I'm back! And this time to the FINISH!

Lets see I've been doing the weight loss thing for over 3 years and at one point I was down a 103lbs.. now only 77 :(

Seems like when you get of track you WAY get off track.. *sigh* After 6 month, I got what I needed figured out ...so I finally managed to pull myself up and get going again. Haven't lost any real weight but .. my pants are looser :)

So yeah hoping to finally take off the 30 I gained back and lose the other 20 .. buy the end of this year. :)
Feel free to add me..


  • Mattyc33
    Mattyc33 Posts: 7
    Congratulations on getting back to where you want to be. I've been there, I lost 60 pounds...fell in love and let 30 creep back on over time. Now I doing things the right way and with my partner that I love. =)

    If you want a friend and motivator, let me know.

    Good luck!
  • Sasha_Bear
    Sasha_Bear Posts: 625 Member
    Well alright then welcome back 103lbs down sounds like you already know what to do to get the weight off, just got focus on keeping it off! Good luck to you on this journey!
  • FJcntdwn2sknyluv
    FJcntdwn2sknyluv Posts: 651 Member
    @ Matty that's exactly what happened I've meet my awesome boyfriend..

    @ Taesem Thanks.. That's what I'm doing !
  • vyctoria1120
    You can do it :)