why have i not lost weight??

mummyo2 Posts: 3
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
P;ease could any one give me ideas to why after trying for 7 days i still not lost a lb!!! so usetting i dont eat salt dont snack after tea??? been eatting salads, chicken lots of fruit so on!!!:sad:


  • hafdis
    hafdis Posts: 43 Member
    are you keeping with in your calories?
  • tinana_RN
    tinana_RN Posts: 541 Member
    In addition to watching your calories, are you watching things like Sodium? Extra salt is going to make your body hold onto extra water...
  • hard to give you advice when your diary is private...
  • Christie81
    Christie81 Posts: 88 Member
    You should open your food diary so we can see what you're eating. I can't help if I don't know what you're putting in your body :)
  • Are you working out? That helped me! Good luck!
  • Do you workout? How many times a day are you eating? What are you eating? Many different factors involved...
  • Hootsmamma
    Hootsmamma Posts: 254 Member
    Are you drinking all or more of your daily water goal?
  • Anne1000
    Anne1000 Posts: 11 Member
    I notice that my clothes are not as tight before it shows up on the scale. Have you noticed a change in how your clothes fits? I know how you are feeling, I seem to have the same experience.
  • It took about 10 days until I started losing weight. Stick with it....I lost 12 lbs in two months, then didn't lose any more for almost a month, then, lost 3 pounds in a week. Good luck! Make sure you are eating enough, but not going over with calories
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    7 days is not very long. Keep following suggestions from this site and try to be patient.

    1) Drink as much water as you can. More than 8 cups each day if at all possible.
    2) Eat your goal calories that your food diary suggests. This site knows what it's talking about.
    3) SLEEP well, and for 6-9 hours each night depending on your specific body needs. (Most folks feel good on 8hrs)
    4) Get moving! Do some walking or exercising of any kind. Recommendations are 30 mins of cardio a day. I suggest getting some weight-lifting in there too. Even just a little at first is fabulous.
    5) Remember to be patient. This is a lifelong thing, you will lose the weight eventually, but then you have to continue doing these things so you don't gain it right back. Just remember one day at a time, one meal at a time, one hour at a time.

    You can do it. Stay focused. Stay positive. Give yourself time. :smile:
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    It takes about a month for your body to adjust to any kind of change. Calorie restriction, exercise routine, etc. Eat your NET calories (Daily goal + calories burned during exercise) and you should be okay. Make sure your weight loss goal is realistic (I started in the upper range of a healthy weight. 2lb loss per week for me wasn't realistic and pretty much impossible without a severe calorie restriction which can be detrimental to weight loss)

    Give it a few more weeks. If there is no change come back.

    (and you can eat anytime of day. The body burns calories 24/7. Mind you, I still try and get most of my carbs in during the day but I almost always have a bedtime snack of skim milk and protein powder.)

    Lots of water, good carbs, high protein, and good fats and you should do fine.
  • eek, didn't know that you could make your food diary not private!! Just did now I am open to the world!! LOL!!
  • SheliaN1960
    SheliaN1960 Posts: 454 Member
    You are doing great so do not give up! Get lots of friends from here to keep you motivated and drink looottsss of water! Best wishes!
  • deneesie25
    deneesie25 Posts: 20 Member
    I haven't really lost that much weight either, but a lot of people tell me that I look much better. I have been dedicated to working out since the middle of December. I have lost a total of 10 lbs and I am not that great at measuring myself, but I would say that the bulk of my loss has been inches. I haven't had to go run out and get new clothes or anything, but everything definitely fits better and I am obviously more discouraged. I guess I'd rather still weigh a lot and be fit than weigh the same amount and be flabby. That's why I plug on.
  • Thorneapple
    Thorneapple Posts: 154
    7 days isn't very long, give yourself more time. Some people take longer than others. Make sure you are getting enough water and are not starving yourself. Eating too little can sometimes be counter-productive. Don't get discouraged, you can do this!
  • drward
    drward Posts: 10
    Cardio Cardio. I notice if I don't walk or do treadmill almost every day for an hour I don't loose anything either even if I keep within my calories.
  • Jennyzfit
    Jennyzfit Posts: 175 Member
    Try lifting weights. Strength training is good for burning calories and toning.
  • Here is something i do... plan out what time you will be sleeping... make sure 3 hours prior to sleeping u dont eat anything... your body should go to bed on a slightly empty stomach, not too empty but slightly empty. Im not sure if you exercise but if you dont, its important that you do. Having a nice body is a two part deal, your diet and your exercise. One always compliments the other. it's said that It is more preferable to eat a high fat diet and exercise than diet and no exercise at all. Reason behind that is because you metabolism starts to increase when one exercises, which means you can eat more and lose weight at the same time... and who doesnt like to eat more?!?! Hope this helps... Good Luck!
  • Twylyght
    Twylyght Posts: 224 Member
    You may not be losing pounds but you could be losing inches? Some people lose inches more than they lose pounds
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    It takes about a month for your body to adjust to any kind of change. Calorie restriction, exercise routine, etc. Eat your NET calories (Daily goal + calories burned during exercise) and you should be okay. Make sure your weight loss goal is realistic (I started in the upper range of a healthy weight. 2lb loss per week for me wasn't realistic and pretty much impossible without a severe calorie restriction which can be detrimental to weight loss)

    Give it a few more weeks. If there is no change come back.

    The hardest part is the start... be strong and wait it out. Then you will see the change in your clothes AND on the scale. I for many weighins affirm my progress by the way my clothes fit than by what the scale says.

    It just takes time for your body to react to the change but it will happen :flowerforyou:
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