Older men?

I'm an older man (60) on this weight loss journey. (CW:209.GW:170) Until 5 years ago, I was able to exercise daily and eat reasonable without effort and maintain a healthy weight. In fact, I didn't really 'diet' or 'exercise' even though I was at the gym every morning. I ate the same foods as now and did the same gym routine as now. Of course I was a heavy smoker so now I have COPD and I had a triple by-pass following several heart attacks Problem? I've gained 40 pounds. It must be that all of my previous gym time gave me a little longer before the major health problems set in. I realize my previous life style has contributed to my health issues. However, going forward I'd like to be healthier. I've stopped smoking and never touch alcohol anymore.

I started late last summer (I was very tired of being tired and looking sloppy in my BIG shorts and oversized shirts) to exercise again. Daily I would ride my bike at a local forest preserve or I'd skate (in-line) at the same place for at least an hour. When winter came, I switched to indoor gym on the treadmill (I walk briskly since I have no cartilage remaining in my knees) and I do the elliptical: at least an hour combined. I've also started swimming and running in the pool for 20 minutes daily.
So...even though I do all of this, I'm still struggling with my weight. I've lost a total of 6 pounds since last August (08/2010). I'd like to kick up the weight loss but I'm at a loss as to how to do it.

I've started entering my foods here even though I've kept a food diary for some time. I will say I see the caloric numbers on this site are different than my own numbers. Possibly because it's easier here to know the caloric values of foods. I also tend to over eat. My body doesn't say 'stop'. Instead, it says "WOW, this food tastes so good, let's have more..." And the other thing, I'm always thinking about food: WHEN can I eat next?...WHAT will I have?... HOW MUCH can I have?.. WHEN is the next meal?...

As you can see, I've got a lot of issues to work on while I"m on this weight loss journey. Any advise, suggestions and support is greatly appreciated. And lastly, I'm fully aware that this is a life-long journey. I don't expect a quick fix and I'm glad I like to exercise and work out. It makes me feel better and the day just isn't right unless I do. Your thoughts, opinions and suggestions are welcome as is your support.


  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    Well, considering you have COPD it is probably alot harder for you to breath. And the fact that you have had triple by-pass surgery well you probably not really allowed to do a whole lot of vigerous exersises. Good thing is that you stay active, the bad thing is that you eat too much.

    What are you eating typically? Are you eating good, clean foods? Or are you eating foods that will cause you to want more?

    Do you eat foods with alot of fiber to keep you full? Are you drinking enough water to help cut down on craving food? Try this: 30 minutes before your next meal eat a low sodium, "healthy based" soup and drink 8 ounces of water with it. Then once you eat your "king sized meal" you wont want to eat the whole thing. So that'll save you on calories right there since most soups are low calorie based.

    Are you avoiding alot of carbs????????????????? Carbs leave you feeling hungry.... I can eat 4 servings of spaghetti easily and still want MORE!!!!!! Yup, bc carbs become broken down as sugars in your body and leaves you feeling hungry.... Need more, nom nom nom!!! Yea, FOREAL!!!!!!!

    Aim for about 100 grams of carbs a day.

    Next Protein: Are you eating enough protein? Yea, you're a man but are you eatin protein with every meal??? Not the red meat or bacon either. I am talkin bout are you gettin your fish, chicken, extra lean beef, turkey, eggs and other good sources of protein?

    And how bout them fruits and veggies???? Are you feeling up on them??? Yea, yea, I know men don't eat salads they ain't rabbits but what about a couple of carrots or some celery with pb???

    Oh and what about how many times a day are you eating??? 4 to 5 small meals a day??? with your breakfast being the biggest meal of the day???

    I hope I can be of some help :)
  • BriefTales
    BriefTales Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you for your post/reply. You offer some great advise and I will certainly take it to heart. I like the water / soup idea and will incorporate that into my plan. I'm really not a meat eater... except for hamburgers but I've actually cut them down so much that I can't remember when I had one last and I don't do fast food. Sodium is not my friend. Especially now. I watch sodium like a hawk watchs a mouse in the dessert! It causes me to swell (my fingers expecially). I guess if I'm going to have noticeable adverse effects from salt, it's good to have it in my face (hands) so I have the reminder to not do it.

    So...I'm going to try to incorporate all of your suggests. For the record though, I do aerobic exercise just like the next guy. Yes, breathing is not as easy but if I use my inhaler(s) I can get into a breathing pattern and can get my heart rate into my target zone and I can keep it there for a long time (60 minutes or more).

    What I've learned here in my short time on the MFP is that diet is what dictates the weight and that exercise shapes the pounds we carry. At least that's what I'm gathering and in my own case, I'm thinking that's true.

    OK.. got to run. Again, thanks for sharing.