Hello fitness buddies

Hi, my name is Jen and I am brand new on this website. My sister has been using this site for a while and told me to give it a try. I have been over weight my entire life the doctors keep checking my thyroid but there has been no such luck. 16 years later I still fit into the same clothes as I did in highschool, but I know that one day that will not be the case. I want to feel better and have more energy, I am ready for a change. The doctors said that I am a pre-diabetic and that I must loose weight. I love to garden, cook, read, and sing/play the piano. So I need to find something to do with my time that is a bit more active, and less fattening lol. I also have a very bad habbit of skipping meals. I am single and often don't stop when I am working on a project either because I am occupied with doing something, or because I don't like to eat alone. Lately food dosen't even sound interesting to me and it is a chore just to think of what to make. I am excited that this tool can help me on my journey, and that hopfully I can chat with some new friends along the way =)


  • minxblack
    minxblack Posts: 40
    You sound like me on here. Getting busy in projects, skipping meals. Not wanting to cook. But this has really helped me get myself together. And having friends on here too helps. So add me if you want a friend.
  • thedons
    thedons Posts: 41
    hi jen, welcome to the site. i wasnt much for exercising before. i found it seemed like to much of a chore than anything else but i started by going for walks around the block & after a while i found i had more energy & started doing more & different exercises. now its become a routine that i truely miss if i dont get it in. i also used to be bad for skiping meals. have you tried eating snacks like carrot or celery sticks, fruit, or granola bars? i usually always keep a few things in my bag to munch on throughout the day. feel free to add me as a friend.