How Often/How Much Do YOU Workout?



  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I work out 7 days a week in reality, but on one of those days, I just walk for an hour.

    Monday - Thursday, I do 30 minutes of strength training (various types of pushing and pulling lifts and bodyweight training on alternating days) and 1.5 hours of different cardio exercises.

    Friday is my walking only day. It's really meant to be a rest day, but I enjoy walking, and it keeps me from feeling guilty for not doing anything at all.

    Saturdays and Sundays, I do the same amount of strength training as during the week, but I add another hour of cardio.

    It took about a month of the above routine to achieve a noticeable difference in my body, and lifting weights (heavy weights) was key to that. You really can't imagine the difference it makes until you do it consistently for a few weeks. Then it will be a permanent fixture in your exercise routine.
  • mommyof3coj
    mommyof3coj Posts: 5 Member
    I have my workouts in order... just not my food!!! I have lost nothing due to my eating habbits but have not gained an ounce dispite my intence love for junk food. (going to try my hardest to stay on point this week and see how I do because I have about 40/50 lbs to lose) If I did not work out as much as I do I would be as big as my house!

    All that said I work out 5 days a week. Monday, Wed, and Sat I run. Most of the time I just run for about 40 min. Which for me is just over 3 miles. I also walk at least a half mile on these days which is for warm up/ cool down. I do some stretching afterwards too. On Tue. and Thur. I switch it up. I do a total body workout which is a combo of cardio and weights. The class I take is 55 min long there is a lot more weight work then there is cardio. (right now I have a sholder injury so I am using the bike instead ridding for about 40 min before streatching.) Sometimes I get a 6th day workout (not lately due to injury) The 6th day workout is when I like to swim. When I swim I just usually keep swimming until I get a mile in which is usually about 40 min.

    Oh and what works for me is is getting up at 4:45am before my husband and kids are awake and go to the gym then. I find it hard to find time durring the day to fit it all in if I do not take that time for myself in the morning. (I am not a morning person and I love my sleep so I will not lie it is hard but I just make it a priority in my life)

    I recomend finding a workout that you enjoy and starting with that. One yr ago I hated all workouts and was having some trouble sticking to them so I signed up for a 5k. It cost money and I told everyone I signed up so I felt like I had to stick with it... only I could not run around the block so how on earth was I going to run 3.1 miles? I found the Couch 2 5k free on the internet and used that (it is a great option if you do not have a membership anywhere)

    Sorry my reply was so long, good luck!
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member

    Go to the gym 3-4x a week for running on treadmill-I do run/walk intervals and strength straining. I keep my weights low and my reps high. Plus get in a 150-250 crunches

    Funny. I do the opposite with the weights. I lift heavy with with low reps.
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member

    Go to the gym 3-4x a week for running on treadmill-I do run/walk intervals and strength straining. I keep my weights low and my reps high. Plus get in a 150-250 crunches

    Funny. I do the opposite with the weights. I lift heavy with with low reps.
  • Zombriana
    Zombriana Posts: 764 Member
    I work out everyday, for at least 300 calories/40 minutes

    Now that I've started the 30 day shred, that takes 150 cal/20 minutes of my day.

    I try to do my Just Dane 2 game everyday, aside Sunday & Monday.

    I do p90x Plyo once a week, and Ab Ripper x once a week as well.

    I also have an intense cardio routine i do once or twice a week in my back yard.

    On the weekends, I take my pups for a walk. And afterwards I do some leg exercises that I found in Fitness Magazine.

    I feel bad if I don't exercise. =[
  • carlybarley22
    carlybarley22 Posts: 197 Member
    i have a very busy schedule but i usually manage to do 20 minutes of aerobics and then yoga for 20 minutes 3 times a day. so, a total of 80 minutes. but i also have the advantage of being able to do yoga at work when it's slow. i'm working on that yoga body =).
  • sashadixon22
    How many days a week do you workout? right now i am working out 4 days a week with at least 40 minutes of cardio usually three days on the treadmill, running along with walking at an incline and one day i do the stair stepper, but after school is out i am starting insanity which is a 6 day a week workout plan for 60 days and i also plan on adding spinning to the mix two days a week.

    - And for how LONG do workout a day? Two dasy out of the week i do cardio along with strength training which lasts about 1 1/2 and two dasy i just do a cardio workout along with some stretching.

    - How long was it before you started seeing results? I have been working out for a long time, i havent seen results yet because i just started on fitness pal last week. I have been notorious before starting fitness pal to eat whatever i wanted if i worked out. I thought that i would eat what i wanted and still lose weight and this is not the case! I am in decent shape just need to lose weight and I am hoping that working out along with my lifestyle change and counting calories will show improvement in a couple weeks :)

    hope this helps!
  • mommyof3coj
    mommyof3coj Posts: 5 Member
    I work out pretty much daily.

    Go to the gym 3-4x a week for running on treadmill-I do run/walk intervals and strength straining. I keep my weights low and my reps high. Plus get in a 150-250 crunches

    non-gym days I either stick to stepping on the wii fit board with the lift I got for it I do that while watching tv, for 30-60 minutes, then walk/jog outside for 30 minutes or 2 miles.

    Tuesdays I watch biggest loser and like to snack while watching, so I do the wii fit board w/ the lift while watching-usually doing high knee lifts and do crunches, reverse crunches, squats, and lunges during commercials.

    When I started working out in Oct. I could NOT touch my toes, nor do more than 5 crunches at a time, or even get in plank position and stay for 2 seconds. I tried a beginners yoga video and quit after 5 minutes bc I couldn't do it. I did the same video for the first time since last night and totally rocked it.

