How do you make your will to stop eating stronger then the w

Hi, I joined about 6 months ago and did the entrys for approx 3 days and I now got back on here for the past 4 days and I have been so good until today, I found myself sabotaging my own thoughts this morning in the car thinking about all the bad things I could have for lunch and ordered a chicken schnitzel roll with cheese and mayo. I feel so ill and guilty now.

How can I stop myself, how do you build up the strength to say no to everything your brain is telling you. This is why I always fail in diets my thoughts take me to all the food I love then I can not stop myself.

If any one could please help with some advice I would be forever greatfull.



  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    I remind myself of my motto:

    If you really want it, you will find a way. If you don't, you'll find EVERY excuse.

    Then I remember all the excuses I used and gained the weight in the 1st place.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Hi Kylie,

    Everything in life is about making choices. Sure I slip up every now and then make horrid choices, but I make sure I am right back to my usual good choices at the next meal or the next day. I try to think of food as a bank ... sounds stupid but I know if I make poor choices I am going to have to increase my activity. Sometimes this is easy and worth it... like this week I am really having a hard time making good choices because the race is Sunday and I will burn off everything... and I am supposed to carb load... but otherwise on an average day I think... Ok if I planned on running 4 miles... but I ate this brownie that I dont have calories for.... so I either have to run 6 miles or skip the brownie. Sometimes I decided its not worth it... soemtimes its totally worth it!
  • alitarose
    alitarose Posts: 103 Member
    I have found a support group here that has really been a help. I weigh with them once a week and we keep in touch. That and this site I feel will help me make it to goal and keep it off this time! Best wishes! Friend me if you like, we can encourage each other!
  • aflane
    aflane Posts: 625 Member
    There's a difference about THINKING about having bad foods, and actually EATING them. Last week, all I could think about was a Big Mac and an order of McD's french fries. Did I run out and get them? No. I ate my chicken and veggies that I packed in the morning for my lunch.

    Just say to yourself... am I a 4 yr old with no will power? or an adult? And if the 4 yr old wins the argument, log the calories in your food diary and continue onwards.
  • silver14200
    I allow myself to eat whatever I want. However, I must track every single thing I put in my mouth. Eventually I found that if i didn't want to track it I didn't want to eat it. It was a process and frankly somedays I still eat things that put me over my calorie goals....but i still track it no matter what.
  • Hsanders3961
    Hsanders3961 Posts: 245 Member
    All the above is great advice. I feel it is also important to let yourself have some of those cravings EVERY NOW AND THEN. Yesterday, I had been craving Buffalo Wild Wings for forever and finally gave in. I ate it in moderation and just upped my workout that evening....the scale actually dropped 1lb this morning afterwards! We are all different but you sounds sort of like me...if I fully deprive myself of everything I love, I would give up--plain and simple. Just know that when you do make those splurges that you should make up for them....its all about balance.
  • Behavioral
    Okay, I am a very naughty person. I love wine and I love fatty food. I've decided that i have will power in the mornings, so I take it easy until lunch. Then at lunch, I go to the gym. I try to burn at least 750 calories on the elliptical. Then I can use those calories for the rest of the day. Usually, i can't eat much after working out, so lunch tends to be smaller. I save those calories to drink wine later and to have a favority meal at supper. Sometimes I work out again after work to have enough calories. I allow myself to eat anything or drink anything as long as I've earned the calories first. cheating, gotta earn them b4 you use them. That's been the trick for me so far. We'll see if I'm able to keep it going.
  • liquidsunsine
    That's one of the hardest things to do. I'm having to relearn how to listen to my body. My head says eat, this looks good, that sounds good, and ect. The key thing that works for me is to pay attention to my entire body. Am I actually hungry or does it just sound good. Is my stomach asking for food, or is it my brain? If its my brain, I tell it no and I tell myself I don't need it. That I'm not even hungry then I reach for a piece of gum. It takes some getting used to, but you should be able to turn off the brain part of it in a few weeks. Like I said, you have to retrain your body. You can do it. Hang in there.
  • tobitude
    tobitude Posts: 89 Member
    I am right there with ya, all I ever think about is food all the time!! It is not easy and i find the more honest I am with myself the better off I am.!!! I love to eat all the wrong things and admit that I am addicted to the flavor of food!! The best thing I can tell you is you need to take a moment and really look at yourself, stand in front of the mirror and really look at you inside and out and ask yourself if this is who you really are and if this is who you want to be. Self actualization is the only way you can beat this. I am not perfect all the time and I will never be, I just have to remember that I am able to get back up when I fall and I can fix my issues. I know what you are going through and if you need someone to talk to to cry to or to just blow of steam feel free to friend me.

    Nothing ever comes east that is actually worth having!!
  • reikimastertchr
    That was ALWAYS my issue in the past, however this time my WILL came when I was diagnoised with diabetes... abnormal liver enzymes.. high cholesterol ...etc... I decided I would NOT be put on anymore medications (on HBP meds, Thyroid Meds and Allergy Meds)~~!!!! Since I began I've lost 25 pounds and my doctor is willing to keep me off any more meds so long as I continue doing as well as I have. I MUST SAY, I FEEL THE BEST I have in YEARS!!! I am able to do things without being out of breath, play with my grandchildren, go for walks with my daughter... and exercise without cringing... You need to begin placing VALUE on your life!! When you put things into perspective, you'll begin grocery shopping and see others buying those things you always craved...and wonder WHY IN HECK YOU EVER... allowed yourself to eat them... My mindset now, is I WANT TO LIVE...and not just exist... Blessings and Hope that you will be able to look within and SEE your REAL will... Besides, you found MFP because you WANTED / NEEDED it... TRUST in yourself and KNOW you are WORTH it!!!