Another Colorado Hi

debholm Posts: 6
edited September 26 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone. I am new to this sight, but definitely not new to trying to lose pounds. I am married, have 5 kids (3 adopted) and work as a special ed para in a middle school. I must say I have enjoyed reading the posts from so many people. Everyone is so positive and supportive. It has been very easy to come home and get all my meals posted and see where I'm at calorie and nutrition wise every day. My sister told me about this sight and it has been fun being able to keep up with each other and help keep each other on track, even though I am quite a few laps behind her. I look forward to reading posts and chatting with you all.


  • mmelaragno
    mmelaragno Posts: 162
    Welcome!! This site is great, so motivating!!! I'm glad your sister told you about it ;)
  • PeaceMe
    PeaceMe Posts: 53 Member
    Welcome! I live in Colorado too! You're right, this is an awesome place for support, encouragement and fun!
    Good Luck on your journey (it really has nothing to do with luck though) Feel free to add a fellow Coloradoan
  • HiJam
    HiJam Posts: 22
    Welcome, welcome, welcome! You will find lots of support and non-judgmental people around here! I'm in Colorado too - Denver to be specific!
  • tobrocker
    tobrocker Posts: 21 Member
    Also in Colorado. Springs area. I've been using MFP for a few days and I love it. I'm doing it with several girlfriends and it has been so awesome to have the support of my friends! If you need another friend on MFP please feel free to add me! :) Keep at it! Everyday is a new start!
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    I live in Lakewood. I'd love to have some more CO friends on MFP!
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