Moses, Moses.......

lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
Moses, Moses,

and Im not talking about Moses from the Ten Commandments

Did anyone watch the Biggest Loser last nite, the episode from New Zealand. Kinda nice seeing all that scenery and the jump from that extremely tall space needle........everyone jumped, except Moses, he was too overweight to safely make the jump......

sorry to see Moses go, he did well. Too bad his daughter didnt go, the drama queen of weight loss..........

Actually, theyre all pretty close to their goals, well the women are and their weight loss is slowing down. Matter of fact, the loser from last week complained about her inability to lose weight anymore and her trainer told her she was plateauing..........

Im there, been in a plateau for about 2 months, but not throwing in the towel here...........Lloyd


  • jeneey
    jeneey Posts: 48
    I didn't know he was gone, I only saw it to the part where they were all climbing that huge hill while I was climbing the stair treadmill. I was really proud of him!
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    I think the trip threw everybody off a bit. New Zealand looks so beautiful. Its funny to me how people got so attached to the contestants. They all have to go home at some point. I can't wait till make over week, everyone is getting scruffy. Can't wait to see how some of these people do at the finale.
  • carrie145
    carrie145 Posts: 297
    It was an awesome episode..I hated to see Moses go, but I jumped out of my chair when I saw his at home results! He looked amazing, and the fact that he went back to New Zealand with his dad, and bungee jumped was fantastic!!
  • monkeybelle83
    monkeybelle83 Posts: 141 Member
    While I was sad to see Moses go, I think it was what he needed, and he demonstrated that with his at-home results. I think he is a truly wonderful man for what he did.