Why am I not losing weight!!!!

kalamitykate83 Posts: 227 Member
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
Right, this week I have been super good. I've been eating between 1100 and 1400 calories per day, drinking 2-3 litres of water, I've been to the gym each day and I'm burning between 500 and 700 calories per day .... yet when I weighed this morning I haven't lost any weight!!!!! I had a semi bad week last week, not awful but not great, and I think that's messed up my weight! I lost 6lbs in the first 4 weeks, and this is week 6 and I'm now stuck! Humpf! Any advice greatly appreciated!! x


  • DaniiDean
    DaniiDean Posts: 162 Member
    Read this....... http://one-twenty-five.tumblr.com/post/4584261288/so-you-wanna-lose-weight

    If It’s Not Working, You’re Cheating Change Something!
    this bit especially

    Not saying you are cheating at all but read it, i didn't write it but the whole thing may answer your question :)
  • normally ur body goes in to plateau after a while so you need to maybe up everything u do a little x
  • ceri1980
    ceri1980 Posts: 92 Member
    Perhaps last week has caught up with you and your body is taking a few days to adjust? I would stick with it this week and hopefully when you weigh next week things will even out and you will have a good loss. Remember to keep your calorie intake at 1200 calories or more the days you exercise as undereating wont help you lose weight.

    Although the scales havent moved take measurements, it could be that you've lost inches.

    I hope everything resolves itself, I know how deflating it can be when youv'e put so much hard work in and seem to have go nothing from it when you get on those scales.

    Ceri x
  • n00n00
    n00n00 Posts: 1 Member
    If your anything like me, my body loses weight in stages... I normally dont lose anything for 2-3 weeks and then suddenly drop 3-5 lbs! Get to know your body and it's rythmns and dont be so harsh on yourself if one week you dont lose... it just might not be the way your body works. Try and stay focused on the end goal. I normally find that bthe impact of what I am eating affects me a week later... so if I have a bad week, it shows a week later... when having a good week it shows a week later... so I have stopped thinking from day to day and realised that what I eat today will affect me in a weeks time... which calms me down about the whole weight loass. Hope that helps and good luck x:smile:
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    I had the same thing, I dropped about 4lbs really really quick and then got stuck for a week. Now things are moving again, slowly. I think weight is often a bit hit and miss and it's really easy to forget that stuff like salt, water, TOM etc can easily make 1/2lbs difference or even more, which is enough to cancel out a great weeks work.
  • kalamitykate83
    kalamitykate83 Posts: 227 Member
    Thanks for your advice everyone!!

    It's just so frustrating isn't it!! I think last week's catching up with me now, so hopefully by next week I'll notice a move!!

    I'm gonna try and not weigh myself for the next week and fingers crossed I'll have a pleasent surprise next week!! ;-)

    Thanks again! x
  • kalamitykate83
    kalamitykate83 Posts: 227 Member
    Read this....... http://one-twenty-five.tumblr.com/post/4584261288/so-you-wanna-lose-weight

    If It’s Not Working, You’re Cheating Change Something!
    this bit especially

    Not saying you are cheating at all but read it, i didn't write it but the whole thing may answer your question :)

    Thanks for this, I'm gonna have a look at it now! x
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Looks like you're not eating enough either if you're working out that hard. :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Are you eating 1100 - 1400 NET calories? I hate to bring up the dreaded "eat your exercise calories" topic but you need to make sure you are giving your body enough good fuel to function. If you are eating 1100 in a day, exercising off 600, that only leaves your body 500 cals to function on for the day - really not enough to be healthy in the long term.

    Apart from that, I think it's pretty common to stop losing or to gain weight every now and again. I was getting a bit frustrated with losing and gaining weight and decided to put it on a graph so I could see the patterns - there is a reallly clear "scallop" pattern. Ie. I lose weight for 3 -4 weeks in a row then stay the same or go up .5kg or so for 1 or 2 weeks, then lose again. The overall trend is down, so I've decided to accept that not every week is going to be the same. It might be related to your hormonal cycle, or to your body adjusting to the new regime.

    Keep up the good work and you should see the scale drop.

    Oh, and don't forget that the scale is only one part of the equation - have your measured yourself? Are your clothes loser?
  • kalamitykate83
    kalamitykate83 Posts: 227 Member
    See this is what I'm thinking, I don't think I'm eating enough! My net calories yesterday were only 800, this is too low isn't it?! Hmmm, think I'm gonna start eating more for breakfast to get my calories up there!! x
  • brittanyscherich
    brittanyscherich Posts: 355 Member
    Often, you're holding water weight. Try decreasing your sodium intake.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    See this is what I'm thinking, I don't think I'm eating enough! My net calories yesterday were only 800, this is too low isn't it?! Hmmm, think I'm gonna start eating more for breakfast to get my calories up there!! x

    yes! this! Make sure your NET calories are ABOVE 1200 every day. If your body thinks it's in a famine and there is not enough food available it will hold onto those fat stores for "an emergency". you have to convince it that there is enough food coming in to safely let go if its "back up plan" for your survival...
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    See this is what I'm thinking, I don't think I'm eating enough! My net calories yesterday were only 800, this is too low isn't it?! Hmmm, think I'm gonna start eating more for breakfast to get my calories up there!! x

    I know it seems counter intuitive to eat to lose weight, and people will argue this topic all day.... but MFP has given you a deficit which is still there even if you eat all the cals you burn off from exercise.
    You need to find what works for your body, but adding in a good breakfast and aiming for a higher net calorie figure than 800 seems a good place to start.
    And if this seems scary - I'm about 6 lb heavier than you but I'm eating around 1500 net cals a day and am averaging 1kg (2.2 pounds) loss every 10 days (this statement comes with the obligatory "we are all different" disclaimer!)
  • kalamitykate83
    kalamitykate83 Posts: 227 Member
    See this is what I'm thinking, I don't think I'm eating enough! My net calories yesterday were only 800, this is too low isn't it?! Hmmm, think I'm gonna start eating more for breakfast to get my calories up there!! x

    I know it seems counter intuitive to eat to lose weight, and people will argue this topic all day.... but MFP has given you a deficit which is still there even if you eat all the cals you burn off from exercise.
    You need to find what works for your body, but adding in a good breakfast and aiming for a higher net calorie figure than 800 seems a good place to start.
    And if this seems scary - I'm about 6 lb heavier than you but I'm eating around 1500 net cals a day and am averaging 1kg (2.2 pounds) loss every 10 days (this statement comes with the obligatory "we are all different" disclaimer!)

    Ah ok, well from today I shall try and up my net cals to 1200 and see how I get on!!

    Thanks for all the tips peeps! x
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