
julsie Posts: 4
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
hi all, I've been on mfp for a while but haven't got to grips with using it properly and fell off the wagon and I had never visited the message boards.....

So what to say, well I have a load of weight to lose and have tried every fad out there and then some but this time I'm doing it properly, eating less calories and trying to exercise more.....this has to become a way of life for the long term, not just a short term fix.......

Right off for a good look round - looking forward to getting to know you better :)


  • lailenm
    lailenm Posts: 203 Member
    Welcome (back) to MFP! I wish you the best of luck on your journey. :]
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    Well welcome to the site! Like you said before, most fads don't work and just make the person frustrated. There is one thing that has never failed when done properly and thats diet and exercise. It is a long term goal but we are here to help.

    Don't be afraid to add friends including myself to help you along this journey!
  • Kolene_Kaffeen
    Kolene_Kaffeen Posts: 20 Member
    Hello. Good luck 2 u!
  • loseit65
    loseit65 Posts: 47
    Welcome back,

    this is a great place to be, even if I go off the wagon, just reading the comments, is motivating.. keep it up, and good luck to you . ps you can add me as a friend, I also need motivation. 2weeks on and I've gained 3lbs. trying to get use to writing everything down. thanks :)
  • cawood2
    cawood2 Posts: 177 Member
    I'm in the same boat you are... Similar amount to lose, and want to do it right, in a way that I can keep up with. Feel free to add me! Good luck, and we can do this!!!!
  • denyse24
    denyse24 Posts: 62
    Welcome and good luck with sticking with the program. I am happy to say that I to have tried everything but without much success, I love mfp and it seem to work and althought I wish the weight would come off faster at least it is comming off. My big problem is working out , I need me some major motivation which seems to elude me :)
  • cmyrick75
    cmyrick75 Posts: 187 Member
    Welcom back and good luck! Feel free to add me as a friend. It took me 2 tries at MFP to be successful. The first time I didn't add any friends and went at it by myself but I quickly gave up. This time around I have friends who help keep me motivated and also give me ideas and tips on how to be more successful!
    Feel free to add me! !:)
  • alison2429
    alison2429 Posts: 236 Member
    Hi there - you can add me as a friend if you want - I have 2 daughters that started uni last September (at the same time) so I know how you will be feeling later this year.
    I am sure you will do great on here with all the support and advice.
    Best of luck.
  • julsie
    julsie Posts: 4
    thanks for all the encouragement guys.......have added those who said it would be ok as friends :) better go and update my profile......as my daughter is just coming to the end of her 2nd year at uni, boy time has flown......looking forward to getting you know you and encouraging each other :)
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