Ladies, help! Hungry all the time and looking for answers

I'm hoping one of my fellow women might have an answer to this but I'm feeling like I'm starving! I mean, for the last 3-4 weeks, I am just constantly, and I mean constantly!, hungry. Not just cravings--although I get those--but I just feel like I am never ever full and could turn around and eat more right after finishing eating!

This started with cravings about 2 months ago--the cravings continue and I attribute that to premenopausal stuff but hungry?

I started eating more before I did my 100 miles ride about 3 weeks ago and ever since I can't stop! I was back to within 1/2 a pound of my pre-century riding weight but have gained 3 pounds since then. I think it's partly TOM but am concerned it's not all that because I'm over that for now--Beside being premen has that all messed up anyway (1 week late last month, then 2 weeks early this month :grumble: ).

But I can't find anything about hungry being part of premen. Anyone have similar happen to them--any solutions? I can't keep eating like this but I just seriously feel like I'm starving. The cravings are bad enough--everything looks good! Even stuff I've always hated looks good! But now I just feel like I'm starved.

I was eating 1400 calories a day, btw and yes, most of you know I eat my exercise calories--and that is only like a 500 calorie a day deficit for me. And, since I've gained a bit, I'm concerned that this is too much per day now.

I've scaled back my exercise since my Century ride and now am mainly walking the dog an hour or so a day plus riding my stationary bike. But, I'm only burning like 300-500 a day and am eating those (and more) with no problems! I haven't even tracked my foods the last week because I'm just afraid to see how much I'm really eating. :ohwell:

My regular doc is out having her baby and I don't really want to have to deal with the fill-in on this but might have to because I can't go on like this for much longer.

Please, please, please, someone tell me they've had the same thing and that it goes away or something!


  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    I'm hoping one of my fellow women might have an answer to this but I'm feeling like I'm starving! I mean, for the last 3-4 weeks, I am just constantly, and I mean constantly!, hungry. Not just cravings--although I get those--but I just feel like I am never ever full and could turn around and eat more right after finishing eating!

    This started with cravings about 2 months ago--the cravings continue and I attribute that to premenopausal stuff but hungry?

    I started eating more before I did my 100 miles ride about 3 weeks ago and ever since I can't stop! I was back to within 1/2 a pound of my pre-century riding weight but have gained 3 pounds since then. I think it's partly TOM but am concerned it's not all that because I'm over that for now--Beside being premen has that all messed up anyway (1 week late last month, then 2 weeks early this month :grumble: ).

    But I can't find anything about hungry being part of premen. Anyone have similar happen to them--any solutions? I can't keep eating like this but I just seriously feel like I'm starving. The cravings are bad enough--everything looks good! Even stuff I've always hated looks good! But now I just feel like I'm starved.

    I was eating 1400 calories a day, btw and yes, most of you know I eat my exercise calories--and that is only like a 500 calorie a day deficit for me. And, since I've gained a bit, I'm concerned that this is too much per day now.

    I've scaled back my exercise since my Century ride and now am mainly walking the dog an hour or so a day plus riding my stationary bike. But, I'm only burning like 300-500 a day and am eating those (and more) with no problems! I haven't even tracked my foods the last week because I'm just afraid to see how much I'm really eating. :ohwell:

    My regular doc is out having her baby and I don't really want to have to deal with the fill-in on this but might have to because I can't go on like this for much longer.

    Please, please, please, someone tell me they've had the same thing and that it goes away or something!
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    I eat constantly, so I'm probably no help. I just pick low cal treats to snack on all day. Drink water

    Here's my day today.

    I had oat meal for breakfast
    then some almonds
    then some raisens
    then I'll eat some lunch (250 calories)
    then a fiber one bar
    then an apple
    then some supper(300 to 600 calories depending if I get my exercise in)

    Some times I'll bring mini wheats and snack on them dry, or have yogurt or string cheese.
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    That's like my food for the day too! I hate how people at work are're always should weigh have a fast metabolism. They never said this before when I was chubbier. I feel like shouting out

    FIRST OF ALL-I am not shoveling dounuts down my face, I'm eating a freakin banana
    SECOND OF ALL-I exercise 6 times a week so I have to eat a lot.

  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    I eat constantly, so I'm probably no help. I just pick low cal treats to snack on all day. Drink water

    Here's my day today.

    I had oat meal for breakfast
    then some almonds
    then some raisens
    then I'll eat some lunch (250 calories)
    then a fiber one bar
    then an apple
    then some supper(300 to 600 calories depending if I get my exercise in)

    Some times I'll bring mini wheats and snack on them dry, or have yogurt or string cheese.

