How many calories to eat??

I have all my info in mfp and it allots me 1380 cals without exercise. I wear a GoWearFit armband and I consistently burn 3200 to 3400 cals a day. Should I be eating more cals? I am always so tired and wore out.


  • JunkFoodJane
    JunkFoodJane Posts: 150 Member
    What is your activity level set at and what are your goals, if any?

    If you want to lose 2pounds a week for example it's going to tell you to eat 1,000 calories a day less than what your body burns. It only can guess what you burn by the info you put in.
  • Seb83
    Seb83 Posts: 18
    Do you wear the armband all day even when not exercising? If so I'd guess that 3200 - 3400 is your Base Metabolic rate. This is the amount of calories your body burns just to keep going (ie: pumping the heart, moving the lungs, producing hormones etc etc)

    Basically, what MFP is telling you is the amount by which you should intake in order to lose weight. Your body will get 1380 calories from your daily food, and the remaining lot from fat stores around the body, hence the weight loss.

    What sorts of foods are you eating? Are you drinking plenty of water; this really helps with keeping alert (although it takes a while to get used to drinking plenty of water!)
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    You burn 3200 - 3400 calories per day????

    Are you sure about this? Do you run marathons every day or something?? :-)

    I think you may be measuring your BMR?
  • mabear74
    mabear74 Posts: 248
    I drink my 8-10 glasses of water a day. I eat a lot of fruit, veggies, yogurt and have a shakeology a day. Usually eat about 6-8 times a day. I do wear my armband 24/7 and just charge it while I'm in the shower. I am pretty much moving all day long, even without exercise.

    Do you think I should try uping my calories?

    According to all the info I've read the GoWearFit (Bodybugg) tracks calories burned throughout the day.........
  • sbchasin
    sbchasin Posts: 14
    Sounds like you didn't enter your activity level correctly. You would want to eat 1000 less than what your burn indicates for a 2 pound loss/week.
  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    First of all, it's not the BMR that is being measured because she isn't laying down all day to get this calculation. The 3200-3400 would be her calories burned per day with activity which includes her BMR + activities. MFP estimates this on the GOALS page (top right), then subtracts 1000 calories from that to get your daily goal if you are trying to lose 2 lbs per week.

    If you are using the arm band and know that you are burning about that amount each day you should probably customize your goals by subtracting your desired deficit from that 3200-3400 figure. 2 lbs per week = 1000 calorie deficit per day

    It could get confusing if your daily calorie burn changes each day but if you know this is about what you burn on average each day I would imagine you should eat around 2100-2200 calories a day. Since you are wearing the monitor 24/7 you probably should NOT log anything as exercise because that will inflat the calorie burn.

    Honestly, I would change your activity level to match your lifestyle and see what MFP gives you as a calorie goal. May not be 2000+ but it's got to be more than what you have now because that is my goal and I'm entered as sendentary.

    Good luck!
  • tmaksparkie
    tmaksparkie Posts: 279
    Yes depending on how much you want to lose per week. I also have a bodybugg and love it.