Can't get up in the AM to workout any tips?

Nads Posts: 8 Member
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support

I want to start working out in the morning before work but I can't seem to be able to get up in the morning.

Any tips on what I can do to get my butt out of bed? LOL

I have no problems working out in the evening but with summer just around the corner I'd rather workout out in the cool AM :D

Nads :D


  • blakgarnet
    blakgarnet Posts: 343
    no tips, I have the same problem. I'm hoping that someone gives you a great tip that I can steal. I have a feeling you just need to find the motivation and then get in a groove.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Good luck. It's like Nike say's JUST DO IT. It can only come from you, either you want to or you don't. I don't but let me know how you make out.
  • RichB77
    RichB77 Posts: 88
    Errrr, are you serious?!
    Go to bed earlier and get an alarm clock?!
    On a serious note though, you need to have the mindset and the willpower to want to do it though, otherwise it just won't happen.
    Good luck on your journey

  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    I just started this week, I set 4 alarms, between 3 & 5 minutes apart and finally I get so annoyed that I just get up and work out! haha, not the most fun method, but it gets the job done!
  • If your a coffee drinker try setting your coffee to brew when you are suppose to wake up to work out. I may have to wake up 15 mins even earlier but the thought of a warm cup of Joe is more than enough to get me out of bed.
  • If your a coffee drinker try setting your coffee to brew when you are suppose to wake up to work out. I may have to wake up 15 mins even earlier but the thought of a warm cup of Joe is more than enough to get me out of bed.
  • Sallerina84
    Sallerina84 Posts: 138 Member
    I'm usually terrible at getting up in the morning and constantly tired, but since I've FORCED myself out of bed in the morning to exercise before work, I now feel more energised and less tired! I don't find it a problem anymore getting up early, and it used to be a constant battle to get out of bed!!!!

    So my advice is, no matter how knackered you are, force yourself up for the first few days, and it will get gradually easier!!!
  • beatlemom
    beatlemom Posts: 250 Member
    It's all about motivation. I don't enjoy getting up an hour earlier to fit in a workout, but I know how good it makes me feel for the rest of the day, so I just do it. The feeling good is my motivation, as is knowing ahead of time just how many calories I get for the entire day!
  • jonathandavid_t
    jonathandavid_t Posts: 107 Member
    Put your alarm clock on the other side of the room so you physically can't silence it without getting out of the bed.
  • schninie82
    schninie82 Posts: 502 Member
    I agree with the last two... Just Do iT! and you gotta have will power...

    I workout in the morning and i feel better for have to go bed a little earlier and definatley get an alarmclock (preferably one positioned the other side of the room so you HAVE to get up to switch it off!!)

    Basically, if you want to get up, you will...its ALL DOWN TO YOU!
  • I've always found the hardest part of getting up in the morning to workout is actually, physically, getting out of bed. If I can make myself get out from beneath the covers I can get going. The best way I've found to do this is to put the alarm clock across the room so I have to get up to turn it off, otherwise it's too easy for me to keep hitting the snooze button..
  • iamthepreston
    iamthepreston Posts: 195 Member
    My nads wont get out of bed to workout either. I enjoy sleeping.
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    Go to bed early. When the alarm goes off, get up. Just as there is no "secret" to losing weight, there is no "secret" to getting up early. You just have to make it your priority.
  • Sallerina84
    Sallerina84 Posts: 138 Member
    It's all about motivation. I don't enjoy getting up an hour earlier to fit in a workout, but I know how good it makes me feel for the rest of the day, so I just do it. The feeling good is my motivation, as is knowing ahead of time just how many calories I get for the entire day!

    I agree....if ever I give in and just stay in bed, my alarm goes off an hour later and I feel just as tired and it's equally as hard to get up! So nothing gained doing that.......whereas if I get up and exercise, I'm then wide awake and feel good and it motivates me to stick to eating healthy for the rest of the day to make my work out worth while too. It's a win win for me. And also doesnt eat into my evenings then!
  • jconnon
    jconnon Posts: 427 Member
    For me if I don't work out in the morning I wont ever get to it. It took me a while to get that in my head. The best advice I can give is if you can force yourself to do it for a couple of weeks straight it becomes a habit, at least it did for me. I get up at 5:30, shuffle around for a few min and make sure I get started by 6:00 so I am done by 7:00.
  • Sallerina84
    Sallerina84 Posts: 138 Member
    For me if I don't work out in the morning I wont ever get to it. It took me a while to get that in my head. The best advice I can give is if you can force yourself to do it for a couple of weeks straight it becomes a habit, at least it did for me. I get up at 5:30, shuffle around for a few min and make sure I get started by 6:00 so I am done by 7:00.

    same here, by the time I get home from work I just want to chill out, I much prefer getting a work out in before work so it's out of the way and doesnt disrupt my evening!
  • Nads
    Nads Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for all the feed back guys & gals!

    Just wanted to let you know that I got up this morning :) Feels great!
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