New to this!! :)

Ok well I am 20 years old, and I have been wanting to lose weight since I got out of high school! I am 5'2'' and weigh 160lbs thats the highest I have ever weighed, when I was in high school I weighed from 125-135 it always ranged in between those numbers, and now all I wish is to get back to those same numbers, I no longer want to see 160 on the scale :( Ive tried dieting and I have managed to lose 10-12lbs but I gain back all the weight again. But now I am going to try this website and see if this can help me lose weight and stay at that same weight. My goal is to lose 30 lbs I really want to acheive this goal of mine. I am tired of getting so many comments of how fat I have gotten. There has been so many people out there that have told me so many mean things. I just dont understand why I have gotten so many rude comments, I am not the first person in this world to gain 30lbs, so why do I deserve all this crap from people. But its all those people whom I am going to prove that yes I gained a **** load of weight but YES I CAN ALSO LOSE IT! :) I am also doing it for myself though, dont get me wrong. I am a young person and I dont want my weight to become a problem when I get older, get married, and or have kids.


  • KendraElmendorf
    KendraElmendorf Posts: 837 Member
    I feel like i am in the same boat. If you want you can friend me and we can support each other
  • shortstuffe33
    Hello Monita,

    I am 33 years old and this is the heaviest I have been in my whole life. I know how you feel. People that have known me for a long time always say how fat I have gotten in the last few years, especially my family and it really pisses me off. This site is great and you will get plenty of support and encouragement. Good luck to you in your journey!
  • carmenf21
    carmenf21 Posts: 40 Member

    Really, feels good to know that I am not the only one feeling like this and that someone understands how much it really sucks, but I am willing to do what it takes to lose these 30 lbs! :)

    By the way I loved those quotes! They are very encouraging!
  • carmenf21
    carmenf21 Posts: 40 Member

    omg, my family members are usually the ones whom i get the comments from too. And even though my mom doesnt say anything to me, just by her comments I realize how much my mom wishes that I wouldnt have gained those lbs. It just sucks, and there is times when I feel so motivated to lose those lbs but then give up :(. To make matters worst i have a nickname which my whole family calls me like that since I was a child, its 'flaca' meaning skinny in english. Since they are so used to calling me like that, I really get embarassed when they call me flaca around other people (since i am not skinny at all). And i am so glad to have found this website! It makes me feel great seeing others so motivated to accomplish the same goal as I have.
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    Hello Monita,

    WELCOME!!!! I'm old enough to be your mom, but am now at maintenance, so maybe have some tips you can use. I lost (and have kept off) 60+ pounds about five years ago.

    When I started this journey, my doctor sent me to a dietician. He was concerned because my blood sugar was elevated, as was my cholesterol levels due to me quitting taking my medication due to leg issues (on my own, cold-turkey....maybe not the smartest thing). Anyway, the dietician told me three things, basically:
    1. Write down everything you eat (easy to do at this site--I did it in a small notebook).
    2. Watch your portion sizes (I did buy a food scale).
    3. Keep your total "carbs" to 15 or under daily. In her world, a "carb" was 15 grams of if you read labels, a slice of bread is about a "carb" because it is about 15 grams.

    Anyway, I thought she was a exact thoughts were, "This will never make any difference." Well, five years and -60+ pounds, I'm here to tell you that it did. :smile: That, and walking, walking, walking. I try to walk 25+ miles a week, and have a goal of 1800 miles for this year. I walked over 1600 last year.

    I started my journey at 197 pounds, lost 75, gained 22, and have lost 12 of that. I am currently at 135, and would like to range between 130 and 135.

    This is a journey, and weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint. You didn't put the weight on overnight, so don't expect it to come off quickly. If you lose slowly and steadily, there is a greater chance that you will keep the weight off.

    Good luck!