
pie_muncher Posts: 5
edited September 26 in Food and Nutrition
I find it hard to believe that each coffee with a little semi-skimmed milk and 1 teaspoon of sugar is 50 something calories but thats beside the point!

Would the majority of these be from the milk?

I'm desperately trying to cut down on the little things that I don't need, but one thing I do need is a few coffees a day with sugar....




  • keljo05
    keljo05 Posts: 173
    are you measuring the milk? it can definitely add up in calories, especially with a tsp of sugar which is about 16 calories.
  • hmm good point! No I'm not measuring it, thinking about it I could drink coffee without milk without a problem, I think its actually just a habit!

    There was a time when I was drinking probably 10 cups a day, thats like a whole meal! Does anyone have any tips on how to slowly wean yourself off of sugar in your drinks? The problem is I quite like it....
  • Zombriana
    Zombriana Posts: 764 Member
    I use the coffeemate skinny's. 1T is 30 calories.
    I've just gotten used to not having my coffee so sweet.
  • mbeach1977
    mbeach1977 Posts: 275 Member
    I use coffemate skinny as well. Also, I have found the Dunkin Donuts Strawberry shortcake coffee, I drink that black, I LOVE the smell and flavor and don't need anything in it! But every other coffee I drink with flavored creamer. I've also cut back to 1 cup a day from about 3-4.
  • Tiggermummy
    Tiggermummy Posts: 312 Member
    I think I just started by cutting down how much sugar I had.

    I used to drink any hot drink with 2 sugars - then aged 14 I decided to stop.

    I gave up drinking tea as I just could not get on without any sugar. I will if I am stuck somewhere and it is the only option have a sweetner or half a sugar to make it drinkable.

    coffee - I think for ages I stuck to one sugar and then once I realised I'd got used to it, I cut it back to half, then lots of people wouldn't remember to give me the half - now i detest coffee with sugar in it, I have very little sense of smell haven't had it for years, but I can smell if coffee has sugar in it. Weird!

    Good luck - i gave up drinking the cafinated stuff almost 5 years ago now, and that was hard work!
  • rurukidoo
    rurukidoo Posts: 54
    Maybe try going from sugar to something like Agave nectar and weaning yourself from there? I found that it is really sweet so I could cut it down pretty easily.

    I also used to have at least 10 cups a day, now I have 1-2 in the morning and just generally water for the rest of the day.
  • hgellings
    hgellings Posts: 295 Member
    Sometimes I use splenda or truvia in my coffee. An 8oz cup of black coffee is only 2-5 calories.
  • aamb
    aamb Posts: 377 Member
    i can't drink instant coffee so usually drink black tea with a slice of lemon and 1 sweetner... if i do have coffee it has to be 'proper' made in the caffetier and i have half a spoon of brown sugar
    if i have tea with milk.. i have no sweetner... strange
  • Tell me about it!

    Its only when I moved to this office that I started drinking stupid amounts, as sad as it sounds, I think it started off as boredom! At work, getting up to make a coffee is a little bit of excitement amidst all the boredom lol

    But now out of habit I drink lots of the stuff and feel all irritable if I havent had any!

    Seems strange, because I've never smoked, drink very very rarely but have an addiction to a stupid hot drink...

    Such is life..
  • agataarchangel
    agataarchangel Posts: 292 Member
    Mmm, I love my coffee as well. I feel ya!

    I use those Splenda Coffee flavors (vanilla or hazelnut) and they're about 10 calories each. They add sweetness and flavour to your cuppa joe.

    Also, the light coffee mates are great, or about 1/3 cup of 1% milk does the trick for me (in addition to the Splenda)....and you get your calcium fix!
  • alexbowser
    alexbowser Posts: 322
    I'm in love with Skinny Vanilla Lattes, but I only have them a few times a week. As for regular coffee, I usually just use a packet of splenda and a little milk.
  • Lazer3
    Lazer3 Posts: 3
    Like so many other things we all love and know we have to get rid of/quit, you have to commit to yourself that you just FLAT OUT can't do it anymore. Right? Right.
    I lived in Italy for two years, and after my first black coffee, I just knew I would always have to have sugar...TONS of sugar!! 6 years later, I was still adding sugar to my 2-3 coffees a day. Amazingly enough, just 2 weeks ago, I sat down and seriously thought about it. Recently, my fitness goals have changed and I've really wanted to cut out the sweets. I was having 2-3 coffees a day, sometimes more depending on if I was out and about or not, and decided the zucchero (Italian for sugar) had to go! I've slowly put less and less in my cups, and am now (only 2 weeks later) having a coffee with only milk. It's not so bad.
    Having coffee with just milk, is NOT bad for you. Skim or 1% fat will not kill, but have you ever tried Soy? Soy has a natural sweeter taste than plain old milk, and actually is nicer to your tummy. Just remember that Equal, Splenda and other artificial sweeteners aren't a healthy alternative. Those go straight to your tummy!!
    Ween yourself off...don't give in!!! ps. GOOD LUCK!
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    I can not go a day with out my coffe I love it! and I too use flavored cream but I also use splenda !
  • chrisyoung0422
    chrisyoung0422 Posts: 426 Member
    I use the coffeemate skinny's. 1T is 30 calories.
    I've just gotten used to not having my coffee so sweet.

    I have not seen these coffee mate skinny's yet but will look when I go shopping this weekend.

    I currently use International delights carmel machiotto (word butcher alert!). That is about 35 a serving and seems to be doing the trick as I add 1 serv to about 16 oz of coffee.
  • Bootzey
    Bootzey Posts: 274 Member
    BLACK COFFEE---- No sugar no cream! = 0 calories
  • Lou05
    Lou05 Posts: 66 Member
    love my coffee here to as for the sugar i just stopped all together one day, took bit of time to get use to it. now if some one puts sugar in my coffee i really dont like it
  • tcarlson78
    tcarlson78 Posts: 5 Member
    I too need my cup of coffee in the AM and make it at home. If work is dragging in the afternoon I may get a another cup, mostly for some time away from the desk.
    I worked in 24/7 offices for years and the coffee they had was consistantly nasty and it boiled down to bad ingredients and bad brewing. I would suggest that if you want to cut back go out and find a local or regional coffee roaster and try their freshly roasted coffee in various levels of roast so you can taste the difference and find one that has a flavor profile that you like and you don't need to add sugar or milk to it. As a treat get a flavored coffee from the same roaster.

    Get whole bean and grind them at home, store the beans in a dark air tight containter NOT in the freezer. If your water is not optimal consider using filtered water from a jug and clean the coffeemaker.

    It may sound expensive but the quality of your coffee will go up, as will satisfaction and overall cost should drop because your not stopping to get an expensive coffee drink (both in $$ and calories) to get your fix.
  • Life is too short to drink bad coffee! ;)

    The main reason why people load up with cream & sugar, is because the coffee that they are drinking is bitter and stale. I agree 100%, that if you can find a local roaster you should give them a try. You'll probably be amazed at the difference between fresh roasted coffee and what you buy at the supermarket or get from your local chain coffee shop. Once coffee is roasted, it gets stale within a few days. It doesn't matter if it is vacuum sealed, canned, or frozen. Think about how long that can has been sitting on the shelf at the store.
    Of course, even better than finding a local roaster, is roasting your coffee yourself! It is really easy, and doesn't cost a lot to get yourself started. I have been roasting my own coffee for a few years now, and would be more than happy to offer advice if anybody is interested.
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