LovelySpirit Posts: 66
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
I've been attending Zumba class for an hour for about a month now and I've definitely lost inches. My Caloric limit is 1320 and I'm working hard. Just curious as to how to measure calorie burning... I typically use the one on the site that says "Dance Aerobic" Exercise for 1hour burns 544 cals.

So do you Zumba & where:happy: ? Do you use a different caloric count? Can you recommend a good DVD for Zumba to fill in for days the gym is closed?


  • I call it circuit training... but best way to tell is with a HRM. I have Zumba fitness for Wii... so I zumba at home
  • akellyking77
    akellyking77 Posts: 17 Member
    You can buy the Zumba DVD's and do those from home. I have their whole set and LOVE it. As far as calories - I have a heart rate monitor that I use. It's a lot more accurate.
  • flipnsexy
    flipnsexy Posts: 37
    I haven't tried Zumba yet but I'd love too. Would love to see what DVDs people recommend. :)
  • princesslmc2
    princesslmc2 Posts: 264 Member
    Hi there!!

    I have started Zumba again recently - and LOVE IT!! I go once a week with the girls at work.

    As for calories, I bought a Bodybugg about 6 weeks ago. It's pretty consistent that I burn 500/550 calories per hour. So that's fairly close to what any of the "high impact aerobics" entries might give you.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I Zumba on Mondays at home. Tuesdays & Wednesdays in a class at my Rec for 60 mins. I burn about 600 to 650 calories. If you go to they are the ones that started Zumba. They are just starting to ship their new series of DVDs but you can still order the old series.
  • ANewMaria2014
    ANewMaria2014 Posts: 104 Member
    Actually, I have been wondering the same thing. According to the videos, if you put everything you have into it you can lose 1,000 calories, but I am not quite sure how true that is. I ordered the videos and I like them but, not sure if you want to spend the money, but I really enjoyed them. I also do it at the gym. I have considered purchasing the body bug, that will tell you how many calories you are burning. Good luck and if you figure it out, please let me know.
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    I LOVE Zumba!! A place just opened where I live that only does Zumba classes. It's $65 a month for unlimited classes. I found an amazing instructor that has a dance background (as opposed to a fitness background) and her classes are so much fun!! I wear my HRM and during her class I usually burn about 700 calories because I really get into the dances. When I go to classes with different instructors I usually burn between 500 and 600 calories. I weight 169. Before I got my HRM I used "Aerobics - High Impact" and it seems to be a good equivalent.
  • HotSouthernMess
    HotSouthernMess Posts: 474 Member
    i zumba at the gym and wear a HRM....otherwise i wouldnt know. i would recommend purchasing one if you can!
  • What's the name of your set and where did you buy yours? I'd love to find one that others use. I'm not a superstar rhythm guru but I can move. Just want to work the waist till it goes bye bye ;):laugh:
  • I love Zumba! I'm not sure of my exact burn, but one of the instructors at my gym wears a HRM with a calorie counter and she is shown to burn anywhere between 1000-1300 per class, she puts a TON of effort in and is in constant movement the whole class. I am a bit shorter and smaller framed that her, and not but follow the steps pretty closely and sometimes make modifications like more jumps and adding more arm movement, so I usually estimate mine quite a bit lower, closer to 600 per class at most. I would like to buy a good quality HRM though, to get a better idea what I burn. Either way, it's a good workout and a lot of fun!
  • zumba_gal
    zumba_gal Posts: 63 Member
    i d o zumba also three days a week and loving it... i do the same thing as u im new and not sure cause it doesnt have zumba on here but if u hear about anything better to do let me know!!! add me as a friend!!
  • hafdis
    hafdis Posts: 43 Member
    Hi, tried it once.. did like it, but found another zumba instructor I want to try out. My friend got one of those polaris ft4 watches it measures calories burned... I am looking into buyin one :)
  • Hi there!!

    I have started Zumba again recently - and LOVE IT!! I go once a week with the girls at work.

    As for calories, I bought a Bodybugg about 6 weeks ago. It's pretty consistent that I burn 500/550 calories per hour. So that's fairly close to what any of the "high impact aerobics" entries might give you.
    Well that's just great, that's what I needed to know, thank you :)
  • Hi, tried it once.. did like it, but found another zumba instructor I want to try out. My friend got one of those polaris ft4 watches it measures calories burned... I am looking into buyin one :)

    wow, sounds expensive... but worth looking into, thanks :)
  • zumba_gal
    zumba_gal Posts: 63 Member
    lookin for friends and fellow zumba friends would be awesome please add me as a friend...
  • I to Zumba for the WII. It's an awesome workout. I feel like I am toning every part of my body
  • zumba_gal
    zumba_gal Posts: 63 Member
    looking for more friends and im a zumba nerd and i would like to have more zumba friends, please add me...
  • I love Zumba! I'm not sure of my exact burn, but one of the instructors at my gym wears a HRM with a calorie counter and she is shown to burn anywhere between 1000-1300 per class, she puts a TON of effort in and is in constant movement the whole class. I am a bit shorter and smaller framed that her, and not but follow the steps pretty closely and sometimes make modifications like more jumps and adding more arm movement, so I usually estimate mine quite a bit lower, closer to 600 per class at most. I would like to buy a good quality HRM though, to get a better idea what I burn. Either way, it's a good workout and a lot of fun!

    Well THAT'S HELPFUL, thanks! I wonder where I can get a good HRM for cheap(yep I am:blushing: ) Besides, I'm not starring in any dance videos anytime soon, that's for sure, but my Zumba teacher compliments me on the fact that I keep moving and due to knee issues, I don't jump, but I MAKE SURE I MK UP FOR IT in movement..:laugh: I :love: Zumba! I used to be a big Taebo fan, but I'm exploring other options .. like Zumba b/c it makes me look and feel more feminine ;) which of course I prefer.
  • :heart: I love ZUMBA I do it with the PS3 and it is so fun...feel like im just dancing.
  • Hootsmamma
    Hootsmamma Posts: 254 Member
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