Just a question...

ygrad2001 Posts: 230
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
If this is not your 1st time trying to lose weight and get healthy what are you doing different this time to make sure that you don't put the weight back on?


  • BamBam1113
    BamBam1113 Posts: 542 Member
    I'm definately more motivated because I am extremely pissed off at myself for letting myself get this way. Also ready to see what a different life I'll have as being healthy!!!!!!!!!!!
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    This time I made it a life style change not a weightloss goal. I learned to eat better and now I feel full eating the right amount of food I need for my body! As a matter of fact I have increased my calories and I still have continued to loose even though I didnt expect much changes since I raised it. LOL!!
  • vanfox23
    vanfox23 Posts: 110
    This time, I am focusing on building muscle instead of just losing weight.
  • Arester
    Arester Posts: 138 Member
    Well, this time I'm not starving myself. I'm not strictly cutting foods that I like, I just eat less of them. If I feel like I just need to have something, I have some (I just don't binge on it). I am more determined this time to keep the weight off and I think that helps. :smile:
  • mum2littledove
    mum2littledove Posts: 53 Member
    Changing my whole lifestyle and bad habits. Once you've put in the hard work to make that change, it's pretty permanent. It may be harder in winter, because of the dark nights & cold, but I'm hoping this is the new me.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    I'm not really doing anything differently. It's just that my mindset has changed. Before, I always thought of losing weight as a temporary thing, and now I know that isn't true. While I will reach my goal in the near future and won't have to continue limiting myself to 1200 to 1400 calories a day or working out 15 hours a week, I know that I will have to keep watching what I eat, and I will have to keep getting regular exercise for the rest of my life. Just knowing that this is a lifelong process has totally changed my attitude about it.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    good question! I think when I get to my goal I'm going to stick around here and keep a check on myself. Before, when I lost weight I just got complacent. Stopped exercising. Ate what I want. Didnt weigh!!!! I think that's a fatal mistake for me cos I deny that I'm getting bigger as my clothes seem to stretch with me!!

    So yeah, my intention is to keep one eye on the scales!!

  • modernmom70
    modernmom70 Posts: 373 Member
    This time I am excercising alot, and I am fitter than I have been in my life. I am now addicted to excercise and I know this will help me maintain my weight and look totally awesome! I also eat whole foods and virtually no processed foods and no white rice, bread etc..
  • schlubba
    schlubba Posts: 26
    This time I started exercising as well and actually trying to eat healthier. I lost 90+ on the atkins diet before and will never think about using that diet ever again. I've tried many diets and I think to do it right, a person needs a lifestyle change more than a diet really. I love food and ate what I wanted when I wanted. That obviously didn't fair too well for me and I've finally become tired of who I was. The main thing you gotta do is stay focused and stay in control of yourself.
  • maureenB7
    maureenB7 Posts: 55 Member
    EXERCISING!!! I joined a group at the Y called the Losers League. It was started by a trainer who has lost 120 pounds! She is amazing! I am in the second phase Losers 2, about to start Losers 3. Building muscle has helped be become stronger, my clothes are all too big because I am losing inches. My trainer tells us to stop watching the scale and go by how your clothes fit. I am also eating healthier, not depriving myself of any food group because that does not work for me. Another thing she has taught us if you fail today, tomarrow is a new day and you start over! I can actually jog 3 laps at the Y now, when I started I couldn't even finish one lap. Hope everyone else is doing good and taking time to take care of themselves!
  • jazgal
    jazgal Posts: 122
    hopefully this time I am smrter I am finding substitutes that I really like and can live with ... it is a life change ... really fun trying new things ... love jicama .. love home made fruit / yogurt pops for snacks .. low calorie(32) very low sugar (3) and even that is all natural from the fruit ... with 0 fat ...
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    This time I made it a life style change not a weightloss goal. I learned to eat better and now I feel full eating the right amount of food I need for my body! As a matter of fact I have increased my calories and I still have continued to loose even though I didnt expect much changes since I raised it. LOL!!

  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    A few things...
    1) No more deprivation, just control. I love pizza, and will still have it once a week, but I don't need to eat a whole medium by myself. Sometimes I still have a couple of pieces of chocolate but only if I know I've got the calories for it. And even then, if I decide it's really not worth it, I'll pass. It's not a "must have" anymore.
    2) Exercise consistently and use fitness as a motivator. Not only is exercise good because it give me more calories so that I can have a treat if I want, but it's a great motivator because I can keep challenging myself. A little over a year ago when I started this "once and for all" weight loss journey, the thought of running never crossed my mind but now I'm working on running a 5k and am so proud every time I conquer a fitness challenge.
    3) Replace bad stuff with good yummy stuff. Instead of having chips with my sandwich, I have baby carrots or pea pods. Instead of having some cookies in the afternoon, I have yogurt and fruit. Instead of bulking up recipes with rice, pasta or potatoes, I add more peppers, mushrooms, broccoli, etc.
    4) And most of all, I am determined to succeed! It may take a couple of years, but I will get to my goal!
  • ygrad2001
    ygrad2001 Posts: 230
    You guys are awesome. Thanks for you response. I am the queen of yo yo dieting and I said this time I am going to do it right. No pills, no starving, nothing extra. Just going to take my time and enjoy it. I realize that this is a lifelong journey and I can only take it one day at a time!
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