    I eat snacks between meals--so that's not the problem. The problem is that I'm starving! This didn't start until about 3-4 weeks ago.
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    I just posted one of the recent Jillian Michaels newsletters regarding being hungry all the time..

    Might want to take a look..should still be up near the top of the threads... it discusses fiber etc.

    hope something there helps:drinker:
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I find that my hunger increases when I'm becoming a bit overtrained. Too little sleep, too many miles or hours in the gym, and suddenly I have an insatiable appetite. So I eat some more and sleep some more for a week, and it goes away. One week with higher calories isn't going to undo everything. Just keep them clean and don't go past maintenance.
  • clewliss
    clewliss Posts: 640 Member
    Does your stomach actually growl and you are feeling true hunger? Someone posted some time back about two types of hunger. I'll see if I can find that thread.
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    I find that my hunger increases when I'm becoming a bit overtrained. Too little sleep, too many miles or hours in the gym, and suddenly I have an insatiable appetite. So I eat some more and sleep some more for a week, and it goes away. One week with higher calories isn't going to undo everything. Just keep them clean and don't go past maintenance.

    I was thinking maybe it had to do with the Century ride but it's been 2 weeks now and it's not gone away. Maybe it's just going to take longer, you think, for my body and mind to get back on the same page? I've been having trouble sleeping, too, but again, attributed that to premen stuff but maybe not.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I find that my hunger increases when I'm becoming a bit overtrained. Too little sleep, too many miles or hours in the gym, and suddenly I have an insatiable appetite. So I eat some more and sleep some more for a week, and it goes away. One week with higher calories isn't going to undo everything. Just keep them clean and don't go past maintenance.

    I was thinking maybe it had to do with the Century ride but it's been 2 weeks now and it's not gone away. Maybe it's just going to take longer, you think, for my body and mind to get back on the same page? I've been having trouble sleeping, too, but again, attributed that to premen stuff but maybe not.

    It takes weeks to recover from a long race. Your body undergoes major physiological changes when you put it under that much stress. Your body is essentially in 'fight or flight' mode until you stop pedaling. At that point, another area of the nervous system takes over to restore normal functions, but that can take time, especially after arduous training.

    You might find that, with an increase in calories, you'll gain initially, and then begin losing again. I tried eating 1400 a day, and didn't lose anything, and when I bumped it up to 1700 I increased, then plateaued, and then started losing again. It took about a month, but I'm pretty patient with this stuff, so seeing the scale go up/not move isn't really bothersome to me.
  • mpf1118
    That's like my food for the day too! I hate how people at work are're always should weigh have a fast metabolism. They never said this before when I was chubbier. I feel like shouting out

    FIRST OF ALL-I am not shoveling dounuts down my face, I'm eating a freakin banana
    SECOND OF ALL-I exercise 6 times a week so I have to eat a lot.


    OOPS, I accidently just "reported" this, I meant to "quote" it, anyway, I think that is helarious too how people start commenting on what you are "not" eating or how you "need to eat more" after you've lost weight. I think it's b/c they are not use to seeing you actually on the skinny side, or much less weight than you were before.

    Anyway, try eating a lot more fibrous food......A LOT!!!
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    It takes weeks to recover from a long race. Your body undergoes major physiological changes when you put it under that much stress. Your body is essentially in 'fight or flight' mode until you stop pedaling. At that point, another area of the nervous system takes over to restore normal functions, but that can take time, especially after arduous training.

    You might find that, with an increase in calories, you'll gain initially, and then begin losing again. I tried eating 1400 a day, and didn't lose anything, and when I bumped it up to 1700 I increased, then plateaued, and then started losing again. It took about a month, but I'm pretty patient with this stuff, so seeing the scale go up/not move isn't really bothersome to me.

    ARGGHH! There you go with that patience stuff again! You know I'm too hyper to have patience silly30gn.gif Trying not to eat the bad stuff is sooo hard right now though--Gessh, we went to Va. Beach yesterday to shop and I saw a Famous Uncle Al's Hot Dogs and had to have a chili dog! Of course, you can't have a chili dog without cheese AND crinkle-cut fries. :ohwell: Then for dinner, DH went and got Chinese--again. We're eating out more than we have in a long time and that's because I'm feeling so hungry and craving stuff. And, yes, it's a physical hungry most times--my stomach was growling yesterday within 1 hour of eating chili dog and fries!
  • newlywed07
    I tried Fiber One Original Bran cereal for breakfast and added a handful of blueberries. I only eat 1/2 cup of cereal and 1/2 cup of milk. It's only 146 calories! It's very filling, but if you need yogurt or a cup of fruit midmorning, you're not going to be taking in too many calories!
  • mpf1118
    I THINK IT'S AMAZING THAT YOU JUST DID A 100 MILE RACE......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    It takes weeks to recover from a long race. Your body undergoes major physiological changes when you put it under that much stress. Your body is essentially in 'fight or flight' mode until you stop pedaling. At that point, another area of the nervous system takes over to restore normal functions, but that can take time, especially after arduous training.

