The 4- hour body

I just started the 4 hour body/slow carb diet and I *think* I am doing pretty good on it. Any one else doing this that might offer some support and help???


  • jennlloyd
    jennlloyd Posts: 33 Member
    No, but what is it? It sounds interesting!
  • RoniDoll
    RoniDoll Posts: 262
    My husband follows the slow carb diet. I want to learn more about it but i hear its great!
  • amdrummer02
    amdrummer02 Posts: 19 Member
    I just finished reading that book. I think it sounds pretty legit to me. I'm using some of the workout tips from the book. I struggle when I limit myself to a particular diet, so rather than do the whole slow carb diet, I'm taking a lot of ideas behind it and incorporating them to my own diet and it seems to be working. I try to keep my carbs and sugar way down and my protein higher and I've lost 12 lbs in a little over a month. Good luck with the diet and add me as a friend if you want, because I'm honestly curious on how well the diet works if you follow it as prescribed.
  • arodriguez2
    arodriguez2 Posts: 218 Member
    It's a book written by Tim Ferris that (among other things) outlines a diet he tried out and found effective. It's based on eating slow carbs through out the day and eliminating certain foods from your diet altogether. In a nutshell, you should have a vegetable, protein and legume at every meal (either 3-4 meals depending on how you break up your lunch). No dairy, no sugar (including fruit, he does say avocado and tomatoes are ok) and no carbs that are white our could be white. You are allowed, and encouraged, to have one cheat day a week (five days after starting the diet). It's kind of hard, especially if you are not a big bean eater, or breakfast eater (which is ME) but I've lost two lbs and today is my fourth day on it. And to be honest, I miss my sweets, but not as much as I thought I would.

    There are a few other things he describes (cold showers, certain work outs, and even tips on how to reduce weight gain on your cheat day).
  • nethaneel
    nethaneel Posts: 1 Member
    I've read the book. In fact I tore through the whole book; it's got a lot of great ideas.
    Also, check out for other resources.

    But... be careful with low carb diets, though you may lose a lot of weight at first, it's scientifically proven that you cannot build muscle mass on a low carb diet, unless you’re a genetic freak.
    Try to eat a high protein plant based diet, with a little chicken or fish every now and then, like once or twice a week.
    Slow-carb diet (getting carbs from beans and lentis) on non-work out days and carbs (like organic oatmeal) on your work out days. But in moderation and from organic whole grain sources, and stay away from white/bleach and processed foods in general. You need fuel, and if you don’t have any in you then your body will burn muscle in its place. which then lowers your body’s metabolic rate (your ability to burn kcal), which then means when you start eating carbs you gain it all back, because your body lacks the ability to burn it off. It is also important to note that your body needs to workout out just as much as you need food, water ect ect ect. I hope this help.
    I'm not a Doctor; I'm just a fighter and trainer. But please be careful of fad-diets, and consult an educated professional when choosing any diet plan.