How Often/How Much Do YOU Workout?

TheRealBeauti Posts: 7
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm having a hard time adjusting to the "workout" portion of losing weight.

- How many days a week do you workout?

- And for how LONG do workout a day?

- Also, what types of workouts do you do [the name(s) of the exercise(s)] and how have they affected your weight loss?

- How long was it before you started seeing results?

Thanks for answering (:


  • kdao
    kdao Posts: 265
    - How many days a week do you workout? 7 days a week. 4 days of a hard work out and 3 days of a super light work out.

    - And for how LONG do workout a day? On hard work out days, its between 1-3 hours and on the short days 30 minutes.

    - Also, what types of workouts do you do [the name(s) of the exercise(s)] and how have they affected your weight loss?
    Spinning, road cyclist, circuit training.

    - How long was it before you started seeing results? It took a good solid 4 weeks to start moving in the right direction.
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    everyday either walking or walking / running combined, sometimes cycling and 20 mins 30 day shred, and 10 mins gym ball:smile: have had inch loss and weight loss, in the last 6 weeks since starting on here
  • robertsj1998
    robertsj1998 Posts: 2 Member
    I workout 7 days a week. 1hr on the elliptical. As far as how it worked for me. I lost 57 lbs & 33 inches in 7 months. It toned me in ways I did not think I could be toned. Good luck!
  • outersoul
    outersoul Posts: 711
    Is not often enough an answer? LOL.

    - How many days a week do you workout?

    Honestly though, if you include running as working out then I probably work out 5-6 days a week. My goal is to run 3 or more times a week and I tend to hit that on a regular basis. My other goal is to lift 3 days a week. I've been struggling with that though.

    - And for how LONG do workout a day?

    It depends. If I'm lifting, I keep it under 45 minutes. Anything more longer than that is not intense enough for me. If I'm running/walking that could go up to 1.5 hours a day.

    - Also, what types of workouts do you do [the name(s) of the exercise(s)] and how have they affected your weight loss?

    My current lifting routine is all kettlebells. There are too many exercises to name but if you youtube it you'll see what I mean. I find that I can burn as many calories in half the time as I do in regular weight lifting.

    - How long was it before you started seeing results?

    I've been doing this since January 3rd of this year and I saw results within the first week in pounds lost. I started to see inches lost over the next few months.
  • ZachyABaby
    ZachyABaby Posts: 235
    -Erry day
    - At least fifty minutes
    -Generally I warm up for five on the bike, lift for a half hour to forty five minutes, and then do ten to fifteen of cardio.
    -When did I first notice it? After my first work out when I couldn't hardly put my shirt on because my arms were so swollen. Sold.
  • Brittney24
    Brittney24 Posts: 105
    It depends on the week for me, probably I'd say at least 3 times a week when I'm busy.

    Time also depends on how busy I am. Sometimes it's an hour total, sometimes it's only 30 minutes.

    I use my elliptical at my house then some days I'll do a full strength day which takes about 25-30 minutes on its own. I recently tried the 30 day shred videos and they kick your butt too, lots of sweat and pain:P

    I think I'm more toned, it's more so building muscle mass so when the fat comes off I look good underneath haha. I've lost 7 pounds in 3 weeks but I don't "see" results. I need to take measurements more.

    Mostly exercise just helps keep me healthy so I like to do it 1 because you get to eat more in that day since you try to eat back your exercise calories and 2 it helps me not be so out of shape.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    6 days, 4 days of intemintenat strength training, and 2 days of nothing but cardio,

    also, on the days I do intermintant strength training, I use the eliptical after my work out.......Since Im there already, I just kinda make myself use it to finish the work out off.......

    Im kinda in a plateau, and am in the process of increasing my strength training and inceasing my protein intake..........Lloyd
  • kterickson1988
    kterickson1988 Posts: 9 Member
    I know when I go to the gym I alway so cardio (elliptical, treadmill, bike ect) for 20-mins to 30 mins. Then I work certain parts of my body (arms, legs, abs ect) on different machines for another 30mins. Then I normal do the treadmill for 20 mins, the first half at a faster pace n slow it down to bring my heart rate down. For me this has been very effect, hope it helps.

    PS. I try to go 3-4 times a week n do it for at least an hr. You need time to rest in bewteen so you can heal.
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    I try to do something every day. Weekdays are the most difficult because I won't (can't? lol) get up that early to work out so evenings are all I have. M-F I try to do 30-45 minute bicycle rides (mostly street, some trails if possible) and weekends I try to do longer rides and maybe a run here and there (oh, and yard work...that counts!). I also try to squeeze in ~20 minutes of yoga/stretching every day (though it's more like every other day).

    For crappy weather days (if you couldn't tell, I like being outside :smile: ) I use 30 Day Shred (snore, but only ~25 minutes) or a boxing game we have for the PS3 Move.
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member

    Anywhere from 20min. to an hour

    Mostly walking or running depending on the day.

    Physically I started feeling results the first week. Visually, I didn't see results until about 15-20lbs. down.
  • Thorneapple
    Thorneapple Posts: 154
    Four days a week at the gym: 2 days of cardio for 60-75 minutes (cycling, elliptical & treadmill), 2 days strength training for 30-40 minutes (variety of weight lifting exercises, plus planks, squats, lunges, push-ups) with 10-20 minutes of treadmill & cycling

    2 days a week of brisk walking (4-5 mph) for about 2 hrs

    I'd say it took 4-6 weeks to see some definite signs of improvement.
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Three or Four times a week:

    I alternate a weights day - 10 minutes warm up (Running or Rowing), 45 minutes of 15 reps * 2 per exercise, 30 minutes Hard CV (elliptical or Running)

    And a CV day: 15 minute warm up on the rower, (10 minute steady state, 5 minute alternating between flat out and gentle every 30 seconds) then 30 minutes to 1 hour of running, 30 minutes elliptical, 15 minutes warm down on anything. This is all done 'as fast as I can' - the assumption has to be that when you finish on the machine you are done for the day - nothing to reserve energy for.... 5-10 minutes break between machines. Running is always on a gradient - 0.5 to warm up, then 1 - 2 depending on the length of the run and how tired I am.

    - I just started outdoor training today - 8km run: 4km at 'race speed' which is 7.5 mph (I want to hit 8.5!) 3km of alternating sprint/jog every 200m or so, 1km at race speed to warm down... That was TOUGH!

    (Edit) - I had slow weight loss to start with but every day I could see my performance improving - then suddenly I started after 4 weeks dropping the lbs too.. its been a steady 1-3 lb a week since: I don't really care too much what the scales say any more and focus on getting fit: the weight/toning will follow.
  • bmontgomery87
    bmontgomery87 Posts: 1,260 Member
    weights on MWF
    cardio on tues and thursday
    and soccer on sat or sunday

    so pretty much daily. i throw in a rest day when i can. Atleast one day a week I'll take a day off.
  • Angel1066
    Angel1066 Posts: 816 Member
    I work out at least 5 times a week, i walk, use my Wii, do weights and jog on my rebounder. The minimum i do is 30 minutes but as i feel stronger and fitter i am working out for much longer.
  • SomeLouisvilleGuy
    SomeLouisvilleGuy Posts: 4 Member
    - How many days a week do you workout?
    3-6, depending on my week, but the average is 4.

    - And for how LONG do workout a day?
    45 minutes minimum on the elliptical. Typically it's 60 minutes on the elliptical plus either upper or lower body strength training. Some days it takes me two hours. Totally worth it. :)

    - Also, what types of workouts do you do [the name(s) of the exercise(s)] and how have they affected your weight loss?
    My trainer says that doing weight training in addition to cardo will help you burn more calories. On the days that I only do cardio, the next time I go i usually do upper and lower strength the next visit. Once I started strength, I typically have lost a pound more a week.

    - How long was it before you started seeing results?
    About two weeks. I'm down 17 pounds since January 1. I usually count my calories during the week, and tend to be a bit more relaxed on the weekends.
  • Sign up for a triathlon and do a training plan for the race. You won't be able to keep from losing weight! I run, bike, or swim every day for at least an hour to hour and a half. I burn over 1000 cals per day on exersice. It's a little extreme but works great.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    I have a hard time resting on Rest Days, so 7 days per week. But I do limit rest days to light walking.

    Usually 45-75 minutes over two workout sessions.

    I walk at lunch on M/W/F. I do HIIT/MRT on T/Th/Sa (was basic strength work until last week). I do My Fitness Coach or EA Sport Active on Wii (yoga, aerobics, strength, etc depending on day). I also love Wii Tennis.

    My resting heart rate has dropped 10 bpm in 5 months... and my ticker below shows inches lost. I don't think it was that long before I started seeing those changes.
  • shanolap
    shanolap Posts: 1,204 Member
    Usually 5 days a week, 2 times per day.

    Mornings: 30 minutes cardio at home on treadmill/ elliptical/ stationary bike and 15-20 minutes of power yoga

    Evenings: M-W-F CrossFit at the gym T-TH Zumba/Spinning at the gym or more cardio at home for 45-60 minutes

    Weekends: Cardio and or yoga. Or nothing if I'm feeling burnt out.

    I strive for enough workouts to equal working out everyday.

    It took -20 pounds for ME to see a significant difference. Others saw it at around -10 pounds.
  • theresnoeggs
    theresnoeggs Posts: 188 Member
    I work out pretty much daily.

    Go to the gym 3-4x a week for running on treadmill-I do run/walk intervals and strength straining. I keep my weights low and my reps high. Plus get in a 150-250 crunches

    non-gym days I either stick to stepping on the wii fit board with the lift I got for it I do that while watching tv, for 30-60 minutes, then walk/jog outside for 30 minutes or 2 miles.

    Tuesdays I watch biggest loser and like to snack while watching, so I do the wii fit board w/ the lift while watching-usually doing high knee lifts and do crunches, reverse crunches, squats, and lunges during commercials.

    When I started working out in Oct. I could NOT touch my toes, nor do more than 5 crunches at a time, or even get in plank position and stay for 2 seconds. I tried a beginners yoga video and quit after 5 minutes bc I couldn't do it. I did the same video for the first time since last night and totally rocked it.

    BUT I do NOT see weight loss results unless I cut my calories/portions...
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    I'm having a hard time adjusting to the "workout" portion of losing weight.

    - How many days a week do you workout?

    - And for how LONG do workout a day?

    - Also, what types of workouts do you do [the name(s) of the exercise(s)] and how have they affected your weight loss?

    - How long was it before you started seeing results?

    Thanks for answering (:

    A minimum of 3 days a week. I shoot for 5 or 6.

    I workout anywhere from 30 minutes to 90 minutes

    I strength train 3 times a week and I'm doing the C25k program 2-3 days a weeks, hike 2 times a week and once in awhile I do yoga.

    I have pictures on my profile. That's the best way to judge.
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