Two Kiddies to chase after and want to get healthy

Hey everyone.

Im Rosie. I'm (almost) 22. I'm 5 foot 5 inches, and i am 10 stone 4lbs (approx 65 kg). my waist is 33cm(what should it be?)

I have a 2 and a half year old, and a 4 month old. im not neccessarily here to lose weight but to get healthy for the kids. Im also doing this to support my amazing hubby :)

Basically cutting to the chase, i have a million and one medical conditions and some days can barely get out of bed. so exercise is increasingly difficult. My aim is to simply walk for 30 mins a day (so about a mile) and do sit ups as and when my illnesses permit.

We started our healthy eating plan a week or so ago, and i joined here i think four days ago. my weight three days prior was 67kg. So im hopeful.

As im breast feeding i am NOT following the guidline calorie intake of 1400 kcal per day (which i feel is a big cut even for non breast feeders), but i am using this site for support, guidence and portion control.

Anyone who fancies a chat, just comment back :) xxx


  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Hi Mumoftwo2011, welcome to MFP!!

    To lose 1 pound of fat, one has to burn 3500 kc more than one eats. If you go to Home > Goals, you'll see what MFP calculates your maintenance to be at your current weight (per your profile). To lose 1 pound a week, you'd need to reduce that figure by 500 calories per day.

    Breastfeeding requires approximately 300 -500 calories more than normal, but you should not eat less than around 1500-1800.

    So I suggest you take your calories burned from normal activity (on your goal page) and eat that amount. That would be arrived at like this: + 500 for breastfeeding and -500 for weight loss. Once you stop breastfeeding, you can increase that deficit to 1000 per day, if you like.

    Good luck and be patient! :flowerforyou:
  • leperleopard
    leperleopard Posts: 7 Member
    You have a great motivation! I dont think youll have any problems here. If you really want to do it, i am sure you are the kind of person to stick to your goals and lose that weight!
    And welcome to the site(: