jamainicole Posts: 19
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Okay here's the deal. I started on here eating healthy a few weeks ago and exercising. Here's the two different problems I have:


I can't decide if I just want to do weight watchers or not. Their meals are kind of expensive but I like to keep track of points. Also, I can't stop midnight snacking. I'll wake up and have this HUGE sugar craving.


I am one of those people who can't go to the gym alone. I HAVE to have a workout buddy. It helps me and I just love having someone to go with. All my friends work during the day so I don't have anyone to go with. My grandma was going with me but she's 67 so she is too tired to go most of the time. Also, it's such a hassle because I have 6 mth old and he is 21 pounds and so it's hard to take him anywhere.

I wish I had a work out buddy who was really motivated and loved to work out. That's like a dream for me.

Anyone here from Enid, Oklahoma?



  • Okay here's the deal. I started on here eating healthy a few weeks ago and exercising. Here's the two different problems I have:


    I can't decide if I just want to do weight watchers or not. Their meals are kind of expensive but I like to keep track of points. Also, I can't stop midnight snacking. I'll wake up and have this HUGE sugar craving.


    I am one of those people who can't go to the gym alone. I HAVE to have a workout buddy. It helps me and I just love having someone to go with. All my friends work during the day so I don't have anyone to go with. My grandma was going with me but she's 67 so she is too tired to go most of the time. Also, it's such a hassle because I have 6 mth old and he is 21 pounds and so it's hard to take him anywhere.

    I wish I had a work out buddy who was really motivated and loved to work out. That's like a dream for me.

    Anyone here from Enid, Oklahoma?

  • the only help i can give, is to just get rid of anything you have quick easy access to for midnight snacking no microwavable stuff, no chips etc, have like fruit ready to eat and also try having some tea with cinnamon, a tbsp of cinnamon raises your metabolism by 3x so ive read. hope this helped
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    Okay..... BREATHE!

    First off, lots of people use thigs site AND do weight watchers. I currently have a brother and my mom doing it. They like the points idea too. Whichever way you go, it's the same thing....you are eating less, that is why you are loosing weight.

    Secondly, make sure you are not going too long without eating. Maybe have a snack (small) before bed. Also, I don't know how this works with WW but I don't have any "off limits" foods....simply because if I want a piece of chocolate, I am gonna have a piece and I only do more damage if I think of it as a "no-no" food.

    Lastly.... Maybe you should find some way to workout that doesn't involve a gym. Taking your tiny on walks, working out at home, etc. As a single parent life doesn't always work with you...so you have to work with what life does give you. Make sense?
  • Yes def. makes sense :) I'm not a single parent though.. i have a hubby :)
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    Yes def. makes sense :) I'm not a single parent though.. i have a hubby :)

    Well, then it should be that much easier (sorry, I was refering to the fact that I was a single parent and have worked out for years at home). Have him watch the tiny-mite while you workout.
    Will your hubby be a supportive if you are doing WW, is he gonna be supportive regaurdless.
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    Weight Watchers: If this works for you and you like it then do it. However, if you've done weight watchers before and you are needing to loose weight again....did it really work for you? My opinion is, first of all, DO WHAT WORKS FOR YOU . However, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. If you've done it before and it's worked while you were doing it, but then gained all the weight back then you might want to try something different. Save your money and see what this site can do for you. Recording your meals/counting calories is very similar to counting points and it's free.

    Exercise buddy: I suggest you start taking classes at the gym. You'll find that the same people tend to take the same classes at the same time. Introduce yourself to a few and make friends. They can be your exercise buddies. You can encourage each other in classes.

    If that doesn't work for you then, and I apologize because this will sound harsh, just get in there and do it without a buddy. No excuses!! What are you going to do on the days when your buddy doesn't feel like working out? My original exercise buddy has quit going to the gym for the last two months and gained back everything that he lost. I've kept going to the gym and continued to loose. If I were sitting at home waiting for him to go with me, I'd be in sad shape. also, it's so difficult to coordinate schedules and when you want to go might not be convenient for a buddy. It becomes really easy to let it become an excuse for not working out........

    You can do this!
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