
I realized I need to commit to more than going to the gym a few times a month, I am 35 and starting to feel older, more tired and out of shape! I am committed to eating healthy and being fit..... goodness... I hope I can do this haha :) I know I can :) I survived basic training, 3 kids and Illinois winters (being a west coast girl). I can do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • abbie017
    abbie017 Posts: 410
    Yes you can! Welcome to MFP. I just started recently as well, and I'm really loving it so far! Feel free to add me if you want some extra support!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Welcome and good luck! you'll find all the support you need!
  • mumbz
    mumbz Posts: 7 Member
    Hey. I am new to myfitnesspal. My friend introduced it to me this past weekend and told me how effectively it's working for her. I am hoping to be able to use this to track my progress, get advice from people also losing weight and getting fit and pass around ideas about good workouts and anything helpful. Hopefully I can also help contribute to this!! :)
  • jolyenann
    Thank you :)