Hi...new here.

Just found this site by accident with a calorie counter search on Google and for an app for my iPhone.

It looks like just the thing I was looking for. I need to lose about 30 lbs.
I am tired of feeling so tired. I know it is from my diet and weight gain.

I hope to keep tracking and focused.
I have done weight loss and weight gain all my life ...I want to get to a healthy place and stay there.

Over the years I have been a 5 time graduate of WW and when I get to this place again I have 10 extra pounds added to what I originally started with.

I just turned 60 in Dec. and it is not getting any easier to get my metabolism to play along.

This seems like an extremely accountable place from what I am reading. :) so I am so happy to find you!

I'm Carol... BTW and live in MA.
nice to meet you!


  • catmandoodle
    Hi Carol, welcome aboard. I'm Carol too. I have been on this site since the end of January. when I was using it faithfully I did a great job. Then like sidetracked me. I am back now. Friend me if you would like. I will be 58 have about 100 pounds to lose and live in NY
  • lulu1962
    lulu1962 Posts: 210
    Welcome, Carol! This site is great! You can friend me if you'd like - Lori:bigsmile:
  • capricorn144
    capricorn144 Posts: 335 Member
    Thanks for the welcome.

    I need to really get serious about portion control, carb control and calorie reduction.
    The phone app is neat!

    have a great night!
  • pooma
    pooma Posts: 25 Member
    Welcome! I've ben here almost 4 weeks. Love this place!! And the friends I've made! Nebraska gal here. Gonna be 56 on the 22nd. TOtally relate to yo-yo weight and beat-up metabolism. GOod luck!!!!
  • amandayr
    amandayr Posts: 2 Member
    hi im amanda and im going on a big trip this summer and want to look and feel fit! ive never really dieted and have always tried to be active i just dont have the motivation to do it on my own!
  • alifer
    alifer Posts: 387 Member
    Welcome. I joined a month ago and I am still loving the site. I also found it by looking for a free app for my phone. It was exactly what I needed.
  • Leahcutie
    Leahcutie Posts: 24
    I'd love to have you as a "friend" on this site. I too, need to lose 30 pounds, and was a WW Lifetime member for several years.
  • Pamela90B
    Pamela90B Posts: 18 Member
    I found it the same way haha. total accident. I just joined a couple of days ago. and i LOVE it so far. I think it really keeps me on my toes.