Low carb recipes

diloluke Posts: 13
edited September 2024 in Recipes
I'm looking for some low carb recipes...I'm getting tired of eating the same thing. Any ideas?


  • diloluke
    diloluke Posts: 13
  • reeldancer
    reeldancer Posts: 156 Member
    breakfast is hard for me. I start my day at 5:30 and work out around 6:00. I make my husband breakfast at 6:30 then I clean up and make kids lunches, they come down at 7:00. I feed my kids at 7:15. they leave at 7:50. I shower at 8:00 and leave by 9:00 usually with an atkins shake in my hand :)

    lunches are typically a bed of lettuce with the meat from the might before. i like a variety of dressings so i keep it interesting

    snacks are usually green tea with one of the following - a serving of nuts or cheese or celery and hummus or celery with peanut butter or a slice of low carb bread and almond butter with flax seeds or hard boiled egg.

    dinner i plan a week in advance so i have what i need in the house and plan it according to afternoon sports schedules.

    tomorrow i'll have some sort of fish (I live at the ocean and get it fresh at the market)
    tonight: roast beef, steamed green beans and brussel sprouts sauteed in butter.
    last night: miracle noodles with homemade alfredo sauce and a caesar salad
    tuesday: grilled lamb chop with indian spices and spinach
    monday: roasted chicken with zucchini, red pepper and pesto salad

    Don't be a stranger. there doesn't seem to be a lot of low carb people.

  • reeldancer
    reeldancer Posts: 156 Member
    @robertag - great links. i had been to genaw before but not yourlighterside. thanks for sharing!
  • diloluke
    diloluke Posts: 13
    just curious..what are miracle noodles?
  • reeldancer
    reeldancer Posts: 156 Member
    i get them online


    if they are all you can have - they are great. you have to get past a smell when you open them but it goes away once you rinse them and dry them. there is also a miracle rice but it is back ordered.
  • diloluke
    diloluke Posts: 13
    wow!!! I have to try these..Thanks :-)
  • RocknnRobin
    RocknnRobin Posts: 20 Member
    My husband does low carb, while I'm more a 'calorie counter', so I try and fix meals that will fit his requirements and still not be unhealthy for myself.

    One of my favorites is to make a meat-vegetable-rice dish, and substitute cauliflower for the rice. You can create tons of great Chinese, Indian and Mexican dishes this way.
    For example: my Low Carb Indian Butter chicken includes a pound of lean white chicken, two heads of cauliflower steamed, a pack of 'Taste of India' Butter chicken spices and a tbsp of Ghee. One cauliflower gets chopped and added into the chicken, and the other I run through my food processor to make 'rice sized bits'. I don't miss the regular rice at all, and it's lower calories, more fiber--bonus!
  • reeldancer
    reeldancer Posts: 156 Member
    cauliflower is great. we also use it as a mashed potato substitute.
  • diloluke
    diloluke Posts: 13
    Do you cook the cauliflower and then puree it to make a mashed potato consistency?
  • reeldancer
    reeldancer Posts: 156 Member
    if you cook it well it becomes really tender and you can mash it by hand or with a food processor. I usually do it by hand (less clean up afterwards).

    do you typically eat low carb? we have a gluten free child and that is what lead up to a low carb lifestyle for the rest of us. do you know anything about paleo lifestyle? or clean eating?
  • reeldancer
    reeldancer Posts: 156 Member
    wow -- thanks for the links.

    we are lucky to live in a quaint small town where the pizza shop ordered gluten free crusts they keep in the freezer so my daughter can have a take out pizza if she wants.
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