a little help please

SMelson89 Posts: 6
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
so i'm in the USAF and working on getting back in shape after having my baby girl.

we have a pt program that i go to 4 times a week and my lower legs are just starting to kill me. last week we did a crazy amount of squats and push presses and thrusts. then i went to the womens gym for bikini bootcamp and it was a lower body day and we did more crazy squats and leg exercises. then the next day at pt we ran and did more squats. this past weekend i could barely walk, sunday my legs were getting better so i skipped pt on monday and wasn't able to go on tuesday. today we ran, did squats, and what we call burpies, its were you drop down do a push up and then jump up in the air and clap your hands above your head. i wanted to die after the last lap! my legs are killing me tonight as well at work. i've stretched and massaged and had them up in the air but my legs are killing me still. anyone know what the problem could be or have any other ideas on how i can just get the pain to stop?


  • jesster64
    jesster64 Posts: 109
    sounds like severe muscle strain. but I'm no expert. Rest a day in between workouts. Your workouts sound extreme so your body needs time to heal too.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I think you just need a little rest. Did I read that correctly that you did lower-body work several days in a row? You should give each muscle group you exercise at least 2 days off before you work it again (or at LEAST 1 day). Was this just sort of a coincidence that it happened to work out that way? Hopefully in the future you can avoid working out the same muscles 2 days in a row. Also, if this was the first time working out the lower body in a while, it's normal to get extra sore (it may last up to around a week, unfortunately). But the good news is, if you stay in a workout routine, that bad initial soreness won't happen again once you heal.

    Take some ibuprofen and/or ice the sore muscles. Hope you heal up quickly.
  • llana_59
    llana_59 Posts: 1
    sounds like you probably pushed too hard to start out with... I'm not an expert but when I first started working last year I had some similar issues - standing up and sitting down were the worst!!

    make sure you are drinking enough water, try a bath with some epsom salts, ibuprofen, etc. I think the biggest thing is to keep going (just maybe tone it down a bit and try not to work the same muscles back to back).

    good luck!!
  • Looks like you are doing too much leg work. If you work a muscle group pretty strenuous you have to give it a few days to recover, if not it could have serious repercussion. If they're having you work your legs that strenuous you shouldn't be doing legs no more than twice a week. Unfortunatelt the pain won't go away until your muscle have time to repair and adapt it doesn't sound like that's happening
  • thanks guys for the advice so far!

    our pt program isn't really broken down into the different groups the way that i think that it should be. i have no control over that though, its a mandatory program that i have to attend 4 times a week. a typical week we do the same exercises over and over again.

    this week so far from what i was told about the program, monday was a running day, they did a mile rested for 3 minutes, 3/4 a mile rested 3 minutes, 1/2 a mile rest for 3 minutes, then ran 1/4 a mile and were done. tuesday was an upper body work out because it was raining the planned work out was supposed to be a mock pt test which is a mile and a half then push ups and sit ups a minute each. todays pt was run 1/4 a lap then squats and burpies 4 times.

    last weeks was death by burpies which is doing 10 burpies then 10 thrusters, then 9, 8, 7 you get the idea. the day before that it was run 1/4 a mile then 20 squats 4 times, the day before that it was 30 sit ups, 30 thrusters, 30 side jumps which is jumping over an exercise step side ways, you went from 30 to 20 to 10. and the list goes on pretty much like this for weeks.

    i don't have the option of resting but once a week because the class is held 5 days a week.

    i'm going to go home and try the bath with the epsom salts and some ice sounds nice as well, may be it'll numb the pain a bit so that they will actually rest instead of being tense all day.
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