    BUT I do NOT see weight loss results unless I cut my calories/portions...

    I know exactly what you mean. I did the C25k program too and before I started I am not sure if I could have run for a full 60 sec. hahahahha Touching your toes thing made me laugh because that was me too! I have not lost any weight yet because I just have a hard time sticking to counting my cal. That said oddly enough I can still see a difference in my body and I know I am in much much much better physical shape then I was when I started the C25k 10 months ago. I wish everyone knew about that program and used it!
  • Bviera
    Bviera Posts: 106 Member
    I've been going to the gym between 4-5 days a week for the past three years or so. Before this year, I hadn't changed my eating habits, so all I was really doing was maintaining my weight. Since I started cutting back on sugar and carbs and incorporating healthier choices, I've noticed more results. At the beginning, I would walk for about an hour. Then I incorporated the elliptical and would do half an hour there and half an hour of walking and a few days a week of weight training. Most recently, I've incorporated running into my routine, so I alternate between an hour of elliptical/walking on some days and 45 minutes of running/walking on other days.

    As far as results, they haven't been dramatic because I'm not too far off from my goal weight to begin with, but I've noticed some toning on my outer thighs from running and the elliptical. But from the first month I started walking regularly, even though I wasn't losing weight at the time, I was definitely starting to feel "in shape." For example, while going up three flights of stairs with my coworkers, I was the only one who wasn't panting out of breath when we reached the top. I also noticed more energy and just feeling overall good.

    If you just want to get started, I recommend a half hour of walking every day and then just work your way up from there.
  • biggiwig
    biggiwig Posts: 76
    6 times a week for an hour (Shape Kinect, Sliding Board,Treadmill, Weightlifting with heavy weights). On nice days I go 1 hour inline-skating or bikeriding or jogging) on top of my usual workout. Sunday is free to relax.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    my personal routine is 2/2/2/1

    Monday and Thursday is HIIT training for 40 minutes to an hour
    Tuesday and Friday is Full body Weight training for 45 minutes
    and Wednesday and Saturday is Straight, moderate cardio for 45 minutes (plus warm up, stretch, cool down)

    Sunday in the spring and summers I am either doing some activity like mowing lawn, gardening, chopping wood, or playing baseball. Something low intensity long duration usually.

    this is a balanced plan, good for maintaining general body composition, not really designed to solicit significant gains in any one area (I.E. endurance or muscle mass), it's a decent plan for fat burning though, although I'd probably replace one cardio day with another HIIT day if I were to do that.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,243 Member
    I'm having a hard time adjusting to the "workout" portion of losing weight.

    - How many days a week do you workout?

    I workout about 4-5 days a week, sometimes 6, but I always take a rest day. Three to four of those workouts are really intense. The rest are very light with lots of stretching.
    - And for how LONG do workout a day?

    Usually 20-35 minutes on the Intense days doing Metabolic Resistance Training or High Intensity Interval Training. On the light days it varies a lot.
    - Also, what types of workouts do you do [the name(s) of the exercise(s)] and how have they affected your weight loss?

    I do Metabolic Resistance Training (MRT), You can find other information at my MFP blog as well including one of the workouts I use. It keeps the weight coming off, but best of all I see great and visible changes in my body composition. I have inches quicker since starting this, even with increasing my calories and decreasing my time per week working out which is a necessity because MRT is so intense my body needs at least a day to recover. I occasionally throw in a basic strength training workout as well on my light days.

    I used to do Tae Bo and Insanity. I still occasionally do one of those workouts, well Tae Bo more than Insanity, but the 40 minutes or more working out at rather intense cardio was taking its toll on my joints. I much prefer MRT, but have to remember not to approach it like normal cardio because that would overtrain me and lead to injury.
    - How long was it before you started seeing results?

    Pretty much within a week for me, both with the Tae Bo and MRT in terms of weight, but with the MRT the changes in body composition were much more marked. That may have had to do with that fact that I started it when I was down to my last 15 pounds or so.
    Thanks for answering (:

    You are welcome. Glad to help.
  • TiDinzeo
    TiDinzeo Posts: 309
    I work out 7 days a week around 1 hour a day doing Wii Tennis, Wii Fit or rowing on a rowing machine mostly. Although occasionally I do something else.

    I'm not sure if it's contributed much to my weight loss so far except where it's put me back in my daily limit when I've gone over calories. It has made me feel a lot better about myself which helps with motivation. I feel better when I exercise, therefore I exercise the next day.

    I saw results in the first few days according to the scales, but I couldn't say how much of that was due to exercising.
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    I'm having a hard time adjusting to the "workout" portion of losing weight.

    - How many days a week do you workout?

    - And for how LONG do workout a day?

    - Also, what types of workouts do you do [the name(s) of the exercise(s)] and how have they affected your weight loss?

    - How long was it before you started seeing results?

    Thanks for answering (:

    I try for 6 days a week, but lately I've been getting about 5 days a week in for exercise.

    On Cardio days I exercise for 40 minutes, and strength training days for 30 minutes.

    I use Power 90 (p90x prequel), and while I haven't measured myself with tapes, I'm down about 8-9 lbs, and this is my fourth week in. I can't say I'm down a full pant size, but my pants I wear now are feeling looser, especially around the waist.
    I definitely have stronger biceps/triceps from all the exercise though - just need to drop more fat so I can see it!
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    M/W/F, 45 minutes to an hour doing StrongLifts 5x5, no cardio.

    Works great! in 6 months I am down 27 lbs of fat and up 6 lbs of muscle for a net loss of 21 lbs.