Problems Hitting Daily Calories

goldiefysh Posts: 12 Member
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been on MFP for almost a week now and I am finding it very difficult to hit even 1200 calories. As I've been doing my research, I wonder if I have been putting my body into starvation mode since on a nearly daily basis, I'm having to eat at least one last thing before bed to finish my calorie allotment.

Has anyone else had this issue and if so, how did you train yourself out of not not eating?


  • I have this issue too. One problem is that I don't have the appetite to eat that much, and another is I have this mental block saying the less the better, even when I know that's simply not true. Still trying to overcome this problem!
  • Debbisue52
    Debbisue52 Posts: 87 Member
    At first I had difficulty reaching my calorie goal...but not anymore, usually. Almonds are good to eat up some calories...and they are good for you. Pecans aren't bad either but higher in calories and fat. I still fear eating more to lose But hopefully it will sink in soon!
  • How funny I just posted the same thing...execpt mine was titled exercise and eating calories back...
  • Debbisue52
    Debbisue52 Posts: 87 Member
    I have this issue too. One problem is that I don't have the appetite to eat that much, and another is I have this mental block saying the less the better, even when I know that's simply not true. Still trying to overcome this problem!

    Same here!
  • yargls
    yargls Posts: 6 Member
    Your appetite will vary as your diet progresses. I had a similar situation when I started my diet, but that hasn't been an issue for a while. Now that I'm about a half inch from my ultimate goal, I get plenty hungry. I think a lot of it has to do with the energy stores your body has to offer, especially at first. Later, when you hit a plateau, you may feel hungry a lot, while next to nothing is coming off. It's like your body has reached some type of equilibrium and won't budge for a while.

    Good luck!
  • bayles1
    bayles1 Posts: 408 Member

    Well done on joining the site.Why not have a look around a few diaries for ideas on how to use up the calories more efficiently,its amazing what inspiration can be gleaned from these,that way you may find that you lose the feeling of forcing yourself to eat.

    Good Luck.
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    I was on MFP for about 6 months before i lost any weight. it took me this time to build up my knowledge of how to shop, prepare, and eat healthier. I used to skip breakfast, have a quick lunch of "whatever", then be starving when I got home so would snack, eat dinner, and snack until almost bedtime. I still didn't even get in my 1200 calories most days, but the majority of them would be after 6pm.
    I now create a weekly meal plan including all meals and snacks, input it into Excel, print and hang it on my fridge. This makes grabbing breakfast and lunches a snap, and helps to remember to take out the meat for dinner. i also build my grocery list from this plan so we waste almost nothing. This helps me stick to eating healthy, and eating all my meals and snacks at the proper time.

    it is easy to get in your caloires the better you plan, and if you try to follow the following:
    eat breakfast like a king
    lunch like a prince
    dinner like a pauper

    You WILL have to force yourself to eat more during the day if you are not used to it. it takes 21 days to form or break a habit, so give yourself patience for 3 weeks and you can turn things around!

    Good luck!
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    I didn't think I'd have a problem hitting 1200 calories until I actually started tracking it but there are days I really struggle to hit it. I seem to have to eat a hell of a lot more eating healthily than I ate when I was eating the junk food that helped pile on the pounds, my plate certainly seems fuller than it used to be anyway.

    I don't tend to snack. I eat 3-4 meals a day (depends what time I get up and go to bed) and that's it. I've never had the urge to eat between those meals but sometimes I feel like I've got to have a bar of chocolate or a bag of crisps just to get to the 1200 calories. Especially if I exercise and have even more calories to eat.

    There's no way I was putting myself in starvation mode before, bacon sandwiches with loads of butter, burgers, chips, sausages, battered fish, take aways etc just all have a lot more calories than my healthy meals do.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Don't panic. It takes a long time to reach starvation mode or be nutritionally deprived.

    But work on it. If you incorporate some nutrient dense foods instead of the "diet" foods into your meals, it is really easy to meet your goals. Your body needs those nutrients. Food is like logs for a fire. If you want the fire (your metabolism) burning at max intensity, you've got to keep piling the logs (food) on it.
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