
I have decided to only drink water as part of my daily diet and eliminate all diet sodas, iced teas, coffee, and so on, to not waste my amount of daily calorie/sugar intake on liquids. It been okay so far, but I find myself having to add "Zipfizz " (an energy drink mix) to my water to give it some flavor and help me feel not so deprived. Not sure if its still healthy and what other options I have to drink my 8 cups of water?


  • JennaLee1486
    JennaLee1486 Posts: 101 Member
    I add a vitamin supplement to my water called Emergen-C. It's available in many flavors (I suggest Lemon/Lime), and is 25 calories per packet. I usually do 2 packets a day.
  • Determined120509
    I quit drinking everything except water on December 27, 2010. It has been rather refreshing...it's not that bad at all!
  • Flamenquera
    The energy drink that I consume has zero sugar and ten calories, but I add it in every time I drink my water, about 4 a day.
  • jakejacobsen
    jakejacobsen Posts: 595 Member
    Just make the choice drink the water, if you need a little flavor toss a lemon wedge in it.
  • KendraElmendorf
    KendraElmendorf Posts: 837 Member
    I have started drinking Cascade Ice. Its a sparkling water with juice. There are only 4 calories in the bottle and it has a bit of flavor and bubbles if thats what you like. I use it to substitute soda in my diet. i must say it works pretty well as i was drinking about 5 sodas a day and have had none foe 3 days! Good Luck!
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    I only drink water and coffee. I add stevia to both. Quite nice.
  • Flamenquera
    Thanks for the ideas and suggestions, I will give them a try!
  • menchi
    menchi Posts: 297 Member
    I find that if I keep water handy especially at times/places where I'll be thristy, I have very little trouble wanting to drink at least 8 cups a day. I have several bottles on my car which I often drink as I drive home from the gym. I also have a 32 oz nalgene bottle by my bed and I drink that when I wake up feeling all dry. I've also recently discovered I like my water sparkling so I have that sometimes. It does have a little sodium in it and it can get expensive, but it gives me a little variety. Other ways I get more fluid (although I don't log it, too complicated to estimate) is I often have soup for meals. Today I made tomato soup with an ounce of pasta, half a cup of diced tomatoes, 4 oz of ground turkey and a handful of oatmeal to thicken it up. I think I added an extra cup of water to that but it's really up to you how you like your soup. It's filling, it gets me some water, and it was only 300 Cal.

    I still drink tea and coffee and they don't have to be high cal drinks. I have a variety of loose leaf teas that I brew to pretty much water consistency so I usually count half of that as my water intake. I don't add anything to my tea so it has no calories. I stopped adding sugar in my coffee over a year ago and I'm working on not adding milk/soy now, so my coffee is often less than 30 Cal.