Too Fat for 15

toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
edited September 26 in Chit-Chat
I'm watching "Too Fat for 15" and i just want to punch the families of these kids in the face. The kids went home for Thanksgiving in this episode, and some of their families are horrible, saying the (healthy) food they eat on the program is nasty, going out to eat and trying to get them to order dessert or trying to coax them into getting something high fat for dinner, just being all-around unsupportive. I'm sure it's because they know they should be doing better themselves but they aren't, so they're trying to sabotage the kids to make themselves feel better. The kids are doing so well at the academy, but their families are unwilling to cooperate when they get home. And the worst part is, most of these parents are obese themselves! It's so maddening! :explode:


  • rfcollins33
    rfcollins33 Posts: 630
    ugh! Doesn't it just make you sick. Geez, as an adult, I get the same thing. You'd think for their OWN kids, they'd have a little more encouragement and support.
  • polrwht07
    polrwht07 Posts: 20
    Those people aren't doing anything wrong. Stop watching reality TV and feeding the maddness.
  • MaryDreamer
    MaryDreamer Posts: 439
    That should be considered a form of child abuse/neglect!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I felt terrible for the kids, the parents spend the money (or try to raise the money) for them to go to Well Spring and then they aren't supportive at home. I grew up with parents who didn't eat the right food and I went right along with it. It's hard to change when you're not the one cooking and grocery shopping. I didn't start to get healthy until I graduated from college and moved out. What appalled me was the food being served at the fundraiser to send a kid to weight loss school, and it's JUNK! That's not the right message...
  • mislove68
    mislove68 Posts: 240
    Its pretty sick! I have noticed while I am try to eat healthy people are always so judgmental. I hear oh come on 1 slice of pizza is not that bad. It makes you realize that those people just are jealous and dont really want you to succeed! Parents should know better they were the ones who made their kids fat. 15 and over 500 pounds. that made me very sad!
  • BamBam1113
    BamBam1113 Posts: 542 Member
    I think the problem is that the parents are uneducated about what to let their kids eat. That's how they got them there in the first place. Sending a kid to weight loss camp is just gonna be temporary unless you educate the parents too about healthy eating. They're just doing what they've always done.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Those people aren't doing anything wrong. Stop watching reality TV and feeding the maddness.

    The parents aren't doing anything wrong by not helping and being supportive of their kid?
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    What appalled me was the food being served at the fundraiser to send a kid to weight loss school, and it's JUNK! That's not the right message...

    Exactly! Why not try to make something healthy and try to be a bit more supportive?
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I think the problem is that the parents are uneducated about what to let their kids eat. That's how they got them there in the first place. Sending a kid to weight loss camp is just gonna be temporary unless you educate the parents too about healthy eating. They're just doing what they've always done.

    I agree with that. But when the kid comes home, shouldn''t they try to maybe change your ways? If their daughter goes away, and she loses 200 lbs, maybe her mother should say "Hmmm, maybe there's something I'm doing wrong here."
  • WhitneyW78
    WhitneyW78 Posts: 186 Member
    Tanisha is pretty much the most inspirational chica EVER! Love her! Despite her mother being a loser-tastic support system. Hayley and the other 17-year-old are pretty awesome too!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    ha it's like that for every child institution...the minute I sent my daycare kids home, armed with behavior strategies, the parent's just ruin it...I hated monday's because everything the children and I worked on all week was destroyed because the parent's were helping or being a team player. These parent's wanted their children's behavior issues solved, so they sent them to professionals (me) and I would work with the children, teaching coping skills and appropriate social behavior, but it has to be an ENTIRE team effort. I have a child that is coginitively impaired, and I let it be known to the teachers, daycare, principle, everyone in my child's life that we are a team, and that anything that happens to my child or is taught to my child will be taught by every single person in his life...that way he sees consistency and it improves his chances for success. The parents of these obese children are the reason why the children are obese...children adopt the lifestyle of their parents (obviously) getting them out of the environment they're in, they learn how to make appropriate choices, but has anyone taught them skills for when they're back in the environment? has anyone taught them what to say when mom is pushing desert down their throats? or when their stimulus kicks in the minute they walk through their house door?
  • amber_hanners
    amber_hanners Posts: 388 Member
    Those people aren't doing anything wrong. Stop watching reality TV and feeding the maddness.

    if ur gonna be rude why even post???
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Those people aren't doing anything wrong. Stop watching reality TV and feeding the maddness.

    if ur gonna be rude why even post???

    I agree, but eh, to each his own.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Heres the thing,reality tv is not very real.People are instructed to act a certine way because it gets the viewers more involved.I knew someone who participated in a reality documetary thing about drinking and family members were asked to drink in front of this person to create more drama for the show.
    It happens in every reality show they set things up for the drama and the people on the show are getting paid to be on so they go along.
    Not to say this kind of thing dosent happen but you got to take it with a grain of salt because reality tv is pretty staged
  • I hear ya Toots! I have to watch my sister do that exact thing with her 2 obese children and it drives me nuts! She loves them with food and I think when it comes down to it that is what those parents are trying to do. They don't know how else to show love so they just throw what they think might taste good at them. It's a sad thing to see but it's the reality of many many lives out there. I sometimes wish it could be recognized as a form of abuse so that we can get these kids the help they need to live healthy lives! Unfortunately these kids will repeat history when they become parents and that is what is going on in the world! As a parent myself, I can think of millions of things that I would rather do to show love to my children but that's not the case for so many others. I just try to be the best example I can be for anyone and everyone watching and hope that my actions will help change even the smallest of small wrongs.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Heres the thing,reality tv is not very real.People are instructed to act a certine way because it gets the viewers more involved.I knew someone who participated in a reality documetary thing about drinking and family members were asked to drink in front of this person to create more drama for the show.
    It happens in every reality show they set things up for the drama and the people on the show are getting paid to be on so they go along.
    Not to say this kind of thing dosent happen but you got to take it with a grain of salt because reality tv is pretty staged

    Said much nicer than the other poster up there. I am sure they are told to create drama, but I doubt it's hard to convince these parents to be that way. They don't look like the healthiest eaters or the most active people. I get what you're saying though.
  • 2littlebostons
    2littlebostons Posts: 24 Member
    Not having the support from your friends and family is the worst thing ever.
    I feel for those kids, so much.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    Definitely. Your parents should always be able to be counted on to be supportive and do what's right.
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    In my opinion it is abuse to feed a child so badly that it becomes that obese, the parents need to be prosecuted and forced to take on board the knowledge and face the issues. I get SO mad when I see obese children, it is not their fault and their parents are basically killing them. My pet hate. Rant over.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    That should be considered a form of child abuse/neglect!

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