Exercising in the early AM?????



  • frankkruse
    frankkruse Posts: 1 Member
    For me there are 3 needs. 1. My wife is my exercize enabler. She's not a cheerleader, but she gives me occasional encouragement/push to get out of bed. So, find an enabler. 2. Every morning I make sure I do at least enough to get the endorphans going. They're addicting and I now rarely need my wife's gentle push. 3. Start slow. I started just brisklly walking for 30mins, which didn't do much initiallly. But, eventually, I noticed I moved around the office at a faster, easier pace. Now, I walk everyother day for 30 minutes and jog every other day for 30 minutes. 15 mins to cool down/make breakfast, 15 mins to shower and dress. I'm done in an hour and ready to go to work by 7:00

    However, maybe you need to adjust your expectations a bit. You've got a 3 year old! If you can do it every other day - then consider it a success and recognize that you're bulding into a roll model for that 3 year-old.
  • Homer3D
    Homer3D Posts: 318
    You need to find something you love doing so it doesn’t feel like a chore. I love to ride the bike. So I use to wake up every morning at 6am and go for a 4 to 5 mile bike ride. Come home. Have breakfast. Shower. Go to work.

    Since it got too cold, I haven’t done it much lately. But once it starts warming back up I will at it again.
  • plc765
    plc765 Posts: 71 Member
    I just remind myself that there is more daylight time now, the weather is getting nicer now, and I would really like to be outside with my family after work. In order to do that, I MUST get my work out done first thing in the morning. I have my clothes all set out, make a protein shake the night before, so that when I fall out of bed in the morning, all I have to do is slide into the clothes and drink my shake. By then, I'm awake and ready to go.
    Good luck!!

    I am the same way! I exercise at 5am, so I can spend more time with my family after work. I used to do evenings, but it just wasn't cutting it! So now I have an hr to myself in the am to exercise and get it out of the way, and I feel more energized throughout the day as well. I also make a protein shake at night, and drink about a quarter of it before working out, then finish it afterwards. Everything is set out the night before, (even my hair tie!) so all I have to do is roll out of bed, change, pull my hair up, brush my teeth and splash some cold water on my face (which really helps!), take a chug of the protein shake, then get going! Hope that helps and good luck!
  • BlkStool
    BlkStool Posts: 13
    I find that getting up before my wife and child and getting a workout in is less of a burden on the rest of the family and the chaos that normally takes place in my house. I am a very strong advocate of getting the workout in early and being done with it so you know what you have to work with from a calorie perspective the rest of the day. Not to mention, I am way more awake than anyone in my office when I get in and I am that much more productive.

    I am up between 4 and 4:30 every morning and generally in bed by 10. I did not just start at 4:00, I have been slowly setting my clock earlier over the past few months. We have another child on the way and my thinking is that I would like to keep the same exercise schedule while helping out with the early AM feeding.

    This schedule works for me. I have also been known to get up in the 3:00 hour to get a workout in on days I have to travel and will not have any other time. To be honest it is just as much about taking the time for myself where there are no other distractions (Family, work, other) because the world is not awake and it is a great opportunity for me to focus on ME.
  • lil_missfit
    lil_missfit Posts: 565 Member
    I was laughing so hard at this post:)) Not laughing at you but because I use to be there and KNOW how it is:)) I can only tell you what I did.

    1. I started working out period:)) I did it in the afternoon and at night because I just couldn't get up. Now my body craves exercise and so I look forward to it.

    2. If you seriously MUST workout in the AM----After you get use to exercise set your alarm away from your bed....like across the room and force yourself to get up and turn it off...DO NOT LAY BACK DOWN!!!!! Trust me....you won't get back up:)) been there:)) I have gone as far as to put the alarm clock in the other room....just walking to it will wake you up:))

    3. Have your workout clothes ready in eye view and DVD ready to push play:)) Motivation girl!!!!

    4. Set several alarms (done that too!!!!) I am cracking myself up right now!!!---seriously crying at the computer:))

    5. SLEEP in your workout clothes with shoes on and ready to go if you have to (done that too----I am a nut, sorry)

    Whatever it takes!!! Get up!! After 21 days straight of doing that you will have formed a habit of getting up early
  • healthymom2011
    Keishas, you are crazy girl!!! You did not sleep in your shoes????

    I have heard of sleeping in your workout clothes, I might try that too!! I will look like I just rolled out of bed when I get to the gym, but I guess that is what I just did!!

    I like to exercise too but can only fit about 1-1.5 hours in after work and then it's family time. I would like to do more!!
  • seventysix06
    seventysix06 Posts: 88 Member
    I can't wait for me to be "motivated" to work out in the morning--the only thing that works for me is being "prepared." I bribe myself by setting the automatic coffee maker the night before to start brewing at 5:30 so that when the alarm rings, i know there's a nice little something waiting for me once i get going. If coffee doesn't work for you pick something that does--a fancy juice or something to get you ready for the workout. Then i make sure my workout clothes are ready. Nothing will make me sleep in like hitting the snooze button then wondering whether i have clean socks or where my gym bag is. If i know that all i have to do is get up, walk to the prepared pile of gym clothes, get my coffee, then pick up the gym bag by the door, it is a whole lot easier than knowing i have to get up and scramble around.
  • seventysix06
    seventysix06 Posts: 88 Member
    I can't wait for me to be "motivated" to work out in the morning--the only thing that works for me is being "prepared." I bribe myself by setting the automatic coffee maker the night before to start brewing at 5:30 so that when the alarm rings, i know there's a nice little something waiting for me once i get going. If coffee doesn't work for you pick something that does--a fancy juice or something to get you ready for the workout. Then i make sure my workout clothes are ready. Nothing will make me sleep in like hitting the snooze button then wondering whether i have clean socks or where my gym bag is. If i know that all i have to do is get up, walk to the prepared pile of gym clothes, get my coffee, then pick up the gym bag by the door, it is a whole lot easier than knowing i have to get up and scramble around.
    *than wondering, not then wondering....sorry, was in a hurry.