocked to see the difference. I have also increased my protein and fiber intakes and the soft "love handles" I developed trying to lose weight between my pregnancies did not reappear!
    Good luck! And congratulations on your new baby! :flowerforyou:
  • Stacivogue
    Stacivogue Posts: 325 Member
    So, did anything work? Mine is small enough now to fit into my underwear, but it's still there, mocking me.