
I found some Pilates videos lying around my house and was wondering what type of exercise are they considered as? Like if I wanted to focus on doing cardio-related exercises would they be relevant or irrelevant to what I'm going for?


  • bellawomenswellness
    bellawomenswellness Posts: 99 Member
    No probably not! More like strength for the core.
  • livbiv6
    livbiv6 Posts: 18
    This site seems to refer to it as cardio but it would be considered more of a strength training. My family is in the Pilates industry and so I asked them. Hope this helps! Pilates will help you strengthen your stabilizing muscles in order to prevent injury in many areas of your life. If you combine both then you are less likely to get injured by your cardio routines and there for able to go longer and harder! :D Good Luck!
  • alligator7lover
    Thanks guys :)