blah-to-babe fitness challenge post here!!

Hey girls, here's where we can post our stats and challenges and keep each other motivated!!! This weeks challenge is to do 50 crunche each day!!! And don't forget to post your weekly picture tomorrow on flickr and if you haven't already done so, post your measurements! :) Good luck!!!


  • heather77w
    Hey girls, here's where we can post our stats and challenges and keep each other motivated!!! This weeks challenge is to do 50 crunche each day!!! And don't forget to post your weekly picture tomorrow on flickr and if you haven't already done so, post your measurements! :) Good luck!!!
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    Oh yay!!

    I can do 50 crunches!
    I'll start on that right now!


    Next weeks challenge should be squats!:smile:
  • laxgirl
    laxgirl Posts: 27
    I'm in!
  • heather77w
    Joanna, good idea! My thighs could definitely use those!! :tongue:
  • heather77w
    Alright, I got in 25minutes on the elliptical last night and 50 crunches (that was hard for me!) But I'm excited because I lost weight this week!! :happy:

    Original weight: 152lbs
    1/6/08: 150
    1/13/08: 148.5!!!

    I'm doing pretty good with keeping right around 1200cal and I didn't drink a single soda!! (this was my original challenge) So hopefully I can get in my 50 crunches each day!
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    My butt is sore from all the squats.

    I'll get in my 60 crunches soon(3 sets of 20-regular & both sides)
  • TLScott
    Lost 1 lb this week, so I'm down to 149. Put in 20 min of cardio and my 50 crunches. I haven't seen much difference on the scale yet, but I can see the difference on my legs and rear.

    Original weight :152lbs
    1/7/08: 150
    1/13/08: 149

    I'm on the same kick as Heather, staying right around 1200cal a day. I'm planning on stepping my workouts up this week to see more results. Keep up the good work Heather!
  • TLScott
    Ok, so I just posted my Week 1 pics. Check them out.
  • Najah5150
    Najah5150 Posts: 170
    Okay....count me IN ladies!! I think I can handle this challenge.
  • Kbirtcher
    Count me in. I just joined today, but 50 crunches is something that I can and will commit to!
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    I'll do 50 a day. I need some thing like this to keep me on target. I've been on for about 15 days. Down almost 10 pounds and 2in in my waste. 1 in on my hips. No way will I post any pictures until I've dropped more.
  • aslavich
    aslavich Posts: 250 Member
    Okay....count me IN ladies!! I think I can handle this challenge.

    Alright, I'll do it... are we still on crunches??? I just got off my recumbent bike (30 min)... off to the floor for some pain!!!

    Angela :happy:
  • heather77w
    Yep!! Crunches are this weeks challenge which runs through Saturday...then next week we already have the suggestion for squats!! :)
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566
    Ok - I'm in.....God i hate crunches.
  • heather77w
    This week seems to be taking forevor! I'm doing good with my crunches and diet, but having a hard time getting motivated to get back on the elliptical!! How's everyone else doing?
  • heather77w
    Alright, I didn't get in my crunches everyday :( I did make it 5 /7 days though, so not horrible...this week we're adding a new challenge though!! This week is squats! I'm actually not sure how many I can even do so I don't know how many to set for the challenge!! I guess we can tentatively set it at 50 and if that's way too many we'll lower it! I hope everyone had a good weekend, I only lost half a pound this week but my measurements all went down 1/2" - 1" from 2 weeks ago, whoohoo!! :)
  • alymarest
    alymarest Posts: 115
    I'm in!
  • Najah5150
    Najah5150 Posts: 170
    Okay....I just saw this post so....I will start my squats today. 50 squats it is. Wahoo!
  • pink125
    pink125 Posts: 16
    I just found this post today and what a great idea. I'm in 50 crunches and 50 squats a day. i feel the pain already.:laugh:
  • wollstonecraft
    I'm in on the challenge, I love it! although I just took steps this week to start losing weight (finally) and since I am not in shape I will be the "bound for" 50 (but won't make it yet!) :happy: