exercise database, now this one bugs me.

ok so there i was just randomly going through the database to see what kinds of things are considered exercise and there it was, (mowing lawn,riding mower) :noway: now are they taking into consideration the walk to the mower or just turning the wheel cuz that seems completely ridiculous......push mower i get, i know i work up a sweat pushing my mower since i got a big yard and my mower is electrical so i even get to dodge a cord the whole time, but a ride on mower really ? you may aswell put sun-tanning on there too cuz thats about the only reason you sweat doing it...:sick: ...how lazy do you have to be to consider that real exercise? ok so this is only my opinion so lets not get hasty with the back talk, but how many calories do you think you burn just sitting there ? your body burns a certain amount of calories even if you are in a coma, so all silliness aside does anyone really put riding mower down as exercise? and why ? :huh:


  • tarazena
    tarazena Posts: 93 Member
    Ha HA LOL- I too have looked at the database and laughed...fishing? really...aren't you consuming more calories in the beer you're drinking? ha ha...There's a couple stupid ones in there. ps- I'm surprised sex isn't in there.
  • amymunn
    amymunn Posts: 115 Member
    hahah there is some pretty ridiculous things in there! and also @tarazena i thought the same thing about sex not being in there! lol good ones.
  • JPod279
    JPod279 Posts: 722 Member
    Ha HA LOL- I too have looked at the database and laughed...fishing? really...aren't you consuming more calories in the beer you're drinking? ha ha...There's a couple stupid ones in there. ps- I'm surprised sex isn't in there.

    Most people on here are married, so the sex option probably wouldn't be used much. :laugh:
  • new_view
    new_view Posts: 47 Member
    Well have you ever actually cut grass with a riding mower? I use to live on a 9 acre property and I used a riding mower. I will tell you that you don't just sit. You actually use a lot of core muscles and it takes a lot to turn the wheel and change gears for 4 hours. I know I was sweating my butt off and exhausted and had sore legs / abs the next day everryytime. And that was when I was 16 and played on two volleyball teams with practice everyday consecutively one after the other and 8 hour tournys every weekend so I am pretty sure the riding mower thing actually is a lot harder than you think if you havent ever done it.
    Just like everything in life you don't know til you have been there so don't bother letting it bug you unless you are willing to see what its actually like.
  • Rikkijean
    Rikkijean Posts: 21
    ya could'nt they clean it up by calling it (coitus, vigorous effort) or (intercourse, medium pace) LMAO love that comment and yes fishing in a boat bugged me too :laugh:
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    Ha HA LOL- I too have looked at the database and laughed...fishing? really...aren't you consuming more calories in the beer you're drinking? ha ha...There's a couple stupid ones in there. ps- I'm surprised sex isn't in there.

    I'm not a fisher, so please don't think I'm defending my own activities, but some fishing expeditions actually *are* a workout. Obviously not the ones that involve sleeping with a pole in one hand and a beer in the other. X-D Some people go out there and fight to get the fish out of the water - sometimes up to 30 minutes or more. Total upper body workout.
  • Rikkijean
    Rikkijean Posts: 21
    Well have you ever actually cut grass with a riding mower? I use to live on a 9 acre property and I used a riding mower. I will tell you that you don't just sit. You actually use a lot of core muscles and it takes a lot to turn the wheel and change gears for 4 hours. I know I was sweating my butt off and exhausted and had sore legs / abs the next day everryytime. And that was when I was 16 and played on two volleyball teams with practice everyday consecutively one after the other and 8 hour tournys every weekend so I am pretty sure the riding mower thing actually is a lot harder than you think if you havent ever done it.
    Just like everything in life you don't know til you have been there so don't bother letting it bug you unless you are willing to see what its actually like.

    yes i have used a riding mower on my friends 10 acre yard and honestly all i got from it was a sunburn.
  • amber_hanners
    amber_hanners Posts: 388 Member
    Ha HA LOL- I too have looked at the database and laughed...fishing? really...aren't you consuming more calories in the beer you're drinking? ha ha...There's a couple stupid ones in there. ps- I'm surprised sex isn't in there.

    Most people on here are married, so the sex option probably wouldn't be used much. :laugh:

  • amber_hanners
    amber_hanners Posts: 388 Member
    yeh i think that considering mowing your lawn with a riding mower or sittin on ur butt fishing is a little bit ridiculous . How many calories burned does mfp give per hour for these? oh well i guess to each there own i just hope they are not eating back the calories
  • Rikkijean
    Rikkijean Posts: 21
    last year i seen a guy on a riding mower who hung over both sides of the seat by about a foot, first thought that crossed my mind was "this guy should really invest in a push mower" when we passed him i realized it was my husbands cousin who had only gotten that big in the past 4 years it was sad really, the next thought that crossed my mind was "have another beer while riding your mower big guy" to each there own i guess, but it sure turned me off of getting a ride-on :laugh:
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Ha HA LOL- I too have looked at the database and laughed...fishing? really...aren't you consuming more calories in the beer you're drinking? ha ha...There's a couple stupid ones in there. ps- I'm surprised sex isn't in there.

    I'm not a fisher, so please don't think I'm defending my own activities, but some fishing expeditions actually *are* a workout. Obviously not the ones that involve sleeping with a pole in one hand and a beer in the other. X-D Some people go out there and fight to get the fish out of the water - sometimes up to 30 minutes or more. Total upper body workout.

    I fish, alligator gar and catfish being my favorite. I must say, its easy to wrestle some of the larger fish for 20 minutes or more. It can be killer on the arms and back.

    Fly fishing in waist deep running water can also be intense.
  • Rikkijean
    Rikkijean Posts: 21
    i totally agree that many forms of fishing are very hard work and i've been on many great expeditions with some large fish being reeled in but my comment about "it bugs me" really was just the vision in my head of fishing in a boat drinking beer :laugh: , cuz i've been on a few of those fishing trips too :wink: ........certainly not meaning to offend anyone it was really one of those (you had to visualize it) type of moments....and wow alligator gar and cat fish now that would be a fight worth having, good for you man that's awesome. :drinker: