48 days to go. Best plan of attack!?

I’m currently in my work’s Biggest Loser Challenge and I have 48 days until my final weigh-in (June 1st). I’ve only lost 9lbs. My goal was to weigh-in at 127. Last weigh in I was 141. So I have 14lbs to go. My plan is to continue counting my calories, 1250 daily. Starting April 25th I’m doing a 30 day trial of hot-yoga (60-90minute sessions). At lunch M-F I either walk for 40 minutes, do yoga, or some sort of work out video like Turbo Jam or HIIT 20.

What can I do to really make sure I’ll hit my goal? Other than starve myself. Any suggestions or helpful tips?

Thanks guys! I appreciate any feedback!


  • JanerZzz
    JanerZzz Posts: 276
    I could recommend a great weight loss program that includes all natural shakes as meals for braekfast and such.
  • jwbwvf
    jwbwvf Posts: 7 Member
    Make the majority of your 1250 calories come from lean proteins(chicken, turkey) and keep carbs low only eating green veggies or other high fiber foods.
  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    up ur walking to an hr if u can:smile:
  • banishthebelly
    banishthebelly Posts: 10 Member
    Wow! Sounds to me like you're really working hard!! I think you're already doing it - keep going and you'll get there!
    Maybe up your cardio a bit? I've got Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred video and it's awesome in a brutal sort of way! You sweat, and do intervals, and it keeps you moving! It's hard and I hate it, and I should be doing it right now!! I swear at her the whole 20 minutes, but it's effective!! ;-) it's gotta be, right??..... but what do I know, I'm a waffler from way back....
  • stebabe15
    stebabe15 Posts: 28
    I'm not big on shakes. I want to meet my goal, but I know that shakes and stuff don't work for me. I think I'll be ok with my diet. Cutting out carbs is probably a good call. What are some good carbs?? Anything? I'll have a hard time cutting them out completely.
  • stebabe15
    stebabe15 Posts: 28
    Ooo! I was thinking of Netflixing the 30-day shred video. It's only 20 minute workouts??
  • stebabe15
    stebabe15 Posts: 28
    Wow... you're my height and you're goal weight is really low!! Are you naturally a very small frame? I thought my goal weight of 127 was pretty low for my height. How's your meal plan work?
  • stebabe15
    stebabe15 Posts: 28
    I could recommend a great weight loss program that includes all natural shakes as meals for braekfast and such.

    Oops, I think I'm supposed to hit "quote" when I want to reply directly to you.

    Wow... you're my height and you're goal weight is really low!! Are you naturally a very small frame? I thought my goal weight of 127 was pretty low for my height. How's your meal plan work?