    You might find that, with an increase in calories, you'll gain initially, and then begin losing again. I tried eating 1400 a day, and didn't lose anything, and when I bumped it up to 1700 I increased, then plateaued, and then started losing again. It took about a month, but I'm pretty patient with this stuff, so seeing the scale go up/not move isn't really bothersome to me.

    ARGGHH! There you go with that patience stuff again! You know I'm too hyper to have patience silly30gn.gif Trying not to eat the bad stuff is sooo hard right now though--Gessh, we went to Va. Beach yesterday to shop and I saw a Famous Uncle Al's Hot Dogs and had to have a chili dog! Of course, you can't have a chili dog without cheese AND crinkle-cut fries. :ohwell: Then for dinner, DH went and got Chinese--again. We're eating out more than we have in a long time and that's because I'm feeling so hungry and craving stuff. And, yes, it's a physical hungry most times--my stomach was growling yesterday within 1 hour of eating chili dog and fries!

    Yea, my hunger was getting so severe it would actually make me sick...I'd get nausea and even hypersalivate just like before you throw up. Bleh. :sick: I haven't been as hungry lately because of all the stress, plus the lack of fiber. Having very little has the same effect as having too much without any water. :laugh: You do have to wait a while for changes to take place, and even deal with the scale going up a bit. You just have to stick with it and wait it out to truly see what effect the calories will have. I really feel like 1400 is awfully low. That's what I've been eating doing nothing. I've been losing weight rapidly but that could be due to a lot of things.
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    I THINK IT'S AMAZING THAT YOU JUST DID A 100 MILE RACE......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Well,not a race but a ride--I cycled by myself.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I THINK IT'S AMAZING THAT YOU JUST DID A 100 MILE RACE......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Well,not a race but a ride--I cycled by myself.

    How long did it take? You really DO have patience if you can ride that long alone! I get bored with myself lol. :tongue:
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Yea, my hunger was getting so severe it would actually make me sick...I'd get nausea and even hypersalivate just like before you throw up. Bleh. :sick: I haven't been as hungry lately because of all the stress, plus the lack of fiber. Having very little has the same effect as having too much without any water. :laugh: You do have to wait a while for changes to take place, and even deal with the scale going up a bit. You just have to stick with it and wait it out to truly see what effect the calories will have. I really feel like 1400 is awfully low. That's what I've been eating doing nothing. I've been losing weight rapidly but that could be due to a lot of things.

    Yes! Me, too--I found myself "hypersalivating" (as you scientifically put it :tongue: ) yesterday. I'm getting tons of fiber though--making sure of that because I was thinking that might help with the hunger. Shoot, one day I had like 55 grams of fiber! And was still hungry :grumble:

    I thought that a couple weeks recovering might be a "good thing" but am just concerned about getting back on track at some point.

    You're younger than me, too--your metabolism has to be 3x what mine is. Oh, to be young again!

    But like today--I had a 1.5 servings of frosted mini-wheats for breakfast with skim milk (my usual breakfast), then took the pup for a 3 mile walk--came home and had a PB & honey sandwich as I was starving still. Less than hour later, still hungry, so had a turkey sandwich. I'm still hungry, so had a frozen egg roll I found at the grocery store yesterday and a banana. AND, I'm still hungry and my stomach growling. All I can think about is the food in my cabinets and fridge and what I'm having for dinner! I feel like I'm going nuts!

    Think you can spread some of that "patience" around this way?
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    I THINK IT'S AMAZING THAT YOU JUST DID A 100 MILE RACE......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Well,not a race but a ride--I cycled by myself.

    How long did it take? You really DO have patience if you can ride that long alone! I get bored with myself lol. :tongue:

    It took me 7 hours and 10 minutes to do the 100 miles--average pace of just under 15mph. But I had a freaking head wind for most of the first 60 miles or so. That was 2 weeks ago today, too, which is why I thought this hungry would have passed by now.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Well this is really the only area in which I have patience, so I don't have much to go around. :laugh: Just eat when you feel physical hunger for a few days, and drink some water with every meal. Usually these imbalances subside on their own.