Brand new to the site....Hello World!!

So i'm brand new to the site but not new to diets. This is the first time i've ever posted my foods and made a food diary so hopefully this works. I'm 29 years old, was recently laid off from my company, and am a part-time college student. I've been out of work since November and instead of making the most of my time off by going to the gym and working out, i've been eating out more and packing the weight back on!! I'm making a change though, this week i started exercising doing Zumba and a Sculpt and Tone class and now i'm tracking my calorie intake!! My goal weight is 180 pounds, but would love to be about 160 pounds. I've been overweight most of my life and Lord knows the last time i was under 200! 30 pounds to go and i will be there!! No one ever said it would be easy, but i'm going to make it fun!!

Could really use the support, add me as a friend!! I cook great meals and could probably share some great healthy recipes with you...


  • karo224
    karo224 Posts: 292
    hi my name is kathy and i have been on here since january.....would love to add you as a friend and share the journey and new recipes! good luck on your journey!
  • HeatherMarie1174
    Welcome to the site!!! There are so many people on here that are true inspiration for those of us that are just starting out on this journey. Personally, I think it's easier when you have a great support system to back you up! :bigsmile:
  • Kdrules
    Kdrules Posts: 49 Member
    good job. I just started zumba last week. I did it once this week so far and then I did dance central. I will send u a friend request
  • mkennedym
    mkennedym Posts: 253 Member
    hey, welcome to the site. good luck.

    make sure you set micro goals on your way to larger goals. if you want to lose 60 lbs, set smaller goals of like 5, 15, 30, 45, 60 or something like that. seeing yourself make a goal and achieving it makes you more motivated to push on to the next goal.

    next, try to be active at least 30 minutes every day. you don't have to be sprinting or kickboxing, but raise your heartrate for 30 minutes a day (for health and it will increase your metabolism. it is also a good idea to get a physical before starting any type of exercise program. you want to make sure everything is in working order before it is too late.

    definitely ask for help if you think you need it.
  • Kdrules
    Kdrules Posts: 49 Member
    Hello I started in Feb. However now I am finally getting the hang of this. I will add u as a friend
  • Mlcousineau
    Mlcousineau Posts: 6 Member
    Wow, thanks everyone for the warm invitations and support! I didn't think it would happen so quickly but i'm glad i chose this site...Good luck to you all as well, and i'm happy to be joining in this weight loss journey with you all!!
  • Mlcousineau
    Mlcousineau Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for your advice. I definitely plan on setting "micro" goals to achieve my major ones. I'm going to be 30 on May 28 and would like to lose at least 10-15 lbs by then...