All About Me!

Hi everyone! My name is Missy. I'm almost 33 years old and I have two sons, ages 10 and 6.

I guess I will begin by saying that I've been overweight for most of my life. At this point I need to lose about half of my body weight. It seems to be an overwhelming task, but it's something that I've wanted to do for a long time. How I allowed myself to get this heavy I will never know. I've always been insecure and looking for comfort and I do come from a broken home, but I've always been very smart and knew what healthy eating habits would lead to. I'm so disappointed in myself, but I need to find the strength within me to do what I need to do. It's time to lose weight and regain control of my life!

Does anyone know what I mean when I say that on the inside, I feel nothing like I look on the outside? I mean, I think I have a beautiful face and a pretty smile, but it's more than that. I feel like I'm just as normal as any other woman walking around with normal weight, except the reality is that I need to lose more than they weigh and I have foot and knee problems and high blood pressure to boot! I know people are very quick to judge by appearance, but once I spend time with people, I am generally very well-liked. I have an amazing, sometimes extreme sense of humor, I love to party with friends, I have tattoos and piercings and on top of that, I am also a caring, generous person. I wear many hats! :)

I have been in a relationship for almost 11 years now. It's been very rocky, but we're still hanging in there. It's been made a little more difficult lately due to the stress that I'm under daily. My mother is 73 years old and lives with us. She doesn't get around well and her health has been bad for a few years, so I take care of her through the day. I basically have my house and 4 people to care for, not including myself because honestly, I feel that I haven't taken care of ME for a long time! I always come last. I'm last to eat, last to shower, last to sit down at night to relax and last to bed. It's depressing. It really is. I guess all of this has just made it easier for me to find comfort and peace in the food that I eat. Well, no more, I say! There has got to be a better way!

I have set some big goals for myself and I have already reached one that was very important. I have been smoke-free for about 6 weeks now! YAY!!! I smoked cigarettes for about 17 years and my older son was so upset and started asking me to please quit. Well, I love my boys and there is nothing in the world I won't do for them if it is within my power, so I did it! It was so much easier than I thought and I already feel so much better! I am so proud of myself! Now if I can lose this weight, I will be on top of the world!!!!

I would love to make some friends on here. I think it would be great to have some support and encouragement. I, of course, am prepared to be part of YOUR support system as well! I'm a very fun, friendly person and I'm here for a lot of the same reasons that all of you are, so don't be afraid to message me! :) Hope to hear from you soon!


  • vox23
    vox23 Posts: 246 Member
    Welcome and congrats for kicking that smoking habit (best of luck going forward with it too!).

    I love MFP and have found some wonderful support on here. I wish you the very best of luck in your journey!
  • jamierizzo
    jamierizzo Posts: 36 Member
    You are going to love this site!!! Everyone does, and its so helpful. :)
  • HeatherMarie1174
    Welcome!!!! I am fairly new to the site as well and have found everyone is very helpful! It sounds like we have a lot in common - so add me, if you like, and we can help motivate each other to stay on track! :bigsmile:
  • nilisabel
    nilisabel Posts: 338
    about looking vs. feeling big, I totally get that. i saw a report once that people who are overweight often misjudge the way they look and think they are thinner than they are, on the other hand it also takes so much time getting used to getting smaller, lemme tell ya. There some comfort in being bigger and it's an inside-out transformation in my experience so far. also, i think the same report i mentioned said that after a 10% weight loss people feel a LOT better and I think it was about there that I began to see myself as big as I was and that I was able to move forward because I had accomplished that weight loss of 10%. I think it might be part of denial, just my hypothesis. anyway, best of luck and feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • Hippopotoart
    Hi Missy!

    CONGRATS on going smoke-free and welcome to MFP!!! I joined just about a month ago and I love it so far! You sound like you are geared up and enthusiastic about the journey ahead of you! That's awesome, it's really important to try and stay positive. MFP has proven to be an awesome support and motivator for me, as I'm sure it will be for you as well! I have only lost about 6 lbs so far and I already feel so much better inside and out and am way less stressed out all the time!

    I can totally relate to feeling that the "real" you is trapped inside of a less than perfect exterior. I have been through so many life changes over the past 3 years that, while most of the changes were actually positive, I got so wrapped up in life and everything going on that I kind of lost myself and my focus on my health. I'm also co-dependent so everyone else usually comes first, too.

    Anyway, just wanted to welcome you and say Hello! Send me a friend request if you'd like!

    Keep up the good work!!!
  • jennifer3998
    jennifer3998 Posts: 144 Member
    That's awesome that you quit smoking! You seem to have a lot of stress in your life, I hope this site helps! Feel free to add me too. I'm a 38 year old mom of two (5 and 7). I'm pretty much on maintenance but stay pretty active during the week here.

    Best of luck!
  • AmberRose0319
    Welcome to MFP. I myself am new to this site. Just these few short days that I've been getting on here, I've found a ton of friendly and encouraging people. I have 75 pounds to lose, It don't sound like ALOT but to me it feels like 7500. I'm known for starting stuff and not following through with it, so I joined this site just so I know I have somewhere I can turn to, to talk to people to help me get through the days that I feel like doing nothing. So I'm positive you will love this site as much as the rest of us. Feel free to add me. I love helping people out and I know I'm also going to need help.(: Good luck with your weight loss process!
  • triciaw1975
    Great job on quiting the smoking habit! Looks like we have alot of the same weight loss goal in common. Would love to be friends. Sending you a friend request!:happy:
  • buey1
    buey1 Posts: 1
    Wow, great job on quitting smoking! That is really good especially considering how long you have smoked. I, too am new to this site and have found that keeping track of what I am eating is a real eye opener. It really makes you think twice before eating something. I find the dinner meal the hardest! I seem to eat too much at that meal and also end up eating it too late by the time I get off work and make dinner. I was really impressed with your introduction and can relate to so much of it. I have never smoked, but have been overweight for as long as I can remember. This is the one thing in my life that I can't seem to conquer and beat. It seems like everytime I go on a diet, and oh yes I have tried many, I do great and then somehow fall off the wagon and end up heavier than I was in the first place. The old Yo Yo! I would love to support eachother. I think that would really help!