thoughts on 100 calorie snacks???



  • sh0ck
    sh0ck Posts: 168 Member
    They are of course better than a lot of other things you could be eating but just keep in mind that while it is only 100 calories you are still eating a lot of refined sugars/carbohydrates which aren't the best for you.

    Just remember moderation.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    If you can stop at just 1 of the packets.... good for you! Better that than some other things. Unfortunatly I can't stop at 1. Processed grain products are my downfall. I eat one and I want more, and if I know there are more in the box....
  • ewojczuk
    ewojczuk Posts: 2 Member
    I think it's fine once and a while, but remember that this food does not make you feel full for long, and doesn't have any nutritional benefits, really. I've been trying to think of food as something that is fuel for my body, and this helps me make better choices. i.e. 9 oz of carrots is around 100 calories, and they take me 10 minutes to eat ... I totally feel satisfied afterwards!
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    i usually have the 100 calorie dark chocolate bars from Traders Joes, I have half in the morning and if I feel like more chocolate later on in the day, I will have the rest later on in the day :D
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I tend to try to not eat anything in a package... but than again I'm the one who weasel's in alcohol room. :D

    Are we the same person? :bigsmile:
  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    Waste of calories lol. They do not fill me up; in fact they trigger my sweet tooth. Only "100 cal. snack" I eat are almonds and walnuts (raw natural).
  • AMBlass
    AMBlass Posts: 161
    I find them not very satisfying and they don't really taste as good as the real thing. It's better to just get some real desserts, like dark chocolate, to satisfy your sweet tooth. I'm getting more into clean eating, and I just don't feel that using a lot of artificial snacks can be that good for us, even if we are losing weight.
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    I'm a "trusted source" packaged goods kinda girl but one of our local grocers carries a 100 calorie chocolate chip pack and we occasionally get it. I hardly ever eat cookies but these actually do the job (plus the ingredient list isn't all that scary)..
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    I save some calories for a small snack every day. I don't like the 100 calorie snacks because they are so thin, they have no taste to me. They remind me of little wafers of the real thing. But, if i buy the real thing and just figure out how many i can have for the calories i'm allotting to my snack I'm more satisfied. I have to drink a cup of coffee with my snack take up space so I don't feel i need more.
  • kristelpoole
    kristelpoole Posts: 440 Member
    I also keep really expensive, fancy dark chocolate in the freezer. When I crave a good piece of chocolate, my boyfriend calls them "chocolate bombs" and as long as it's natural, organic and a small, lasting bite of something rich and decadent, I'm satisfied. Most pre-packaged food tastes like cardboard once you get accustomed to the real thing! And you'd be surprised at how much healthier the real thing can be compared to what you might expect.

    So, instead of making those things an everyday occurrence, I'd make them a decadent splurge or a way to really treat yourself - kind of like a massage or a manicure!

    For a daily dose of something sweet, try making yourself a smoothie or yogurt sweetened with stevia and some berries. Or an italian ice or a small ice cream or frozen yogurt with nuts and fruit. Melon, berries, apples, bananas, even carrots all have natural sugars.

    I know I'm rambling now, but your tastes will change if you encourage them to and after a while, you'll crave those fillers less.

    Good luck. You can do it. :)
  • emott84
    emott84 Posts: 108
    I like the Cheese Nips (crackers) 100 calorie pack. I crave salty/crunchy more than sugar or chocolate, and I always eat ONLY one package. It's enough to feel like I'm getting my craving under control, but it's all portioned out for me - which is something I could never do if I was eating the crackers out of the regular box!
  • CCSunlight
    CCSunlight Posts: 249 Member
    i love 100 cal snacks!! I think they'd definitely help, especially with food cravings. Plus, it's a great way to manage portion control!!
  • purplehaze12
    I used to get those all the time...typically I'd get the Chex Mix or the Reeses kind with peanut butter chips/cereal. The Goldfish and Cheez-its were good to. They were excellent for me. I'd have a pack 2-3 times a week and it would satisfy my need for salt or sugar. Much easier to control than buying a whole bag!!
  • BrodiesMom2008
    I have a BIG sweet tooth and i totally understand the people who compare having a 100 cal package to a gateway drug but i also think if you have asweet tooth like mine and you don't satisfy it at all you are bound to kinda fall off the wagon at some point and over indulge (at least that's my problem if i cut out sweets all together, eventually i can't resist and i over do it!) so i don't see a problem with fitting it into my daily calories.

    i agree with someone else too though that said it's cheaper/more economical to buy a larger quanitity and make your own 100 cal packages at home with baggies.

    i don't know about the 100 cal packages but i do know having nuts at home has helped, and weight watchers has these raspberry chocolate ice cream bars that are 170 cal for 2 bars (so only 85 cal if you stick to 1 bar) and i actually find 1 bar satisfying and filling even though their serving size is 2 bars. it totally satisfies my chocolate desire and is low calorie, and it satisfies any ice cream cravings too! plus there are often coupons for them online that you can print and bring to the store, so a better value too!
  • Meganne1982
    Meganne1982 Posts: 451
    They're really not healthy at all. Over processed and full of sugar. All they are is junk food portioned out. That being said, if you choose to eat them, so what? It's better to eat a small portion of junk than a large portion of junk. :) And plenty of them are tasty...
  • heathernsugar
    The other day DR OZ said to put your cookies and cakes in the freezer.
    This will make you turn against them because it takes time for them to thaw!!
    I honestly love the 100 calorie packs but I found a 90 calorie FIBER ONE CHOCOLATE
    Bar that is really good!! They are really good and have lots of DIETARY FIBER in them to
    make you feel really FULL!!!

    Hope that this helps you, May God Bless and I will be your friend if you request me as one!!

  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    I would have to say if youre going to do it, get a Special K or Fiber One bar so you get more nutrients out of it.


    I am also one of those that will push myself the extra 20 min or cardio to eat icecream if its in the house. But my feeling also is, IF im going to indulge in the processed TREAT I want the real thing! SO what if a serving is 100 extra cals? If I work it off and its truly a treat not a daily thing I am learning better habits then getting my sweets daily
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,719 Member
    Empty, processed calories. I'd rather have a single, rich, delicious Godiva truffle for the same amount of calories if it's sweets you crave!

    Haha...this is me. If I need a sweet fix, I pick the richest, smallest thing I can and take my sweet precious time eating it.
  • helenamonks
    helenamonks Posts: 176
    I find them annoying if I crave a cupcake Or something like that I just get the real thing the 100 calories packs are like a gateway drug for me lol

    that was the problem i had
  • Jesyka_Gee
    Jesyka_Gee Posts: 27 Member
    I say Go For It!!! Most definitely! You don't want to end up over indulging in something that's loaded in calories if you refrain from satisfying your sweet tooth. The 100 cal snacks are awesome, and if you stay under your calorie limit than even better! I love the skinny cow truffle ice creams after dinner. They are usually around 100 - 110 cals and I never feel guitly! :wink: