

I am new on this site. I am overweight and determined to lose all the extras. From what i have read and seen
here it looks like i will finally be able to get to my goal weight with all the support and advice that is out here.
Thanks MFP for the site.


  • elifefull
    elifefull Posts: 46
    Well welcome! This is a great site with great support from people all over the world, be sure to add me as a friend.
  • mommag32
    mommag32 Posts: 2
    Hi, have been trialing a couple of sites but find this one has the information I am looking for. Started my weight loss journey end of December by giving up as much sugar as possible then found a site in Feb, so since Dec have shed 15 lbs which I am proud of considering I'm in my early 50s. My motivation is my sister, kids and grandkids.
  • 145Karen
    145Karen Posts: 80 Member
    Welcome! I am also pretty new! This place is awesome for support and inspiration! Good luck on your journey!