Hi. New here!

Hi all, I'm Pip, I'm 21 & I'm from Lancashire.

I've been using MyFitnessPal for about... two days? Monday, I did great, Tuesday... not so good.

I have a terrible habit of binge eating. When I'm happy, sad, angry... for any occasion(!) I'll end up stuffing my face. I'm waiting to be seen about this problem but in the mean-time I want to try & help myself. Normally if I fail (if I've eaten tonnes), I just give up. But today I've woken up & told myself it's a new day, everyone makes mistakes... so I'm gonna try again.

I'm a big girl. I'm a size 18/20. I'd prefer to be 16/18. I've always been around that size & I've been pretty comfortable. I'm currently 15st5. The heaviest I've ever been. I want to get back down to around 13st. I know that's still big to some people, but it's where I'm comfortable. I'm happy being "cuddly", just not this cuddly! : )

It's my engagement party in June. Very close I know. Even if I just lose a little, I'll be happy!

It's taken me a lot to push myself & finally talk about myself. Especially my weight! I'm just here to look for a little bit of support & help.

Thanks : )


  • rljohnson11
    HI and welcome! You've come to the right place for support with weight loss! This site is great! If you need some friends, you can add me if you want.
    Good luck!
  • Rainbow_Brite86

    I am Dominique!!

    You'll love it here, and I had the same problems as you :(

    But I have gotten way better than 4 months ago. Hugs.
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    I love this site, I think you will to! Add me as a friend, if you'd like! :)
  • StacyD015
    StacyD015 Posts: 62 Member
    Hi, I just joined appox 1 week ago. Im from glasgow. I too am bt size 18 weigh 16st and want to get back to 10st!!!

    The ppl here are gr8 and really motivate u... having good or bad days. So add as many as u can im here if u need a chat.

    Good Luck on your Journey!

    Stacy :bigsmile:
  • lhs712
    lhs712 Posts: 10
    Hello and welcome to MFP. I have been very large for a long time and the weight is coming off at a snails pace. Yet I find encouragement and motivation here and you will too. I am a size 22 and very unhappy about it. I want to get down eventually to a 9/10 but that will take a while. Congrats on your upcoming marriage. I hope that you reach your goal and I wish you lots of good luck. I joined back in January of this year.

  • HeatherMarie1174
    Welcome!! I, too, have suffered from the same problem, but am getting better. There will be days you falter, but the key is to not dwell on it and start the new day with a new beginning. "Don't dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next."

    There is a ton of support on here as well, which helps tremendously!
  • abbie017
    abbie017 Posts: 410
    Hi! I just started on Monday as well, and I'm loving this so far. Feel free to add me if you want some mutual support - I struggle with over-eating as well, and especially with bored-eating! I'm trying to find new ways of occupying my time instead of eating (I put dumbbells next to my couch so I can grab those instead of chips!)

    You're right when you say everyone makes mistakes, and everyone has rough days. Just make sure to learn from those mistakes, alter some behavior, and keep getting back on the horse every day!
  • wolsteem
    wolsteem Posts: 17
    Welcome to MFP. I too am from Lancashire and have been on the site for a month. I have found plenty of support and motivation from others, which has kept me focused about getting to my target.
    Feel free to add me as a friend too if you want.
  • Superdupermom
    hey you can add me! I like being alittle cuddly too LOL
  • efalcon1
    efalcon1 Posts: 52
    Hi, I wish you all the luck. You will reach your goal, especially with all the support and motivation you will get from the wonderful people on here! I'm also from the uk, I've gone from a size 16 to a 12 and my aim is size 10 - never bothered with that aim as didn't expect to get this far!

    Elina x
  • Pippo_B
    Pippo_B Posts: 2
    Wow. Thank you all for the kind welcome!

    : D xx