Eating under the Daily Calories

I can't seem to eat the daily amount of calories. I am under by 250-500 calories each day after doing my daily run. I am not starving myself or feel hungry. This site says I am placing my body in starvation mode and will not loose weight. This can't be true because I am loosing weight and I feel so much better form eating healthier.

Should I force myself to eat up to par?


  • bhb301
    bhb301 Posts: 338 Member
    Yes, if you eat too few cals, you will not lose weight. This happened to me for 5 weeks and I lost nothing. I upped my cals and have lost every week
  • bethanyweathers
    bethanyweathers Posts: 296 Member
    I say, if you don't feel hungry, don't force yourself to eat. Of course, I am in no position to give dietary advice, but I am usually 500 calories or so under and I don't feel hungry.
  • rcleitner
    I think that perhaps the amount of "extra" calories the site gives you for exercising might be high. You also probably eat things that aren't counted on your food list. I'm under almost every day too and feel that the difference is compensating for any extras. I'm losing too and feel good. I think you should eat at least 1200 a day though. Under that I think you could risk your body's metabolism slowing down. Good Luck!:smile::smile:
  • JennaLee1486
    JennaLee1486 Posts: 101 Member
    Try to make sure you consume at least 1200 calories. Don't figure that you need to eat the extra exercise calories on top of that. I have the same problem though. Everytime the app. tells my I am going into starvation mode I go to the cabinet, grab something, type it in.... then grab something else, type it in, I feel like I am bingeing!!!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,434 Member
    Try adding some higher calorie foods for things you already eat so you don't feel like you are stuffing yourself. Eat nuts, avocados, whole eggs, whole grain bread with some nut butter on it. You can easily consume an extra 200-500 calories just doing those types of things.
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    I can't seem to eat the daily amount of calories. I am under by 250-500 calories each day after doing my daily run. I am not starving myself or feel hungry. This site says I am placing my body in starvation mode and will not loose weight. This can't be true because I am loosing weight and I feel so much better form eating healthier.

    Should I force myself to eat up to par?

    What is your daily amount? With only 8lbs to lose you should be eating more as you are working towards maintenance. I have 8lbs left to lose, 5'5 and my calories per day is 1560.
  • MJKing2
    MJKing2 Posts: 177
    I don't know how many calories you're eating, but I agree with bhb301. You may not notice it initially, and I suppose everyone is different,but I do think it can hender your loss. I was using a different site at the beginning of the year that was telling me to eat 1,000 calories or less with excerise. I ended up not losing anything and messing with my health and I lost 4 months of effort because my body thought I was starving it. Everyone is different,but I do think that a typical body needs 1200+ calories to function properly and stay healthy. Just my opinion though. :) Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
  • de1amo
    de1amo Posts: 266 Member
    i do exactly the same but always hit my 2lbs a week target--i am 164lbs and my daily allowance is 1200--the system sets a minimum allowance of 1200 but for women that is a high number--based on your bmr and size you may need to manually override the system--i know its not recommended--i have my secretary set on 900 cals as she is young but round!!--her bmi is ideal weight but she needs to loose by her own admission!!
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Hunger cues, especially in the beginning are not usually reliable. And you may lose weight initially by undereating, but the weight is probably more lean mass (muscle) and a little fat. Also, undereating will slow your metabolism, especially if you don't have a lot to lose.

    Here are some threads that may help explain why MFP gives you the numbers it does, how metabolism works and why it's important to fuel the body properly.
  • SLD0125
    SLD0125 Posts: 22
    The reason you are to eat a certain amount of calories daily is bc your body needs them to function regularly and take care of your organs and such. If you always eat under, when you start to eat normal you will gain weight back very easily. I have ate my daily calories normally for like 1 1/2 yrs now and if I take a complete week off I gain 5-9 pnds like nothing! Also we all know that we didn't get to the point of needing to lose weight by not being able to reach our daily calorie intake.
  • Brroookkkkeeeee
    I'm always under my calories.....I'm not starving though
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I prefer the term "nutritional deprivation". It's where your body begins to conserve it's energy due to lack of fuel. You'll still lose weight, but more of it will be muscle than if you'd eaten adequately. As your body cuts back on operations, you begin to be tired and possibly brain-foggy. You may lose your hunger pangs and your workouts will suffer. At some point, your cravings may get so intense that you binge, undoing much of your effort. If you continue this deprivation long-term, more serious health issues may result. And when (if) you do finally reach your goal and want to return to normal quantities of food, you may very well put all the weight right back on because your body has adapted to the underfeeding.

    The line where nutritional deprivation occurs is not the same for everyone as we have different quantities of fat, activity levels, etc. The idea is to make sure you eat enough to fuel your body.
  • dgisnot
    dgisnot Posts: 3
    If you are in more than a 1000 calorie daily deficit, you risk putting your body in a "catabolic" state. That is to say, your body will assume you are starving and in response to that stimulus will slow your metabolism and start to burn much more lean muscle tissue instead of fat, as fat is your body's anti-starvation storehouse of energy and your body will seek to preserve it. That is a triple whammy of badness for your diet goals as not only do you not want a slower metabolism, you also want to loose fat. And third, the more muscle you have/retain the more cals your body burns naturally! It's best to follow the guidelines of the website. If you have carefully set up your goals and you are honest about your food intake and daily exercise, I think you will find that this site is fairly accurate (except for the protein numbers - imo they are low for both genders). One of the toughest things to get your head around is the concept that you need to eat often, and much, if you want to loose fat and retain muscle. It seems counter intuitive since eating less is generally regarded as facilitating fat loss. That's true only to a point. Eating significantly less than your daily needs minus a small (300- 1000 calorie) deficit will result in low energy, slow metabolic rates, catabolism of your lean body mass, and fat retention not fat loss! My experience is that most women don't eat nearly enough protein and focus much too much on total fat intake. Try eating lean proteins like turkey breast, fish, chicken breast, or egg whites later in the day as these will add the extra protein you need as well as pack more cals into your diet. Also protein takes the most energy from your body to consume, digest, and use than any other macro nutrient so it's a bonus! Everyone is different and you will make adjustments to the basic guidelines on MFP (some people are more carb sensitive than others, ie.) over time as you progress but in general you should strive to keep on plan as set forth here on MFP. Good luck!!
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    I can't seem to eat the daily amount of calories. I am under by 250-500 calories each day after doing my daily run. I am not starving myself or feel hungry. This site says I am placing my body in starvation mode and will not loose weight. This can't be true because I am loosing weight and I feel so much better form eating healthier.

    Should I force myself to eat up to par?
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