Very discouraged :(

Today i tried to do day 1 of the couch potato to 5k program. I COULDN"T DO IT!!! I did the 5 minute warm up (very fast walking) then 1 min run, 1 1/2 off, 1 on, 1 1/2 off...and by the third run i was dying. I stopped halfway through the third run and walked the rest of the way home and ran up both flights of stairs.

But anyways, i hear of overweight people, older people, etc doing the first week easily. Yet i am in my healthy BMI and only 18, and i about died.

Idk why i cannot do this, and feel very down with myself.

Any tips, advice, ANYTHING would be great. Ive never been physically fit really, but i still didn;t think i was THIS bad.


  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Just keep doing what you are doing and you will get better at it. It's only Day 1. It just means your cardiovascular system isn't used to it.
  • bhb301
    bhb301 Posts: 338 Member
    It took me several times to make it through it. I stopped at week 5, months later restarted. I think you should stay with it, only when you can finish the whole day correctly,move on. If not repeat days, weeks, whatever it takes. You can do this..
  • josavage
    josavage Posts: 472 Member
    You may just need to slow your pace when you are running. Don't worry about speed now, just get the time in.
  • dancingnancies
    dancingnancies Posts: 255 Member
    it takes a while to increase your stamina when you are running. don't be too hard on yourself, but just try again tomorrow. do as much as you can and don't give up. i guarantee if you stick to it, your endurance will get better.

    also, the 5 min walk doesn't have to be super fast. maybe it is tiring your out too much.

    goodluck! feel free to add me !!

  • allisoncook87
    allisoncook87 Posts: 160 Member
    You can be skinny as heck and be "out of shape" Just keep trying you'll get there
  • curryking5
    If it helps any, I tried to do 1 minute walk, 1 minute run today and only was able to do 3 running sprints. I was dying too. So I decided to just walk briskly the rest of the way. I was able to push out 2 more at teh end of my walk because I realized I needed to get home to wake my kids up for school :-). I refuse to be discouraged. It was MORE than I did yesterday, which was NOTHING! :)

    Keep it up. Try to do a little more tomorrow. And a little more the next day. You'll get there!
  • Peep_chic
    Peep_chic Posts: 369 Member
    Dont be so hard on yourself. When you start any excersice for the first time your body isn't used to it. When u feel the exercise is too intense keep moving. If you do the exercise often you will get better at it and eventually not have to adjust or slow down a bit.
  • allegedglobalconspiracy
    There's no reason to be discouraged. It's just a matter of not being conditioned to do this yet. If everybody could get right off the couch and kill a 5k or a marathon, it wouldn't be an achievement. I couldn't run more than 10 steps 4 years ago, and now I regularly run several miles. The trick to the whole thing isn't a trick- it's a matter of consistency.

    Keep at it.

    Focus on your successes and don't get down on yourself if you have a bad day. Make sure you're pushing yourself and keeping properly hydrated. Also make sure your mechanics are good and you will be amazed at the results. You can do it. Just don't go negative on yourself.

    Change the thinking from "I cannot do this" to "I will do this." Then it's just a matter of making it happen. Go get it!
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    The more you do it, the more you build your endurance. That's how I work, at least. I'm now able to run at 4.0-4.2 on the treadmill for 30 minutes. I used to huff and wheeze when I went up to my 2nd floor apartment. Stick with it !
  • PrfctGdess
    PrfctGdess Posts: 257
    It was MORE than I did yesterday, which was NOTHING! :)

    That's the BIGGEST key! :)
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    Just keep on trying. I suspect that you could be running too fast, which is why you got winded so fast. Slow it down. You will pick up speed the more you run. Also, sometimes you need to push through that wall and keep on trying. You will get there. Also, make sure you do some cross training on the one or two of the off days. Cross training is riding the bicycle or elliptical machine with some weight work. It will help build up your core muscles and help with your speed.
  • Erie85
    Erie85 Posts: 4
    I know exactly how you feel. I work on the 9th floor and our cafe is on the third floor. There have been times when I took the stairs down to the cafe and back up. At about the 6th floor I had to take a break and catch my breath, and it was very discouraging...I wasn't even trying to jog up the stairs, I was just walking!!! To make me feel a little better I try to focus on the fact that I made it up the 6 flights of stairs, and that if I work at it daily I will be at a point where I can jog from the 3rd floor to the 9th floor.

    I had the same blast to reality that you had, I didn't see myself as visibly overweight and I'm not old. So needless to say I was very surprised at the results of my stair climbing attempt. You should try not to compare your results with those of others if it discourages you.

    Please try to stay encouraged and keep trying at your program.
  • liquidsunsine
    Very important for you to know this: It's not just the outside of the body that can be out of shape. Just because someone is thin or within their bmi, does not mean they are in shape. Your heart and lungs are not in shape. To get in shape, they need the exercise. You need to start off walking. Just walk about 30 a day, every day, at your regular pace. Each week, rather than worrying about distance, increase your speed. Before you know it, you'll be running that same distance in a matter of minutes. You can do this. Just don't focus on your outer appearance, concentrate on your inner needs and one day, without even realizing it, you'll go some place to try on a swim suite, you'll look in the mirror and you will be surprised at how good you look. For as you proceed to improve your inner health, it will have profound positive effects on your outer self. Best of luck. You can do this...
  • menchi
    menchi Posts: 297 Member
    I remember being so out of shape I was breathing too hard to speak after walking up 3 flights of stairs at normal people speed. Yet I've never been beyond healthy BMI. It takes work and a whole lot of patience with yourself. Remember the hardest subject you learned in school, that's what your body is doing and you gotta be patient with it and help it get to where you want to be. You already know it won't be easy, but know also that you will be so proud of yourself and happy in your own skin. Good luck!!
  • Eskimopie
    Eskimopie Posts: 235 Member
    Hey! I feel ya. I'm only 23, and 123 lbs and I'm HORRIFIC at running. I have absolutely no stamina for it. I can swim, speed walk, and do Zumba fine, but running absolutely destroys me and I can only do it for a minute or two before my lungs start protesting. Don't give up, I'm sure if you keep at it you'll improve dramatically and quickly. Some people naturally start out with more endurance than others I think.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I agree with everyone else, fitness takes time and consistence. You're not automatically fit just becasue you are young/slim/healthy.

    You have to build up your endurance and you can only do that by persisting.

    The good news is, you will see progress in a relatively short space of time :wink:

    Unless you're an asthmatic? In which case you will probably struggle. Although, some asthmatics can improve. Depends on your triggers...........etc. But anyway, you never said you were asthmatic (I am, and can't run for toffee - but I can do lots of other cardio) so I'll shut up about that

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • desirez131
    desirez131 Posts: 72 Member
    Keep your head up. I'm not doing the program but did attempt jogging and didn't do too well. I kept thinking, wow the people on the biggest loser can do this and I can't?! But then I realized that they didn't start out jogging, they eventually were able to and that's what keeps me motivated. You'll get there soon enough :happy:
  • girlruns
    girlruns Posts: 344
    You may just need to slow your pace when you are running. Don't worry about speed now, just get the time in.

    Ditto. Keep your run very slow--barely faster than your walk, but with the form of running (if that makes sense). And don't be discouraged! It takes time to build up to running. The assult you feel on your breathing makes it seem so tough, but it will come!
  • Paiche
    Paiche Posts: 92
    Thank you so much everyone!
    I am going to keep at it, even if i have to walk longer, and jog less.

    I realize i am out of shape, but i am going to keep all your guys' words close and try to remind myself to just keep it up and i'll improve! :)
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    "Fitness" isn't an automatic by-product of youth and a normal BMI.