New and need some weight loss buddies!

Today is day 1 of what I hope is a long journey to getting my body back! I hope it's long because I don't want to quit like I have in the past, I want to keep going until I reach my goal! I feel great today because I got my sleepy butt out of bed at 6am and walked for 45 minutes. It feels so great after, but it is SOOOOO hard to get out of bed.

Anyway, I would LOVE some support from others on this site!!! So send me a friend request.



  • MCDerin
    MCDerin Posts: 226 Member
    Hello and welcome to MPF!
    Congrats on deciding to start the journey again. You are absolutely correct. The longer and safer you take the weight off, the longer it will STAY off, and you will be forming life long GOOD habits.
    GREAT job on the morning walk! What a great way to start the day :)

    There is a wealth of information and support to be found on this site.
    Take your time, check it out and feel free to ask questions. The members have all been where you are, and are here to help and support each other.

    Again, congrats, and welcome!
  • katys_workinforit
    katys_workinforit Posts: 30 Member
    I also am starting off (again) today. Good job going for a walk this morning. I wasn't that ambitious. I have been thinking about how I am going to get my exercise in. I need to come up with a plan - so I can stick with it.

    Good luck.
  • Mkmassey3
    Mkmassey3 Posts: 214 Member
    Here to support and encourage! Keep up the hard work and you WILL see results!
  • 78_kasia
    78_kasia Posts: 27
    Hi, welcome. I'm pretty new too. This is my first week on here. Feel free to add me as a friend. We can help motivate each other. :smile: