


  • Christie422
    Christie422 Posts: 120 Member
    What about sweet potatoes, those are too "vegetable-y" and you can make fries out of them. Do you hate tomato sauces too? If not you could make a nice marinara and add carrots and zucchini (which is very mild anyway) and blend it up so there are no chunks. I bet you wouldn't even notice they were in there. You could also try raw jicama, if you slice it up and put a squeeze of lime juice on it it tastes almost like an apple.
  • lawkat
    lawkat Posts: 538 Member
    Sometimes if you go into something with a negative thought, you will hate it. If you sit there and think how gross and horrible vegetables taste, more and likely, most of them will taste gross and horrible. Try to think of the benefits you will get from eating your veggies. Maybe you should check out some healthy vegetable recipes. There is always more than one way to prepare a veggie and you might find one that you really like.
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    puree steamed veggies(like brocolli, caluflauer, and carrots) into spaghetti sauce or sloppy joes.
  • LauraSchaller
    LauraSchaller Posts: 106 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you. I HATE veggies .. to the point, that I don't even like lettuce. I don't mind having romaine lettuce in a salad - but I'm so picky about it. The slightest taste of iceberg lettuce makes me gag. True Story.

    The only veggies I'll eat are "corn" (yes, I know it's a starch), and broccoli & cauliflower - but ONLY if it's in my Mom's Broccoli & Cauliflower salad lol. I'm ridiculously picky and try new things from time to time, but nothing ever sticks.

    I may try out the vitamins someone else suggested - that sounds like a wonderful idea!

    *tried mashed cauliflower.. it was gross.. but I heard you can add in mashed potato flakes and "wean" yourself off of them. Which I may try to do again!*
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Juices and suppliments are great but they don't give you the whole food nutrition you're going to get from actually eating the vegetables. As someone else posted above, just keep trying them and cook them in different ways (or just eat them raw if that's what you prefer) and who knows, maybe you'll end up liking more than you think. If all you've had in the past is canned, try fresh or frozen instead. If the only way you've had them cooked is boiled until they're mush, try steaming, sauteeing, roasting or grilling. Put spices on them, use fat free or light dressings/vineagrettes, marinades - just enough to get a bit of flavor.
    There are so many options out there!
  • Wakx
    Wakx Posts: 105 Member
    ...anything else is a no go!


    I'm pretty sure it has something to do with being "punished" with vegtables as a kid. I remember crying, gagging, practically throwing myself on the floor over vegtables at a young age. I'm working on it but they are just gross to me.

    So there's a bigger issue (punishment) behind the symptom (which is not liking veggies), it seems.

    I gave myself a healing package a year ago. Quit this and that, started sports again and commenced eating healthy. Did a much feared health check and also sought advice from a psychologist to figure out why I had gotten stuck in the first place. It was really good to do that because I realized that I had been deceiving myself with nonsensical lines of argument. I went after the nonsense, and truly, from then onwards the rest was easy.

    That might be an idea to consider. Because, believe me, vegetables are delicious hehe.