Not sore...

misstana Posts: 9
edited September 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
Okay, I know folks have posted this before but I can't help but get discouraged. I'm using an iFit Live elliptical at least 6 times a week, and adore it. It has preset programs for Weight Loss, which I'm doing and enjoying and have been doing for 3 weeks now. My issue is that my muscles are NEVER SORE! I've gone from doing no exercise for the last 5 years, to tons of exercise and you'd think my muscles would be all kinds of achy right?

Could I be doing something wrong?


  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    Muscles have memory. So if your doing the same thing over and over again you muscles get use to it. Not that the benifit is there but you should change things up to keep the muscles guessing and work them harder. Try Bob Harper New Ultimate Cardio Body DVD you will be sore. I am a seasoned fitness freak and I was sore. :-)
  • Mine are never sore either- and I work it HARD. I do a lot of stretching and drink TONS of water before/during/after so maybe that has something to do with it?
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    My muscles only get sore when weight training. Never with cardio.
  • meshellmybell76
    meshellmybell76 Posts: 139 Member
    i never really get sore from cardio, even when I just started out and was reeeeally out of shape! It's the weight training that really tears down and rebuilds the muscle, which is where the soreness comes in.
  • Natalie0506
    Natalie0506 Posts: 163
    The only time I get really super sore is when I do hard core weights or work out really really hard doing something new. Otherwise, I'm fine. I also drink tons of water, and stretch after every workout.
  • Sigra
    Sigra Posts: 374 Member
    When I do cardio like that my legs are never sore. - It's once I start getting into the strength training, and Boot Camp type exercises (multiple exercises that only last 1-2mins) that is when I find myself getting sore after the fact!
  • Don't get discouraged, but instead look at what is in the things that you eat. I've noticed for my own muscles that if I eat a lot of protein and things with magnesium in them, I'm not as sore as I used to be when I work out. Perhaps a lot of the foods that you eat are high in those things, and I know that those things help to combat muscle fatigue. I know when I started working out again, I too would become discouraged due to not feeling the workout burn in my muscles the next day, so I looked into it, checked out what I was eating and that was the answer for me.
    Hang in there and keep working out! I would say that your workouts are great, (even if you don't feel it later!) as long as the scale and how you feel reflect it! :)
  • Soreness is most often associated with the body producing lactic acid when it goes into anaerobic respiration in the muscles. Most cardio excercises, like the eliptical, are aerobic excercises and your muscles have plenty of oxygen to burn the sugars instead of ferment them. This is probably why you don't get sore.
  • misstana
    misstana Posts: 9
    Thanks all! Your responses and suggestions were super encouraging and totally helpful. And Natalie, way to go on accountability! Love the signature :).
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