Looking for people with over two stone to loose to help with

barbie2000 Posts: 5 Member
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hi ive only been on this site for two days but love it already, im 37 i have a couple of stone to loose so i have a long way to go but im focused at the mo and want to do it the right way fed up with loosing and gaining al the time! so im having 1300 cals a day and started to increase some excersise as i dont do any, I would love to meet some like minded people on here with over two stone to loose so we can battle this together, look forward to chatting soon x:bigsmile:


  • Hi there
    I am in the same situation however I am 50 years old and have been following the 1200 calorie and the weight is moving very slowly and then seems to come up again.
    I started at 161lbs last week weighed 153 and then today 158 so not sure what is going on.
    Any suggestions would be great.
  • SandyLee1961
    SandyLee1961 Posts: 133 Member
    I'm not sure who or where I saw it, but someone mentioned on another post that when you first begin to exercise you very well may GAIN weight. I can't remember the reasons for it - but there were some really good ones. I wouldn't stress though. Keep up on your exercising. You can and will overcome this hurdle :)
  • barbie2000
    barbie2000 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, have you tried starting a little gently activity, and make sure you drink the water that is a big help, ive tried all sorts of diets over the years but never calorie counted as found it too hard but this site is fab and im hoping this time it will work out for me. Just think if you were not keeping an eye on it it would just go up up and away so well done stick to it, maybe only way yourself every other week ?
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Hiya, I was 14 stone when I started here and looking to get down to 11.5. Friend request on its way :smile:
  • barbie2000
    barbie2000 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks, x
  • Whiskey_Byrne
    Whiskey_Byrne Posts: 58 Member
    I started here at almost 16 st! Things are all moving in the right direction even if it is slow, My theory being that if it's slow to go it should be easier to keep off. Aiming to get down to 9st 4 but will even be happy with getting to 10 :) Found this site has been a huge help to keep me going.
  • Terri73
    Terri73 Posts: 238
    I found the scales didnt move for ages then suddenly they did and keep doing so. Keep going it does happen.
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    Hi, I have at least 5 and a half stone to lose and would like more friends for that kick up the backside I sometimes need and to cheer me on when things go well. Friend request will be on its way :)
  • xnattiex
    xnattiex Posts: 143 Member
    Hi! I have a good 6 stone to lose! feel free to add me if you would like to. good luyck with your loss! x
  • Purple_Orchid_87
    Purple_Orchid_87 Posts: 517 Member
    I found this as an app on my phone and then found the website - started using the app a couple of days ago, and started a new diet 2 weeks ago.

    I worked out over the course of a month that my daily calorie intake was approx 4,000 - but colleagues all said 'but you're tall, you carry it well'

    I am 23 years old, female, 6ft1, and started with a weight of:

    132.5kg / 291.5lb / 20.8st (am trying to keep track of my weight in all 3 measurements)

    have just finished my second seek there on Tuesday 12th April 2011 and have lost:

    4kg / 8.8lb

    Am really self conscious and dont know anyone in my area (so gym buddies may not work for me) - I am trying to get out walking 3 times a week (there is a 5 mile coastal walk very close to where I live).

    I have reduced my intake to:

    1,000kcals a day
    75g sugar (all sugars including fructose)
    55g fat
    15g saturated fat

    Am keeping a food diary, both hand written, and on a spreadsheet to add everything up for me, and will now be using the app on my phone - especially good for if i'm out with friends and dont want to be obvious and pull out my little black book.

    I would like to lose a total of 7st by 21st December 2011


    1kg / 2.2lb off each week

    Equating to:
    25/05/2011 - down to 126.5kg / 278.3lb / 19.9st
    20/07/2011 - down to 120.0kg / 264.0lb/ 18.8st
    14/09/2011 - down to 114.0kg / 250.8lb / 17.9st

    Any friend requests and support/tips/ideas would be appreciated

    ps - how do i get one of those banners at the bottom of my post that shows how much you've lost?
  • ruralgirl
    ruralgirl Posts: 86 Member
    Hi I am 38 and started at 200lbs after having twins - my goal is 11 stone - well the first one anyway! lol - please add me if you want to:-)
  • jam3114
    jam3114 Posts: 250 Member
    Hi welcome to the mad world of MFP - I've about 5 stone to lose - sent you a friend request looking forward to taking this journey with you:smile:
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