New here

Hello All,
I am looking for some buddies to help encourage me while taking this journey. I am desperate to improve my health/looks by losing weight. Some people look at me and think I am crazy. They say you are only 147lbs that is not fat, but what they don't realize is when I look in the mirror I see a BLIMP. I wear a size 12 and I have plus size women tell me that they would die to be my size yet I am miserable. I get up everyday and I loathe being me!! My emotions get the best of me and so what do I do I EAT! I need to get in the mindset that I AM WORTH IT!! I deserve happiness and I feel that the first step in that is to try and lose some weight and get a little self esteem!!


  • 36jessica
    36jessica Posts: 319 Member
    Hi! I used to be a size 12...once upon a time. :smile: Many times what we see and what we actually look like are totally different things. Why is it that you see yourself as a blimp? What are your goals?
  • hairspray74
    welcome, you have a great attitude! you'll love it here! you or anyone can add me, or my sister shellyp3, or my cousin mistletoes71!
  • svalsonis
    I feel the same way. I consider myself 40 pounds overweight. Most people say I could stand to lose a few pounds but not 40. It's about making YOURSELF feel comfortable. You are the one that has to make it through this journey no one else. Good luck!:smile: