For everyone recovering from an injury...

abbie017 Posts: 410
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
Eight years ago I suffered a trauamtic knee injury in a competitive coed soccer game. I tore several ligaments and tendons in my knee. Three years later, I was training for a marathon. It was the most amazing feeling - thinking that I would soon be running up Heartbreak Hill, past the Citgo sign, and into my hometown of Boston. Two months before the race, I blew out my knee in a skiing accident, tearing the same barely-healed injuries from before. I was rushed down the mountain on ski patrol...and knowing that was the end of the marathon. I couldn't feel the pain from my knee - it was only disappointment and anger that I was out of commission for the race.

Knee Surgery # 1 - should have fixed everything. After a few rounds of physical therapy and a lot of sweat and tears, I was back running again. Nothing like the running I did before, but I could run, and I could do it without intense pain.

Four years after that, I had my second knee surgery. The surgeon told me if I keep running, I'll be back for another surgery in two or three years, and a total reconstruction of my knee/knee replacement by the time I'm 30. (Abuse of the joints and genetics have given me very, very bad knees, apparently). Instead of taking this constructively, I shut off. I did the PT like I was supposed to, but that was it. When it was over, I stopped going to the gym. If there was no running, there was nothing for me to do. I was devastated. And I ate my way through that devastation, to acceptance, to complacency.

So here I am. I can't run, doctors orders. At least for now. I have to wear a brace when I do any exercises to keep my kneecap from popping out of place (gross, I know). But tonight, for the first time in a while, I was able to increase the weight on my leg press and calf press... I could handle higher weight. My knee is getting stronger. I'm stuck on the elliptical instead of a cross-country trail (so if anyone has any ideas on how to switch up some good workouts, let me know!), and I judge myself unfairly against people in the gym who can run. But I admit it...and I know with some really hard work (and some doctor supervison, I may be able to run again someday. Will I run the marathon? No one knows. But will I kick my butt into shape trying to get there? Hell yeah I will.

I guess I just wanted to throw this out there for anyone who is getting over any sort of injury and feeling down like I did. It's possible to move on, and adjust your workouts. Don't let the injury sideline you!


  • I know how you feel, but my problem was my ankle.
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    ronda_gettinghealthy Posts: 777 Member
    good post--I am still recovering from a broken heel and torn achilles- ugh- I see all these people who are running, walking, kick boxing and for 4 months I couldn't even put my foot on the ground--depression isnt even in it sometimes- but tried to speed it up a bit- body quickly shut that idea down- good luck to you- slow and steady is the way to go.
  • onawho
    onawho Posts: 196 Member
    at the end of January I broke my ankle in 4 places including dislocating my ankle off my leg all together. I have been non-weight bearing since. I had my screws removed this morning and I am looking forward to walking without crutches. along with the bone fractures I also ripped and tore soft tissue. I am a horse person, being a rider since I was 1 and I am also a zumba instructor, so I understand how it feels when a injury sets you back. the realistic POV that I may never ride well again, due to the shortening of my tendons down the back of my leg is heartbreaking. but I will, like you will continue to be active and do the things that we love.

    Stay strong my friend !
  • G'day Abbie, yeah I have suffered from a bad knee injury also with a couple of knee ops, I found taking either flaxseed oil or fish oil daily, it really helps with the soreness.
    It helps reduce inflamation, but won't stop the knee popping, but when the knee pops, it's alot faster to recover from.

    Also weight doesn't help with the joints lol, hence why we are reducing our weight.

    Comforting story, so good luck with exercising! And yeah, must find alternative ways to exercise while injured.
  • fishie77
    fishie77 Posts: 1 Member
    I torn my ankle 3 years ago and just recently rolled it severely enough for me to require crutches for the second time in my life. I started running today and I am in severe pain but your story has inspired me to push it!!! Thanks so much and keep at it.
  • abbie017
    abbie017 Posts: 410
    I torn my ankle 3 years ago and just recently rolled it severely enough for me to require crutches for the second time in my life. I started running today and I am in severe pain but your story has inspired me to push it!!! Thanks so much and keep at it.

    I'm glad I could inspire you somewhat! Please be careful though... there's good pain and bad pain. If you're pushing that injured ankle too hard too fast, you might end up doing more damage to begin with. Just don't give up. did you see a physical therapist who could give you some ideas on what's good and not good for getting back into some exercises? ellipticals are good for bad joints, and swimming is a crazy intense workout if you really put the effort in, but has such a small impact on joints you won't even feel it!

    And to everyone else, thank you for sharing your stories! I wish you all the best, and feel free to add me as a friend if you ever want a little push forward from someone who also knows real pain (because, we all know, joint pain is the WORST pain!)
  • annabellio
    annabellio Posts: 127 Member
    wow. I am not alone. I have an ankle injury I have dealt with my entire adult life. I injured it in a basketball game when I was 15 and it was so bad they had to cut off my high top chuck taylors...and all the while I was yelling put me back in. Well, out family doc thought I just sprained my ankle and even though I kept doing it over and over again and was in awesome shape playing soccer and basketball he didn't send me to an orthopedic surgeon (sp?) until 1 1/2 years later. At that point the doc told me and my parents that if I didn't have surgery , I would be sedentary all my life and even with surgery i still could be. Well I had surgery and I kept playing after i supposedly healed. By the time I reached college my ankle was rolling every time I did any kind of activity and I just was done for. For most of my adult ife if I excercised I rolled my anke so you can imagine the attitude I had about excercise at that point and I actually love to excercise. In retrospect , I think this contributed to my adult depression and until about 10 years ago i just gave up. After going to an eating disorders specialist (i have had 'em all) , I started excercising again in ways that wouldn't roll my ankle but I still would roll my ankle about 2 times per year. Sucky poo poo. I lost almost 90 lbs over about 5 years but then, in 2008 I lost my dream job due to budget cuts and I gained about 40 lbs back and just stopped again. I was depressed. SO about 6 months ago I started walking again (since anything else made my ankle pop out and it hurt to push it back) and I was getting better. Until Jan 18, 2011 when i missed a stair rolled and fractured my ankle. Oh , it hurt so much and I thought I won't even be able to walk now. well, I started walking (with a brace) as soon as the ortho let me and although it hurts now I am walking 6/7 days even if its hobble walking. And I know how it sucks. But I want to reach out to those of you with injuries for support but I want to be a source of support for you. I am determined to walk a 5k sometime this summer even if I have to hobble walk and along the way I hope I see your smiling faces.:smile:
  • aegira
    aegira Posts: 201 Member
    It is so nice to know that others feel like me at times.
    I was in a car wreck (the guy ran a red light and totalled me). I tore the nerves from my neck, damaged my shoulder and tendon damage in my wrists. At times I hate the fact that I feel so weak, especially when I look around the gym and see buffed and beautiful.
    But then I stop and think well I've lost 20kilos since December 2010, so far and I'll get rid of the next 20 soon enough. It helps sort of, unfortunately I'm not the most patient person and want results NOW!!! ha ha

    Good luck everyone =)
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