Healthy Trim aka Healthe' Trim

Has anyone tried the Healthy Trim weight loss pills? Our local radio station is advertising/promoting it and I'm just curious if anyone has tried this product? :smile:


  • stephr2014
    stephr2014 Posts: 311 Member
    I was wondering the same thing because my local radio station is also advertising it.
  • jhandley
    jhandley Posts: 118
    Well I ordered it and started it yesterday! I will keep everyone updated.....however I will say that I'm not denying it has ingredients that curb appetite, give energy, and etc. But they encourage you to not drink any pop (diet or regular), no artificial sweeteners (including Crystal light drink packets), tea either sweetened or unsweetened, etc. and to drink LOTS of water to reach optimum results........if I did this without the "pill" I'd lose weight regardless! But I have to say that I didn't drink mountain dew at all yesterday and I didn't feel the need to.....I'm guessing cus of the high dose of caffiene in the pill I wasn't craving the caffiene from the dew. I'm a huge unsweet tea drinker with 3 sweetnlows added to say a 32oz cup. They encouraged me to stay away from the tea but I'm assuming in fear of consuming too much caffiene, but a can of dew has an estimated 56 grams of caffiene, I was drinking SEVERAL a day, so I think having a tea a day wouldn't overload me on caffiene. However I am going to do what they say for the first two weeks to see if any real results come through for me. My boyfriend and I are both taking them for the first 2 weeks to see if either of us sees any results. I'll keep you all posted.

    Now I'm not saying this is truly accurate...time will tell but according to my scales I lost 3 lbs. in one day! and if you can see my food chart I consumed my normal calorie intake, etc. Cross your fingers!
  • Bamacraft
    Bamacraft Posts: 175 Member
    I took it for a while and it did help me lose. I had some issues not related to the Healthe' Trim and after returning and starting to exercise i didnt return to taking it. Taking two in the morning seemed too much at times. i took one in the morning and one at lunch. They suugest taking the morning 3-4 hours before you eat! i was taking at 4:30 before i hit the gym then eating breakfast at 7-7:30. My wife @ 105 takes it occasionally b/c she likes the natural energy feel. she doesnt like coffee, energy drinks etc.. She has done this on and off for ~1.5 years and has had no adverse affects.

    Lots of locals on our radio show sware by it.
  • jhandley
    jhandley Posts: 118
    Thanks Bamacraft for the opinion....I just need that initial weight loss to encourage me to move forward. Call it an excuse call it what you want...but if I could get the initial 20 off then I'll be eager to do more and work harder at it. I had quit drinking pop for years and I fell off the wagon and started drinking mt dew again one time in a desperate attempt to have some caffiene and haven't been able to stop. I havent had dark pop since 2005 but dew I could live on.....i havent craved one so this could help me mentally to stop drinking it and move forward.

    Thanks :-0)
  • Bamacraft
    Bamacraft Posts: 175 Member
    you'll have to give up caffeine on HT so you may have to do the caffeine free dew....
  • Stewie316
    Stewie316 Posts: 266 Member
    I tried it a few months back for a week. The first 3-4 days I was bouncing off the walls and felt so jittery the 1st day. It did curb my appetite a lot the first 4 days, then at the 5th and remaining days it didn't curb my appetite at all. It just stopped working. Plus I didn't like that you have to not eat for the first 3-4 hours of the day, essentially skipping breakfast.
  • jhandley
    jhandley Posts: 118
    Bamacraft....i've given it up so far. which is fine by me - stopping the pop will even more promote my weight loss.

    stewie316....i dont have much of an appetite in the first im looking for the energy without having to drink dew and have useless calories and sugar consumption.

    so we'll see!
  • tikki801
    tikki801 Posts: 7 Member
    jhandly.. now that its a few months down the road, how did it work?? I am on it, as well as counting calories and exercising when I can. Week 1 down. Only lost 1-2lbs but I dunno if I can say it was Healthe Trim or dieting/exercise!! I know it is only a week but I think I only lost the weight cause of cutting calories and exercise. I dont think it is helping!
  • JohnGlover
    There is a certain elegance bordering on Healthe Trim. There is very little, if any, knowledge respecting Healthe Trim. I keep my cards close to my chest. For the most part, don't get me wrong. Many local Healthe Trim associations collect and publish that type of info and get started and do that. With perseverance, you can even be rather successful with Healthe Trim.
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