Diet foods, healthy things that don't taste gross.

LovelyDrea Posts: 3
edited September 26 in Food and Nutrition
Hi all! So i'm just starting my diet but I was planning on going to the grocery store later today & buy some snacks. Does anyone have anything they'd reccomend? Such as snacks/drinks not really full on meals. Also does anyone have any diet tips? Thanks for reading xoxox

Oh one more thing....does anyone know of any diet pills that actually work with the right amount of excercize & diet? Something I can buy from the drugstore? :)
I barely tried Alli...should I start it again?


  • SavBrookeS
    SavBrookeS Posts: 44 Member
    Drink lots of water

    Hummus and veggies are good for a snack
  • drward
    drward Posts: 10
    100 calorie packs are out there in numerous brands. Good snacks both sweet and savory and it's easy to keep track of the calories that way. Heirlom tomatoes are yummy with a bit of hummus on them. Not too much hummus though. Popcorn but be careful to read calorie content, some can be higher than you think.
  • beqy12
    beqy12 Posts: 569
    I am IN LOVE with Chia Seed pudding. It amazes me how healthy something so good is. It's like a rice pudding... but healthy.. and ridiculously filling, I only need a tiny bit and I'm full AND have satisfied my sweet craving.

    3/4 C Chia Seeds
    2 C Almond/Rice/Soy milk
    1 Tsp vanilla
    Honey or Cinnamon or agave to taste.

    I just made it with almond milk and 2 tbsp of cinnamon - delish.

    EDIT - that's a recipe for about 8 servings, btw.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Stick to the perimeter of the grocery store. Whole foods; produce, meats, dairy, whole grains, nuts. Anything processed is your enemy.
  • Try vegs like celery, cucumbers and carrots dipped in a berry vinegarette-it's very filling and the dressing gives them more flavor. Another good dipping sauce for vegs is salsa. Stick with foods that you can identify in your meal..meaning nothing processed or anything with a high sodium.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Stick to the perimeter of the grocery store. Whole foods; produce, meats, dairy, whole grains, nuts. Anything processed is your enemy.

    ^ this for sure! I rarely go down the aisles! Laughing Cow cheese is one of my faves, on veggies, eggs all kinds of possibilities.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I have yet to hear of any diet pills that actually work except for Alli. BUT...I've also heard Alli has some very not so pleasant side effects, and it can get expensive. I would just stick with calorie counting and exercise.

    Fruit makes a good snack. I buy grapes, apples, strawberries, pineapple and put them into Tupperware or buy them already cut up. But make sure its fresh if its already cut, and not in any kind of sugar syrup (like the canned kind is).

    Its probably not a great "snack" but I pretty much always have skinny cow ice cream bars on hand anymore. 3-4 different flavors stay in my freezer at all times. They are only 100 calories for most of them, and help curb my sweet tooth. They're fudge bars are really good if your having a "I need chocolate" moment.

    Popcorn is another good one...I recommend the 100 calorie packs...because the serving sizes can get confusing on a regular bag (at least for me).

    Veggies. If you like them, buy a veggie tray (throw away the ranch though because its usually really really high). Veggie trays are easier if your not great at prepping your own snacks, more grab and go.

    Planning my meals has helped me a lot. The weeks that I don't have a plan, I'm all over the place and eating bad. Because usually by the time its lunch time or dinner I'm starving, and have no clue what I want to eat, and trying to count up how many calories the meal is going to be is extra frustrating when I'm already hungry. So I end up ordering out etc. On the other hand, if I already know that we are having BLT's for dinner, and I already know that its with in my calories, then I can just come home, make dinner, and eat.
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    I'd stay away from the diet pills, personally. Most of them are scams and will just be a waste of money. You can do this on your own! :smile:

    As for snacks, when I first started, here were my go-to snacks:

    100 calorie packs, fiber one 90 cal granola bars, 100 cal packs of popcorn. These were all great because I could eat them at home or take them with me to work/school without any hassle.

    Homemade veggie dip (I would buy the fat free sour cream, and add a packet of the dry veggie soup mix- once mixed, you gotta let it sit in the fridge for 24 hours before eating though, otherwise it will taste gross, but I found that if I did that, I couldn't tell the difference between the fat free and the full fat sour cream at all because of the seasoning) with veggies (cucumber, carrots, celery, etc.)

    Laughing Cow cheese (I like the garlic/herb flavor best, though the regular swiss is pretty good too- wasn't a huge fan of the french onion) w/ reduced fat wheat thins

    For sweet/desserty snacks, Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches, Smart Ones (individual) desserts, fruit sorbets.

    The snacks that I eat most often now:
    fruit (apples, strawberries, pineapple, watermelon)
    hummus with pita chips (Sprouts has a sea salt and olive oil pita chip one that I love)
    Trader Joe's Vanilla Meringues
    homemade popcorn (I make it in my Whirley Pop)
    cucumber (I like to chop it up and mix it with seasonings and eat it like that sometimes, or I'll add balsamic and seasonings, like a homemade dressing, but not a full out salad, just the seasoned cucumber)

    Hope this helps! :flowerforyou:
  • BrandNewMia
    BrandNewMia Posts: 461
    Stick to the perimeter of the grocery store. Whole foods; produce, meats, dairy, whole grains, nuts. Anything processed is your enemy.

    What he said!

    For snacks, the first things I reach for are fresh fruits and raw, unsalted nuts.

    Other snack faves - wholly guacamole 100 calorie pouches (found in the salad section of your grocer) or low sodium hummus with whole grain scoops, pita, crackers, or veggies. Popcorn is yummy, too. My diary is public if you want to check it out (though it's been slightly bland lately, running out of food and I need to shop...).

    Tips - drink lots of water! I aim for 14-16 (8oz) glasses per DAY. Watch the sodium, even if you go over don't sweat it, just work on keeping it low! Weight loss has more to do with your nutrition than it does exercise, so make sure you are fueling your body with healthy, wholesome foods.

    And I agree with PPs, you can do this without diet pills! They are just a waste of money - save that money for more important things, like buying new clothes :wink:
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Stay away from the pills!

    I'm a big snack-fan. My favourites are:

    small stick of cheese/ strip cheese
    Rice cakes/ corn cakes with humous, avocado, spready cheese
    Natural yoghurt
    6 olives, almond stuffed if poss.
    cauliflower/ brocoli florets
    hard-boiled egg
    slices of parma ham
    cherry tomatoes

    As a treat, when my fat and sugar allows:

    Small piece dark chocolate
    pack of lo-cal crisps such as quavers
    Go-ahead bars, weight watchers biscuits
    Milky Way
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